1 00:00:02,000 --> 00:00:07,000 Downloaded from YTS.MX 2 00:00:08,000 --> 00:00:13,000 Official YIFY movies site: YTS.MX 3 00:00:20,812 --> 00:00:22,772 [birds calling] 4 00:00:28,862 --> 00:00:32,949 [narrator] Disneynature's Tiger tells the story of a young tigress 5 00:00:33,033 --> 00:00:36,911 raising her four cubs in the jungles of India. 6 00:00:41,166 --> 00:00:43,001 This film reveals what happens 7 00:00:43,084 --> 00:00:45,795 when those cubs leave their mother's side 8 00:00:45,879 --> 00:00:49,090 and head off to find territories of their own. 9 00:00:52,552 --> 00:00:54,888 In the forest reserve where they live, 10 00:00:54,971 --> 00:00:59,142 tiger numbers have doubled in the last 15 years. 11 00:01:00,185 --> 00:01:02,979 And now, they're running out of space. 12 00:01:05,398 --> 00:01:09,319 So young tigers must leave the safety of these sanctuaries. 13 00:01:10,695 --> 00:01:13,239 And enter a new world... 14 00:01:15,450 --> 00:01:17,577 shared with people. 15 00:01:21,039 --> 00:01:23,124 There are many challenges to face... 16 00:01:25,168 --> 00:01:26,628 [truck honking] 17 00:01:30,715 --> 00:01:33,384 ...but some tigers are learning to adapt. 18 00:01:38,890 --> 00:01:42,977 Fortunately, there are people out there trying to help them. 19 00:01:46,356 --> 00:01:48,483 While making Disneynature's Tiger, 20 00:01:48,566 --> 00:01:52,362 the crew teamed up with a group of exceptionally dedicated individuals, 21 00:01:53,780 --> 00:01:58,159 finding ways for people and tigers to co-exist. 22 00:02:02,372 --> 00:02:03,706 [laughing] 23 00:02:08,294 --> 00:02:10,338 [♪ emotional music playing] 24 00:02:18,471 --> 00:02:21,599 [birds calling in distance] 25 00:02:29,858 --> 00:02:32,443 They're the world's most loved animal. 26 00:02:37,866 --> 00:02:39,159 Majestic... 27 00:02:41,786 --> 00:02:42,871 but elusive. 28 00:02:46,416 --> 00:02:48,710 It's hard enough to see a tiger... 29 00:02:50,253 --> 00:02:52,422 much less film one. 30 00:02:56,718 --> 00:02:58,469 For Disneynature's Tiger, 31 00:02:58,553 --> 00:03:02,807 the camera team spent over 1,500 days in the jungles of India, 32 00:03:03,725 --> 00:03:06,144 filming over five years. 33 00:03:13,943 --> 00:03:15,987 Their patience has paid off, 34 00:03:17,363 --> 00:03:20,617 capturing some of the rarest moments of tiger life. 35 00:03:21,492 --> 00:03:24,120 [growls] 36 00:03:26,122 --> 00:03:31,461 For some scenes, the team goes to extraordinary lengths to get the shots. 37 00:03:33,922 --> 00:03:35,882 While the tiger heads out for a drink, 38 00:03:37,425 --> 00:03:40,094 the crew pops in to check their remote cameras. 39 00:03:43,389 --> 00:03:44,891 It's a tense moment... 40 00:03:45,892 --> 00:03:47,268 but it's worth it. 41 00:03:50,939 --> 00:03:54,400 It's rolling around like a kitten. That's amazing. 42 00:04:00,990 --> 00:04:04,702 [narrator] Some of the other animals can get a little too friendly. 43 00:04:04,786 --> 00:04:05,787 Excuse me. 44 00:04:06,913 --> 00:04:08,539 Excuse me, Mr. Treepie. 45 00:04:10,375 --> 00:04:11,376 Ooh. 46 00:04:12,126 --> 00:04:15,880 [narrator] The hidden cameras are only designed to be tiger-proof. 47 00:04:16,589 --> 00:04:17,757 [elephant grunting] 48 00:04:19,926 --> 00:04:21,427 [grunting] 49 00:04:23,429 --> 00:04:26,516 [camera clanking] 50 00:04:26,599 --> 00:04:29,852 This camera's life is trunk-ated. 51 00:04:29,936 --> 00:04:31,020 [shattering] 52 00:04:33,648 --> 00:04:35,358 Yeah, bit of tape and that would be fine. 53 00:04:35,441 --> 00:04:38,695 [team chuckling] 54 00:04:38,778 --> 00:04:40,780 [♪ uplifting music playing] 55 00:04:42,907 --> 00:04:45,660 [narrator] Two of the many camera people involved in the movie 56 00:04:45,743 --> 00:04:48,913 are Indian filmmakers Pooja Rathod 57 00:04:49,622 --> 00:04:51,082 and Kalyan Varma. 58 00:04:55,086 --> 00:04:57,213 [Pooja] Tigers are secretive by nature. 59 00:04:58,715 --> 00:05:01,134 They will only show themselves if they want to be seen. 60 00:05:08,349 --> 00:05:10,351 The tiger is like a ghost in the forest. 61 00:05:12,979 --> 00:05:14,314 You'd be seeing it for a minute, 62 00:05:14,397 --> 00:05:17,108 and the next moment, it would camouflage so beautifully. 63 00:05:17,775 --> 00:05:20,069 And because of its stripes and the way it moves, 64 00:05:21,404 --> 00:05:23,072 it can disappear so quickly. 65 00:05:26,326 --> 00:05:28,661 [Kalyan] Filming tigers, first of all, you need to find them. 66 00:05:30,496 --> 00:05:32,373 There are many days you just don't see tigers. 67 00:05:33,458 --> 00:05:35,460 And you need to be waiting for that perfect moment, 68 00:05:35,543 --> 00:05:38,546 be there with your camera running at the right angle. 69 00:05:39,839 --> 00:05:43,176 I really think tigers are the hardest species in the world to film. 70 00:05:46,179 --> 00:05:50,266 [narrator] Pooja and Kalyan have spent many days filming one tigress 71 00:05:50,850 --> 00:05:52,685 and have earned her trust. 72 00:06:03,654 --> 00:06:05,740 [Pooja whispers] There's one cub there and the mother's below. 73 00:06:12,622 --> 00:06:16,000 We're just watching a tigress with her cubs right there. 74 00:06:22,715 --> 00:06:25,968 She's allowed us so close, which is very, very unusual for a tigress 75 00:06:26,052 --> 00:06:29,722 because they're generally secretive and very careful when they have cubs 76 00:06:29,806 --> 00:06:32,392 as young as they are, they're about six to eight months. 77 00:06:35,978 --> 00:06:40,149 The cubs are playing and she's absolutely unbothered by our presence. 78 00:06:42,902 --> 00:06:44,612 It's a very exciting moment. 79 00:06:45,238 --> 00:06:47,907 Isn't it just nice to be sitting here 80 00:06:47,990 --> 00:06:49,909 when they're sleeping right in front of us? 81 00:06:52,161 --> 00:06:54,163 [♪ mellow music playing] 82 00:06:59,252 --> 00:07:01,838 [birds chirping] 83 00:07:06,134 --> 00:07:08,469 [grumbles softly] 84 00:07:10,805 --> 00:07:13,683 [Kalyan] But imagine the amount of work that she's doing, right? 85 00:07:13,766 --> 00:07:18,187 She has to hunt, she has to feed all these cubs. 86 00:07:18,271 --> 00:07:19,981 She's really a super mom. 87 00:07:22,358 --> 00:07:27,780 Seeing a mother with cubs is so, so rare in the wild and up close. 88 00:07:27,864 --> 00:07:30,950 It's just, yeah, it's... it's a privilege. 89 00:07:35,788 --> 00:07:39,792 [narrator] Over two years, the crew watched the cubs growing up 90 00:07:39,876 --> 00:07:41,127 before their eyes. 91 00:07:44,964 --> 00:07:48,426 At first, they're a bit unsteady on their paws. 92 00:07:50,595 --> 00:07:52,638 [♪ playful music playing] 93 00:07:53,306 --> 00:07:54,390 [cub whining] 94 00:07:58,186 --> 00:08:02,732 As the cubs grow, they learn the ways of the jungle. 95 00:08:04,442 --> 00:08:07,320 They discover which animals they can hunt... 96 00:08:13,701 --> 00:08:15,578 [bird cawing] 97 00:08:16,287 --> 00:08:19,499 …and which ones are not worth the effort. 98 00:08:24,795 --> 00:08:26,214 This unique footage 99 00:08:26,297 --> 00:08:30,843 paints the most intimate portrait of tiger family life ever captured. 100 00:08:31,344 --> 00:08:34,138 [♪ uplifting music playing] 101 00:08:46,234 --> 00:08:51,489 For Pooja and Kalyan, the toughest moment is watching the cubs head off. 102 00:08:55,493 --> 00:08:59,288 At 18 months, it's time to leave their mother's side 103 00:08:59,372 --> 00:09:02,041 and find a territory of their own. 104 00:09:11,884 --> 00:09:13,928 [Pooja] As a cameraperson filming tigers 105 00:09:14,011 --> 00:09:17,431 and following a particular cub for so long, 106 00:09:17,515 --> 00:09:20,977 it's... it's very hard to not get attached to an individual. 107 00:09:22,645 --> 00:09:25,231 You see the cub when it's two months old, 108 00:09:27,817 --> 00:09:31,279 and then you see it grow to almost a year and a half, 109 00:09:34,240 --> 00:09:37,451 and then one fine day, you know that cub is going to leave. 110 00:09:38,452 --> 00:09:40,454 [♪ slow gentle music playing] 111 00:09:51,924 --> 00:09:54,510 [Pooja] I really feel emotional. 112 00:09:55,511 --> 00:09:58,180 I just hope that he makes it wherever he goes. 113 00:10:00,600 --> 00:10:02,602 [♪ dramatic music playing] 114 00:10:17,658 --> 00:10:21,746 [narrator] The number of young tigers searching for new territory is rising. 115 00:10:26,292 --> 00:10:27,918 Thanks to increased protection, 116 00:10:28,919 --> 00:10:34,592 there are now over 3,600 tigers across 54 reserves, 117 00:10:36,385 --> 00:10:39,138 but space in these is limited. 118 00:10:42,850 --> 00:10:47,188 So a third of India's tigers must live outside protected areas. 119 00:10:51,067 --> 00:10:57,156 Here, they find less wild prey, but plenty of easy meals. 120 00:10:58,282 --> 00:11:01,744 [cowbell ringing] 121 00:11:06,415 --> 00:11:08,709 And that's bad news for farmers. 122 00:11:14,173 --> 00:11:16,801 But there are simple things that can be done to help, 123 00:11:16,884 --> 00:11:18,719 and there's someone who's willing to try. 124 00:11:19,220 --> 00:11:21,222 [♪ cheerful music playing] 125 00:11:24,183 --> 00:11:28,354 Dr. Bilal Habib from the Wildlife Institute of India 126 00:11:28,437 --> 00:11:31,607 is the scientific consultant for Disneynature's Tiger. 127 00:11:34,026 --> 00:11:36,404 He's one of the country's top tiger experts 128 00:11:36,987 --> 00:11:38,698 and loves solving problems. 129 00:11:41,742 --> 00:11:44,870 Bilal has come to Maharashtra in central India, 130 00:11:45,538 --> 00:11:47,415 the heart of Tiger country. 131 00:11:50,292 --> 00:11:52,837 [Bilal] This is a place where there's a lot of conflict. 132 00:11:53,838 --> 00:11:55,589 A lot of cattle are being killed, 133 00:11:56,090 --> 00:11:59,385 and these cattle are actually lifeline for these villagers 134 00:11:59,468 --> 00:12:00,845 because it's their livelihood. 135 00:12:02,722 --> 00:12:05,850 [narrator] Today, Bilal is testing out his latest idea... 136 00:12:08,185 --> 00:12:10,271 once he makes it through the traffic. 137 00:12:11,147 --> 00:12:12,648 [car honking] 138 00:12:14,150 --> 00:12:15,317 [cow mooing] 139 00:12:15,401 --> 00:12:19,905 It's an unusual approach to help cut the number of cows lost to tigers. 140 00:12:21,824 --> 00:12:25,202 [background chatter] 141 00:12:26,245 --> 00:12:30,708 Sometimes, you only find the way forward, by looking behind. 142 00:12:31,792 --> 00:12:32,918 [cow mooing] 143 00:12:33,002 --> 00:12:34,920 [background chatter] 144 00:12:40,718 --> 00:12:45,264 Bilal and his team are painting eyes on cows' tail ends 145 00:12:46,182 --> 00:12:48,267 while trying not to get kicked. 146 00:12:48,851 --> 00:12:50,352 [Bilal speaking Hindi] 147 00:12:51,187 --> 00:12:52,354 [painter in Hindi] Careful. 148 00:12:53,022 --> 00:12:54,023 [cow mooing] 149 00:12:54,106 --> 00:12:55,191 Be careful. 150 00:12:59,195 --> 00:13:02,406 Keep it bright with red. 151 00:13:08,412 --> 00:13:09,872 Draw a black dot inside the eye 152 00:13:09,955 --> 00:13:11,749 to make it look like a cow's round eye. 153 00:13:12,625 --> 00:13:13,751 [painter] Like this? 154 00:13:14,794 --> 00:13:17,296 - We all have different ideas. - [laughter] 155 00:13:20,174 --> 00:13:22,384 [narrator in English] It's hoped the eyes will fool tigers 156 00:13:22,468 --> 00:13:25,137 into thinking they're being watched. 157 00:13:30,392 --> 00:13:34,480 Bilal and his crew have now painted hundreds of rear-ends, 158 00:13:37,942 --> 00:13:40,152 and it seems to be working. 159 00:13:42,571 --> 00:13:45,574 The number of attacks has fallen dramatically. 160 00:13:49,578 --> 00:13:52,998 There's a village where one of the tigers was very active 161 00:13:53,374 --> 00:13:57,878 and people have lost most of the cattle to that particular individual. 162 00:13:58,879 --> 00:14:05,094 As soon as we painted the cattle with eyes, this tiger immediately shifted. 163 00:14:05,803 --> 00:14:09,473 Probably, tiger realized that there's cattle now 164 00:14:09,557 --> 00:14:11,141 who can see on both sides, 165 00:14:11,225 --> 00:14:14,311 who can see from the front and who can see from the back. 166 00:14:17,606 --> 00:14:20,234 And the next time when we went to that village, 167 00:14:20,317 --> 00:14:23,404 every person came with cattle for painting. 168 00:14:23,487 --> 00:14:26,574 They said, "Oh, please paint our cattle. It's good. It's helping us." 169 00:14:29,618 --> 00:14:32,997 [narrator] Bilal now plans to roll out this simple idea 170 00:14:33,080 --> 00:14:35,165 across the whole of India. 171 00:14:38,586 --> 00:14:39,962 [cow mooing] 172 00:14:42,339 --> 00:14:43,924 For the last ten years, 173 00:14:44,008 --> 00:14:47,011 Bilal has also been involved with another project, 174 00:14:47,094 --> 00:14:49,805 but on a very different scale. 175 00:14:50,306 --> 00:14:51,765 [indistinct chattering] 176 00:14:51,849 --> 00:14:54,685 He's come with Disney's cameraman Kalyan 177 00:14:54,768 --> 00:14:58,814 and remote camera expert Suman Raju to check on its progress. 178 00:15:01,692 --> 00:15:03,485 It all started a decade ago 179 00:15:03,569 --> 00:15:06,822 when Bilal was asked to solve a major problem. 180 00:15:11,785 --> 00:15:14,413 Young tigers looking for a new territory 181 00:15:14,496 --> 00:15:17,416 struggle to find their way between reserves, 182 00:15:18,083 --> 00:15:20,753 which are often hundreds of miles apart. 183 00:15:23,714 --> 00:15:26,133 They face many obstacles on their journey… 184 00:15:30,054 --> 00:15:32,306 [train honking] 185 00:15:39,188 --> 00:15:43,734 ...but there's one barrier that's toughest of all. 186 00:15:48,197 --> 00:15:49,406 Highways. 187 00:15:50,658 --> 00:15:53,827 [trucks honking] 188 00:15:53,911 --> 00:15:55,871 [growls] 189 00:16:00,834 --> 00:16:02,836 Built over a hundred years ago, 190 00:16:02,920 --> 00:16:06,674 the NH44 is India's oldest highway, 191 00:16:08,050 --> 00:16:11,428 spanning the length of the entire country. 192 00:16:14,473 --> 00:16:15,557 [Bilal] We have roads. 193 00:16:15,641 --> 00:16:17,309 We have a lot of traffic 194 00:16:18,268 --> 00:16:20,646 which actually make it impossible 195 00:16:21,105 --> 00:16:24,274 for these animals to go from one place to other place. 196 00:16:26,610 --> 00:16:29,571 [narrator] Some tigers travel thousands of miles, 197 00:16:31,156 --> 00:16:32,741 but when they meet the highway... 198 00:16:34,493 --> 00:16:35,703 they have to turn back. 199 00:16:38,330 --> 00:16:40,332 [♪ somber music playing] 200 00:16:47,381 --> 00:16:49,425 Bilal's solution was simple, 201 00:16:51,844 --> 00:16:56,598 to lift the road up to allow the tigers to travel underneath, 202 00:16:57,516 --> 00:16:59,768 creating a wildlife corridor. 203 00:17:02,563 --> 00:17:06,483 It cost two and a half billion dollars. 204 00:17:07,943 --> 00:17:10,571 It's the world's biggest wildlife underpass 205 00:17:11,697 --> 00:17:14,616 with nine elevated sections. 206 00:17:16,577 --> 00:17:19,872 And it's saving the lives of countless tigers. 207 00:17:19,955 --> 00:17:21,957 [♪ uplifting music playing] 208 00:17:26,045 --> 00:17:31,258 [Bilal] When I stand there and look on those massive structures 209 00:17:32,718 --> 00:17:35,137 which our country has built for the tigers 210 00:17:35,220 --> 00:17:38,098 to walk from one side of the forest to the other side, 211 00:17:38,182 --> 00:17:40,225 it really feels emotional. 212 00:17:44,646 --> 00:17:47,024 [narrator] Kalyan and Suman have been capturing 213 00:17:47,107 --> 00:17:50,527 close-up shots of tigers using the underpass. 214 00:17:52,613 --> 00:17:53,906 [Suman] Wow. 215 00:17:53,989 --> 00:17:55,616 - Amazing, yeah? - [Suman] Yeah. 216 00:17:57,284 --> 00:18:01,497 [narrator] There are now over 200 tiger crossings every year. 217 00:18:05,959 --> 00:18:08,921 So imagine that vehicles going on top 218 00:18:09,588 --> 00:18:13,467 and there are tigers which are moving beneath these vehicles, 219 00:18:15,385 --> 00:18:18,514 and neither the lorry drivers nor the tigers know 220 00:18:18,597 --> 00:18:21,016 they are at the same place at the same time. 221 00:18:21,100 --> 00:18:24,812 So that's what the dream was and it's, it's, it's amazing. 222 00:18:31,610 --> 00:18:33,278 [Pooja] So I think she walked on this path. 223 00:18:33,362 --> 00:18:34,655 [Suman] Exactly same trail. 224 00:18:36,365 --> 00:18:41,578 [narrator] Pooja has come to help Suman capture footage of a very special tigress. 225 00:18:46,792 --> 00:18:49,169 - [Pooja] Amazing vantage point for her. - [Suman] Absolutely, 226 00:18:49,253 --> 00:18:52,005 and this is the best place to set up the camera trap. 227 00:18:53,882 --> 00:18:56,218 [narrator] What's unusual about this tigress... 228 00:18:57,511 --> 00:18:59,930 is that she lives in a city. 229 00:19:01,348 --> 00:19:03,267 Bhopal in Central India. 230 00:19:03,809 --> 00:19:06,603 Home to 2.5 million people. 231 00:19:09,398 --> 00:19:10,774 [honking] 232 00:19:11,608 --> 00:19:16,488 Like any modern city, by day, it's a noisy bustling metropolis. 233 00:19:16,572 --> 00:19:18,532 [honking] 234 00:19:22,286 --> 00:19:25,372 But as most of the town's inhabitants head home, 235 00:19:25,914 --> 00:19:28,458 another resident is heading out. 236 00:19:31,420 --> 00:19:34,756 In a patch of forest that extends into the middle of the city, 237 00:19:36,633 --> 00:19:40,387 a young tigress is patrolling her territory. 238 00:19:47,144 --> 00:19:48,729 [motorbike revving, honking] 239 00:19:50,856 --> 00:19:53,358 In the seven years she's lived here, 240 00:19:53,442 --> 00:19:56,862 she's figured out how to live alongside people. 241 00:20:05,329 --> 00:20:07,956 This tigress is pretty much a resident of the city, 242 00:20:08,290 --> 00:20:09,958 but she's an invisible resident. 243 00:20:11,710 --> 00:20:13,253 She's crossing fences, 244 00:20:13,337 --> 00:20:15,672 she's walking on roads, she's in farmlands, 245 00:20:15,756 --> 00:20:17,424 but she's never seen by anyone. 246 00:20:17,507 --> 00:20:20,761 And that just shows an incredible adaptation. 247 00:20:20,844 --> 00:20:22,930 She's perfected that skill of avoiding people 248 00:20:23,013 --> 00:20:26,516 and it's amazing that in all the years that she's been here, 249 00:20:26,600 --> 00:20:29,811 she hasn't hurt anyone and she's just going about her life. 250 00:20:32,314 --> 00:20:34,733 [narrator] The tigress only travels at night 251 00:20:35,484 --> 00:20:39,279 and returns to her cave before the city wakes up. 252 00:20:48,413 --> 00:20:52,000 Suman has been following this tigress for two years. 253 00:20:53,043 --> 00:20:57,422 His data is helping the forest department to understand how she lives. 254 00:21:00,634 --> 00:21:01,927 Suman was drawn here 255 00:21:02,010 --> 00:21:05,514 by the idea of documenting the lifestyle of an urban tiger. 256 00:21:05,597 --> 00:21:07,182 You see, I'm just gonna walk. 257 00:21:07,266 --> 00:21:09,309 Yeah, you sit there so that we can take the photo. 258 00:21:09,393 --> 00:21:10,686 - [Pooja] I'll walk down here. - [Suman] Yeah. 259 00:21:12,562 --> 00:21:15,357 [Suman] Bhopal has a special place for tiger. 260 00:21:16,275 --> 00:21:21,863 No other city you could see tiger moving so close to people. 261 00:21:22,781 --> 00:21:25,075 This is really fascinating to me. 262 00:21:28,328 --> 00:21:31,832 [narrator] A modern city may not seem like "tiger habitat", 263 00:21:35,043 --> 00:21:38,880 but Bhopal has everything a tiger needs. 264 00:21:41,300 --> 00:21:44,678 It sits alongside Ratapani Wildlife Sanctuary, 265 00:21:45,012 --> 00:21:47,431 where she can hunt and take cover. 266 00:21:51,268 --> 00:21:56,273 There are man-made reservoirs, so the tigress will never go thirsty. 267 00:21:58,275 --> 00:22:02,821 And she sleeps in sandstone caves in the hills above the city. 268 00:22:08,702 --> 00:22:10,704 As long as she doesn't harm anyone, 269 00:22:10,954 --> 00:22:14,666 her human neighbors are happy for the tigress to share their home. 270 00:22:16,585 --> 00:22:19,463 [horns honking] 271 00:22:20,422 --> 00:22:23,800 [Pooja] I think the people of Bhopal are really proud of having tigers here. 272 00:22:23,884 --> 00:22:25,594 And it's so unusual because it's a predator 273 00:22:25,677 --> 00:22:27,554 and everywhere else, people fear them, 274 00:22:27,637 --> 00:22:30,432 but here, they're so proud of having her in their backyard. 275 00:22:32,559 --> 00:22:37,522 [narrator] The city loves the tigress and is taking major steps to protect her. 276 00:22:40,692 --> 00:22:44,905 The forest department employs 40 people to keep tabs on her. 277 00:22:46,615 --> 00:22:49,743 Each evening, roads are closed in her territory 278 00:22:50,035 --> 00:22:51,995 to allow her safe passage. 279 00:22:53,705 --> 00:22:58,085 A network of CCTV towers tracks her movements. 280 00:22:59,294 --> 00:23:01,797 [officer in Hindi] We are getting the location of the tiger. 281 00:23:02,798 --> 00:23:04,424 [narrator in English] In charge of operations 282 00:23:04,508 --> 00:23:07,803 is Divisional Forest Officer Alok Pathak. 283 00:23:07,886 --> 00:23:10,806 Yes, please go ahead, put camera traps there. 284 00:23:12,808 --> 00:23:15,852 Ah, I love the tigress very, very much. 285 00:23:15,936 --> 00:23:22,192 She is very delicate, nice, beautiful I should say. 286 00:23:24,820 --> 00:23:28,949 People of Bhopal feel very proud and very happy also 287 00:23:29,032 --> 00:23:31,868 to have tigers in the vicinity. 288 00:23:32,953 --> 00:23:35,539 [Suman] I think we'll try to place the trap here. 289 00:23:35,622 --> 00:23:37,749 [narrator] Pooja and Suman are now deploying 290 00:23:37,833 --> 00:23:40,544 extra remote cameras across her territory 291 00:23:41,086 --> 00:23:43,922 to see if the tigress has had cubs. 292 00:23:46,007 --> 00:23:50,303 The whole city is hoping to hear the patter of tiny paws. 293 00:23:53,181 --> 00:23:54,224 [bird calling] 294 00:23:55,016 --> 00:24:00,605 All across India, the tiger occupies a special place in people's hearts. 295 00:24:02,607 --> 00:24:04,151 [Pooja] For a lot of people in India, 296 00:24:04,234 --> 00:24:08,655 tiger, which is also called as Waghoba, is Dev, which means he's God. 297 00:24:09,990 --> 00:24:13,410 A lot of people worship it, especially in the rural areas, 298 00:24:13,493 --> 00:24:17,247 for its strength and power and the fact that it rules the forest. 299 00:24:19,958 --> 00:24:23,920 [narrator] Tigers have lived with people for thousands of years. 300 00:24:26,590 --> 00:24:28,884 They're adored like royalty... 301 00:24:30,469 --> 00:24:32,220 [♪ upbeat festive music playing] 302 00:24:32,345 --> 00:24:34,681 ...and celebrated with festivals. 303 00:24:37,350 --> 00:24:44,191 It's this connection that allows humans and tigers to live side by side. 304 00:24:45,317 --> 00:24:48,862 [Pooja] I think India stands out amongst most nations in the world 305 00:24:48,945 --> 00:24:50,155 for the kind of tolerance 306 00:24:50,238 --> 00:24:53,867 that the people of the country show towards wildlife, especially tigers. 307 00:24:56,828 --> 00:24:59,581 [narrator] Tigers living around the edges of reserves 308 00:24:59,664 --> 00:25:02,083 soon learn to avoid humans. 309 00:25:07,714 --> 00:25:09,174 [dog barking in distance] 310 00:25:09,841 --> 00:25:11,801 [indistinct chattering] 311 00:25:15,805 --> 00:25:18,517 By day, they rest out of sight. 312 00:25:21,478 --> 00:25:23,271 [insects chirping] 313 00:25:25,982 --> 00:25:27,192 [indistinct chattering] 314 00:25:27,275 --> 00:25:30,987 If they hear someone coming, they stay hidden. 315 00:25:33,281 --> 00:25:35,909 [indistinct chattering in distance] 316 00:25:35,992 --> 00:25:39,412 They only come out at dusk, when the people have left. 317 00:25:50,966 --> 00:25:53,593 [Pooja] Tigers don't look at humans as prey. 318 00:25:54,010 --> 00:25:57,681 In fact, they are quite afraid of people, of anything standing on two feet, 319 00:25:57,764 --> 00:25:58,765 they're afraid of them. 320 00:26:02,310 --> 00:26:05,021 [narrator] But tragic accidents can occur. 321 00:26:07,816 --> 00:26:10,277 When villagers work late in the forest, 322 00:26:10,569 --> 00:26:16,074 a young inexperienced tiger may mistake them for prey animals. 323 00:26:17,325 --> 00:26:19,619 [Kalyan] When a human being crouches down, 324 00:26:19,703 --> 00:26:22,080 from a tiger's point of view, that looks like a prey species. 325 00:26:23,123 --> 00:26:27,210 Almost all human deaths because of tigers are accidental deaths. 326 00:26:33,925 --> 00:26:37,387 [narrator] In some parts of India, the rise in tiger numbers 327 00:26:37,470 --> 00:26:40,807 is causing a dramatic spike in attacks. 328 00:26:43,852 --> 00:26:46,021 [Pooja] Increasing tiger numbers is good news, you know. 329 00:26:46,104 --> 00:26:47,981 It's a conservation success story for the world. 330 00:26:49,524 --> 00:26:53,361 But a lot of people pay a price for this rise in tiger numbers. 331 00:26:57,032 --> 00:26:59,868 What is at stake is the years of tolerance 332 00:26:59,951 --> 00:27:02,037 that people have shown towards these tigers. 333 00:27:05,457 --> 00:27:07,459 [♪ light music playing] 334 00:27:08,501 --> 00:27:10,920 [narrator] While filming on the edges of tiger reserves, 335 00:27:11,004 --> 00:27:13,882 Pooja and Kalyan have witnessed the efforts of the people 336 00:27:13,965 --> 00:27:17,636 working to keep both villagers and tigers safe. 337 00:27:19,554 --> 00:27:21,348 [villager speaking Hindi] 338 00:27:21,431 --> 00:27:24,476 [in Hindi] Everyone please huddle. 339 00:27:25,602 --> 00:27:28,146 [narrator in English] The Forest Department Primary Response team 340 00:27:28,229 --> 00:27:31,274 is the first to be called when there's a problem tiger. 341 00:27:31,358 --> 00:27:33,902 [speaking Hindi] 342 00:27:34,486 --> 00:27:39,074 Forest Guard Shital Thakre has been doing the job for six years. 343 00:27:43,119 --> 00:27:46,331 Today, her team has been called to a village 344 00:27:46,414 --> 00:27:48,333 where someone has been killed. 345 00:27:52,045 --> 00:27:54,381 [in Hindi] When we get a call from the village, 346 00:27:54,464 --> 00:27:58,051 we go there to see what's happened. 347 00:27:58,551 --> 00:28:03,139 We feel terrible to find that a woman has been killed by a tiger. 348 00:28:04,808 --> 00:28:07,268 [narrator in English] The primary response team is sent in 349 00:28:07,352 --> 00:28:08,937 to identify the problem tiger 350 00:28:09,229 --> 00:28:12,023 so it can be captured and taken into captivity. 351 00:28:15,527 --> 00:28:17,320 With the tiger still nearby, 352 00:28:17,404 --> 00:28:20,657 Shital's priority is to keep the people safe. 353 00:28:22,283 --> 00:28:25,161 [in Hindi] There are wild animals moving through the farms. 354 00:28:25,245 --> 00:28:30,750 So nobody should stay late on the farms or go into the forest. 355 00:28:33,169 --> 00:28:36,589 [narrator in English] In this area, on the outskirts of Tadoba National Park, 356 00:28:36,673 --> 00:28:41,428 the number of tigers has quadrupled in just ten years. 357 00:28:41,511 --> 00:28:43,680 [chattering in Hindi] 358 00:28:44,723 --> 00:28:47,767 [in Hindi] This is not a one-off incident. There are many like this. 359 00:28:50,061 --> 00:28:52,188 If there's an incident anywhere, 360 00:28:52,272 --> 00:28:55,108 we have to get ready and go there straight away. 361 00:28:56,317 --> 00:28:58,737 We have to be alert 24 hours a day. 362 00:28:58,820 --> 00:29:01,281 [chattering in Hindi] 363 00:29:03,783 --> 00:29:06,202 [narrator in English] Tigers are most active at night. 364 00:29:07,871 --> 00:29:10,915 [team howling] 365 00:29:11,249 --> 00:29:14,252 Shital and her team sweep the surrounding area, 366 00:29:14,544 --> 00:29:17,464 hoping to push the tiger away from the village. 367 00:29:18,965 --> 00:29:21,301 [team howling] 368 00:29:21,384 --> 00:29:22,927 It's a dangerous job. 369 00:29:23,011 --> 00:29:26,014 - [explosive booms] - [howling continues] 370 00:29:29,350 --> 00:29:31,519 [team member in Hindi] Pay attention at the back. 371 00:29:31,603 --> 00:29:34,564 [narrator in English] They need to identify which tiger they're dealing with. 372 00:29:36,483 --> 00:29:41,404 Rakesh, the team biologist, studies images caught on remote cameras. 373 00:29:41,988 --> 00:29:44,532 [Rakesh] Um, six. 374 00:29:45,200 --> 00:29:47,619 [narrator] Every tiger has a unique set of stripes. 375 00:29:49,037 --> 00:29:54,083 By comparing them, he can see it's a young male called P2. 376 00:29:56,252 --> 00:29:58,838 - [Rakesh in Hindi] Let's go. - [team yelling] 377 00:30:05,762 --> 00:30:08,139 [team chattering] 378 00:30:08,223 --> 00:30:10,266 [narrator in English] The presence of the team overnight 379 00:30:10,350 --> 00:30:12,393 helps the villagers feel safer. 380 00:30:14,229 --> 00:30:17,774 The rising number of tigers is raising fears. 381 00:30:19,651 --> 00:30:21,152 [Shital in Hindi] There's limited space 382 00:30:21,236 --> 00:30:23,112 and there will be more problems in years to come. 383 00:30:24,030 --> 00:30:26,366 We have to help people understand 384 00:30:26,449 --> 00:30:28,409 that tigers don't usually kill humans. 385 00:30:28,827 --> 00:30:30,370 These are accidents. 386 00:30:31,454 --> 00:30:36,000 We will try to make sure that this doesn't happen in the future. 387 00:30:36,501 --> 00:30:38,753 [team chattering] 388 00:30:40,755 --> 00:30:42,590 [sizzling] 389 00:30:44,592 --> 00:30:48,304 [narrator in English] Shital lives alone, a long way from home. 390 00:30:49,472 --> 00:30:53,726 At times like this, she misses her family more than ever. 391 00:30:54,811 --> 00:30:56,563 [tool clanking] 392 00:30:57,689 --> 00:30:58,898 Hi. 393 00:30:58,982 --> 00:30:59,983 [laughter] 394 00:31:00,859 --> 00:31:03,570 [in Hindi] Tell me how's your health? 395 00:31:04,153 --> 00:31:06,072 Everything is well. 396 00:31:06,155 --> 00:31:09,325 [laughter on phone] 397 00:31:09,409 --> 00:31:11,661 [Shital's relative 1] Come home. Mother has made sabzi. 398 00:31:13,621 --> 00:31:15,248 [Shital's relative 2] When are you coming to the village? 399 00:31:15,748 --> 00:31:17,709 Yes. I'll come. [chuckles] 400 00:31:18,334 --> 00:31:20,211 - [in English] Bye-bye. - [Shital] Bye-bye. 401 00:31:25,300 --> 00:31:28,636 [narrator] Shital's family wants her to return to the village, 402 00:31:30,179 --> 00:31:33,141 but she feels a strong calling for this work. 403 00:31:37,645 --> 00:31:41,190 [Shital in Hindi] I love my job at the forest, 404 00:31:42,025 --> 00:31:47,447 I like that I am in touch with the jungle, the animals and the people. 405 00:31:49,115 --> 00:31:53,202 So for now, I want to continue living alone. 406 00:31:55,830 --> 00:31:59,375 [narrator in English] Shital is proud to be one of the few women doing her job. 407 00:32:01,502 --> 00:32:06,883 [in Hindi] I want to tell women to fulfill their dreams. 408 00:32:06,966 --> 00:32:12,972 If they want to become a forest guard or anything else, 409 00:32:13,056 --> 00:32:14,223 they must go for it. 410 00:32:20,313 --> 00:32:21,648 [narrator] Back at the village, 411 00:32:21,731 --> 00:32:25,568 Shital and her team are under pressure to remove the problem tiger. 412 00:32:25,652 --> 00:32:27,153 [chatter in Hindi] 413 00:32:33,159 --> 00:32:34,994 And when a tiger needs capturing, 414 00:32:35,078 --> 00:32:39,624 the person to call is wildlife vet Dr. Ravi Khobrogade. 415 00:32:40,959 --> 00:32:43,419 - [animal grunting] - When he's not catching tigers, 416 00:32:43,962 --> 00:32:47,090 Ravi is caring for orphaned animals at his treatment center, 417 00:32:48,508 --> 00:32:50,468 like this baby sloth bear. 418 00:32:52,887 --> 00:32:54,597 [Ravi] We have to do hand-rearing. 419 00:32:55,223 --> 00:32:58,476 Right now we are behaving like her mother. 420 00:33:00,645 --> 00:33:02,271 [narrator] When the call comes through, 421 00:33:02,355 --> 00:33:05,191 Ravi has to mobilize his rapid rescue team. 422 00:33:09,529 --> 00:33:12,740 They've been asked to tranquilize the problem tiger P2 423 00:33:12,824 --> 00:33:14,784 and take him away from the village. 424 00:33:19,330 --> 00:33:24,210 P2 will be their 50th tiger capture if they can find him. 425 00:33:28,214 --> 00:33:30,591 [Ravi] We have to think like a tiger. 426 00:33:31,426 --> 00:33:36,180 This is the big lesson that I learned from the rescue of tigers. 427 00:33:37,140 --> 00:33:40,059 I must know what will be the next step of the tiger. 428 00:33:41,644 --> 00:33:43,646 [♪ dramatic music playing] 429 00:34:00,997 --> 00:34:05,460 [narrator] Ravi and his team are searching for a single tiger, known as P2. 430 00:34:11,799 --> 00:34:16,387 He's a moving needle in a giant haystack. 431 00:34:19,223 --> 00:34:22,268 The plan is to capture P2 and take him into captivity, 432 00:34:23,436 --> 00:34:25,897 but it's not going to be easy. 433 00:34:30,860 --> 00:34:36,449 Two days later, Ravi hears that P2 has killed a cow on the edge of a farm. 434 00:34:39,202 --> 00:34:44,165 They plan to stake out the location hoping that P2 returns to feed. 435 00:34:45,166 --> 00:34:46,459 [indistinct chattering] 436 00:34:47,668 --> 00:34:52,632 Ravi's assistant, Ajay, will be using a dart gun to tranquilize the tiger. 437 00:34:54,634 --> 00:34:55,676 [Ravi] Okay. Done. 438 00:34:55,760 --> 00:34:57,595 [indistinct chattering] 439 00:34:58,471 --> 00:35:01,182 [narrator] Ravi and Ajay settle in for the night. 440 00:35:02,642 --> 00:35:04,477 [insects chirping] 441 00:35:06,854 --> 00:35:09,190 [Ravi] Tiger is always clever, man, 442 00:35:10,191 --> 00:35:11,943 that's why he's the king of jungle. 443 00:35:13,194 --> 00:35:16,697 So we must think to overcome their cleverness. 444 00:35:18,741 --> 00:35:23,162 Now we are just waiting and watching all around us. 445 00:35:24,914 --> 00:35:26,916 [insects chirping] 446 00:35:34,048 --> 00:35:35,550 [narrator] It was a long wait... 447 00:35:36,300 --> 00:35:37,885 with nothing to show for it. 448 00:35:40,304 --> 00:35:43,015 Yesterday's night is too hard for us 449 00:35:43,683 --> 00:35:45,977 and tiger animal is not come. 450 00:35:46,644 --> 00:35:47,645 So let us see. 451 00:35:48,563 --> 00:35:49,647 Again we try. 452 00:35:50,690 --> 00:35:53,067 Try again, try again, we'll get success. 453 00:35:55,653 --> 00:35:58,156 [narrator] A week later, the team catch a break. 454 00:35:58,823 --> 00:36:02,326 There's been a sighting of P2 and they rush to the spot. 455 00:36:06,539 --> 00:36:08,958 [Ravi in Hindi] Ajay, can you see the tiger there? 456 00:36:09,625 --> 00:36:13,379 [narrator in English] At last, they get their first glimpse of P2. 457 00:36:18,467 --> 00:36:20,469 They need to dart his back end, 458 00:36:20,970 --> 00:36:24,307 so they must wait until he's facing the right way. 459 00:36:24,807 --> 00:36:26,809 [♪ suspenseful music playing] 460 00:36:26,893 --> 00:36:28,311 [soft grunting] 461 00:36:33,733 --> 00:36:36,110 [Ravi in Hindi] Can we take the shot? 462 00:36:37,987 --> 00:36:40,573 [Ajay] I can see the tiger but it's in a head-on position. 463 00:36:46,704 --> 00:36:48,122 [Ravi in English] The shot is risky. 464 00:36:50,041 --> 00:36:52,835 [Ravi in Hindi] Let's not take the shot unless we get the right position. 465 00:36:57,840 --> 00:37:00,676 [narrator in English] P2 slips back into the forest. 466 00:37:01,469 --> 00:37:02,637 [Ravi] Oh, my God. 467 00:37:06,474 --> 00:37:08,267 [narrator] They've missed their chance. 468 00:37:15,149 --> 00:37:18,778 But overnight, a remote camera has captured a fresh image. 469 00:37:22,365 --> 00:37:24,116 The team picks up the trail. 470 00:37:33,042 --> 00:37:36,837 P2 is only 20 yards away. 471 00:37:43,886 --> 00:37:46,264 They just need him to turn around. 472 00:37:47,473 --> 00:37:48,474 [P2 grumbles softly] 473 00:37:49,100 --> 00:37:51,102 [♪ suspenseful music playing] 474 00:38:05,032 --> 00:38:06,033 Bullseye. 475 00:38:13,582 --> 00:38:15,918 Weighing around 500 pounds, 476 00:38:16,002 --> 00:38:19,630 it takes the whole crew to carry P2 to the transport cage. 477 00:38:19,714 --> 00:38:22,425 [Ravi speaking Hindi] 478 00:38:23,843 --> 00:38:29,807 [Ravi's team speaking Hindi] 479 00:38:36,814 --> 00:38:39,817 It's a huge relief for Ravi's team. 480 00:38:40,568 --> 00:38:42,611 [indistinct chatter] 481 00:38:43,112 --> 00:38:45,114 And a welcome sight for the villagers. 482 00:38:47,783 --> 00:38:49,410 [chattering] 483 00:38:52,330 --> 00:38:56,834 We've revived it and now he's very comfortable, relaxed. 484 00:38:58,085 --> 00:39:01,047 It's a very good tiger, it's around two and a half years old, 485 00:39:01,130 --> 00:39:04,759 it's a sub-adult and male and a massive male also. 486 00:39:05,426 --> 00:39:07,762 You see the villagers, they are very happy 487 00:39:07,845 --> 00:39:10,598 because they think that they have solved the problem. 488 00:39:16,479 --> 00:39:18,105 [horn honking] 489 00:39:19,357 --> 00:39:22,068 [narrator] The community comes out to see the tiger off. 490 00:39:24,153 --> 00:39:25,905 [horn honking] 491 00:39:30,659 --> 00:39:33,120 On the three-hour journey to the treatment center, 492 00:39:33,204 --> 00:39:34,830 Ravi feels conflicted. 493 00:39:38,125 --> 00:39:42,463 I just feel very sorry when I, uh, put the tiger in the cage. 494 00:39:43,297 --> 00:39:47,760 When I saw the tiger in the field, I darted him, and I send it to the zoo. 495 00:39:47,843 --> 00:39:51,097 At that time, our team will get very sad 496 00:39:51,764 --> 00:39:54,850 that we just end the freedom of that particular fellow. 497 00:39:57,269 --> 00:39:58,813 [horn honking] 498 00:40:00,272 --> 00:40:03,359 [Ravi's teammate speaking Hindi] 499 00:40:07,029 --> 00:40:10,825 [narrator] The treatment center is just a temporary holding place for P2. 500 00:40:12,618 --> 00:40:16,330 Ravi will now try to find him a permanent home at a zoo. 501 00:40:17,873 --> 00:40:19,166 [P2 grumbles softly] 502 00:40:21,502 --> 00:40:24,630 P2 will never return to the wild, 503 00:40:26,715 --> 00:40:31,512 but relocating him will help local people remain tolerant of tigers. 504 00:40:35,766 --> 00:40:37,726 [grumbles] 505 00:40:39,311 --> 00:40:40,855 [animals calling] 506 00:40:40,938 --> 00:40:44,608 Not far away, on the eastern edge of Tadoba National Park, 507 00:40:45,276 --> 00:40:48,320 some other tigers are also being moved to a new home, 508 00:40:50,406 --> 00:40:52,992 but for a very different reason. 509 00:40:55,035 --> 00:40:58,080 Bilal is planning to do some tiger match-making. 510 00:41:01,250 --> 00:41:04,044 He's hoping to gather five females from here 511 00:41:04,128 --> 00:41:06,464 and introduce them to potential mates. 512 00:41:14,722 --> 00:41:18,684 A hundred and twenty miles north, in Nagzira National Park, 513 00:41:19,351 --> 00:41:23,856 tiger numbers are on the rise but they're mostly males. 514 00:41:23,939 --> 00:41:24,940 [growls] 515 00:41:27,818 --> 00:41:32,364 Male tigers find it easier than females to reach here from faraway forests. 516 00:41:36,535 --> 00:41:39,955 But without females, the population is doomed. 517 00:41:42,875 --> 00:41:44,960 And there's another benefit to Bilal's plan. 518 00:41:48,047 --> 00:41:52,259 He's taking the tigresses away from an area where there's lots of people. 519 00:41:53,928 --> 00:41:55,179 [bleating] 520 00:41:56,013 --> 00:41:57,389 [Bilal] It's a win-win situation. 521 00:41:57,890 --> 00:42:01,018 If we are successful in getting at least five, six females 522 00:42:01,101 --> 00:42:03,979 from this particular landscape to the other area, 523 00:42:04,063 --> 00:42:05,481 so it's good for everybody, 524 00:42:05,564 --> 00:42:08,567 for conservation, for tigers and for people. 525 00:42:10,110 --> 00:42:12,905 [narrator] It's an ambitious and visionary idea, 526 00:42:13,989 --> 00:42:16,909 but first, they have to find the right tiger. 527 00:42:22,122 --> 00:42:25,000 They're deliberately looking for a shy tigress, 528 00:42:26,544 --> 00:42:29,380 one that will avoid humans and their livestock. 529 00:42:32,299 --> 00:42:36,512 But a shy tiger is tricky to catch. 530 00:42:42,101 --> 00:42:45,396 Ravi the vet and his team are here for the capture. 531 00:42:49,483 --> 00:42:51,777 There are clear signs of the tiger... 532 00:42:53,112 --> 00:42:54,905 [Bilal] This is the pugmark of a female. 533 00:42:56,865 --> 00:42:59,076 [narrator] But she stays hidden from view. 534 00:42:59,994 --> 00:43:01,495 [Bilal speaking Hindi] 535 00:43:11,088 --> 00:43:13,841 After several days and nights searching, 536 00:43:13,924 --> 00:43:16,176 it's proving harder than they thought. 537 00:43:16,260 --> 00:43:20,306 [Bilal speaking Hindi] 538 00:43:20,806 --> 00:43:23,142 [narrator] If they can't catch the first female, 539 00:43:23,601 --> 00:43:28,022 the whole match-making project will fail before it's even started. 540 00:43:30,232 --> 00:43:31,442 [Bilal] They are so shy. 541 00:43:31,942 --> 00:43:34,903 Even if they are just resting ten meters away from you, 542 00:43:34,987 --> 00:43:36,697 it's very difficult to spot them. 543 00:43:37,281 --> 00:43:42,202 So that makes it very difficult for us to track her and to capture her. 544 00:43:45,205 --> 00:43:49,710 [narrator] It may be months before Bilal has a tigress to move. 545 00:43:56,550 --> 00:44:01,138 Pooja and Kalyan are witnessing another impact of rising tiger numbers. 546 00:44:04,183 --> 00:44:07,686 More tigers fighting over territory. 547 00:44:10,773 --> 00:44:13,400 [tiger rumbling softly] 548 00:44:21,367 --> 00:44:27,206 This young tiger has blundered into the path of a huge male. 549 00:44:28,040 --> 00:44:30,042 [♪ suspenseful music playing] 550 00:44:38,050 --> 00:44:39,718 [growling] 551 00:44:51,772 --> 00:44:55,734 The older tiger makes it clear they're not welcome. 552 00:45:02,199 --> 00:45:04,660 One side usually backs down. 553 00:45:08,414 --> 00:45:11,959 But sometimes, the loser can get badly hurt. 554 00:45:13,627 --> 00:45:15,421 [grunting] 555 00:45:18,674 --> 00:45:21,552 Pooja and Kalyan have come across a wounded male. 556 00:45:24,972 --> 00:45:28,142 Their footage will help forest guards identify the tiger 557 00:45:28,225 --> 00:45:29,685 when they report the injury. 558 00:45:32,813 --> 00:45:34,148 Look to your right. 559 00:45:40,446 --> 00:45:42,406 I'm zoomed in fully, I can see the wound. 560 00:45:43,615 --> 00:45:45,325 He's licking the wound right now. 561 00:45:56,795 --> 00:45:59,173 Ah, he's limping, oh God. 562 00:46:00,048 --> 00:46:01,717 I think he's quite badly injured. 563 00:46:08,599 --> 00:46:12,269 He's limping at the moment and he has this really bad injuries 564 00:46:12,352 --> 00:46:15,939 so I'm really worried for him because there are lots of tigers here 565 00:46:16,023 --> 00:46:20,903 and he's just going to have to fight or leave to be able to survive. 566 00:46:26,825 --> 00:46:27,826 [Kalyan] He's licking his wounds 567 00:46:27,910 --> 00:46:30,662 but if they don't heal, he's in real big danger 568 00:46:30,746 --> 00:46:32,122 because he has only two options. 569 00:46:32,623 --> 00:46:36,627 One is he just won't be able to hunt and he'll die of starvation. 570 00:46:38,420 --> 00:46:42,216 The only other option is that he starts picking easy prey, which is cattle. 571 00:46:42,758 --> 00:46:45,594 And that's the start of human-wildlife conflict. 572 00:46:45,677 --> 00:46:48,305 And usually, that doesn't end well for the tigers. 573 00:46:51,391 --> 00:46:54,186 [narrator] The forest guards will now keep an eye on the tiger, 574 00:46:54,561 --> 00:46:58,106 and if necessary, bring it into Ravi's treatment center. 575 00:47:00,234 --> 00:47:02,319 [tiger growling] 576 00:47:03,862 --> 00:47:08,742 For Ravi, the rise in tigers means there are many more cubs to care for. 577 00:47:10,327 --> 00:47:15,123 Today, he's looking after a young tigress who's become separated from her mother. 578 00:47:19,920 --> 00:47:22,214 [Ravi] She's around five to six months old. 579 00:47:22,965 --> 00:47:29,096 But when we observed in the field, she is emaciated, dehydrated and so weak. 580 00:47:29,638 --> 00:47:31,265 So that's why we rescued from the field 581 00:47:31,348 --> 00:47:33,976 and we are monitoring, we are locating the female 582 00:47:34,059 --> 00:47:37,479 so that the cub will be reunited with the female 583 00:47:37,563 --> 00:47:39,189 and she will remain in the wild. 584 00:47:40,774 --> 00:47:43,735 That will be the happy ending for the female cub. 585 00:47:48,323 --> 00:47:51,410 [narrator] There's good news for P2, the captured tiger. 586 00:47:53,662 --> 00:47:56,748 Ravi will soon be sending him to a new home. 587 00:47:58,667 --> 00:48:02,754 He's going to one of the world's largest zoos in the city of Nagpur, 588 00:48:03,255 --> 00:48:06,425 where he'll share an enclosure with a female tiger. 589 00:48:10,596 --> 00:48:11,597 [Ravi] P2. 590 00:48:13,557 --> 00:48:15,017 P2, how are you? 591 00:48:15,893 --> 00:48:17,185 [grumbles softly] 592 00:48:18,103 --> 00:48:19,187 Don't worry. 593 00:48:20,647 --> 00:48:22,149 You will get the big enclosure, 594 00:48:23,358 --> 00:48:25,277 get the new females also. 595 00:48:26,695 --> 00:48:28,530 Then you will enjoy life. 596 00:48:32,034 --> 00:48:33,118 So don't worry. 597 00:48:39,583 --> 00:48:41,335 [indistinct chattering] 598 00:48:41,418 --> 00:48:42,878 [narrator] P2 is lucky. 599 00:48:43,962 --> 00:48:48,133 Roughly half of all tigers leaving protected areas don't make it. 600 00:48:51,094 --> 00:48:52,095 [indistinct chattering] 601 00:48:52,179 --> 00:48:56,934 A female tiger has been found dead and brought into Ravi's center. 602 00:49:01,480 --> 00:49:05,609 He confirms her cause of death and conducts her cremation. 603 00:49:05,692 --> 00:49:07,110 [indistinct chattering] 604 00:49:13,283 --> 00:49:18,997 The funeral rites reflect the honor and respect held for every tiger. 605 00:49:23,251 --> 00:49:24,836 [Ravi] It's a very black day for us. 606 00:49:25,921 --> 00:49:29,549 Because we lost a full-grown adult tigress due to such... 607 00:49:30,592 --> 00:49:33,220 unbelievable thing that is electrocution. 608 00:49:33,303 --> 00:49:34,846 That should not happen. 609 00:49:39,101 --> 00:49:42,521 [narrator] Electrocution is the number one cause of tiger deaths. 610 00:49:46,024 --> 00:49:48,485 Electric fencing is often placed around fields 611 00:49:48,568 --> 00:49:51,863 to stop wild deer and boar from eating the crops. 612 00:49:55,242 --> 00:49:59,037 But the tigers don't see the wires until it's too late. 613 00:50:04,793 --> 00:50:09,881 One female can produce four cubs in a year 614 00:50:10,716 --> 00:50:14,052 so you can imagine the loss of the wild tigers. 615 00:50:25,939 --> 00:50:28,275 - [teacher in Hindi] Stand at ease. - [students speaking Hindi] 616 00:50:28,358 --> 00:50:30,819 - [teacher] Attention. - [students speaking Hindi] 617 00:50:30,902 --> 00:50:33,488 [narrator in English] To avoid more tiger deaths in the future, 618 00:50:33,572 --> 00:50:37,492 the next generation needs to understand more about them. 619 00:50:38,201 --> 00:50:39,619 [all singing Hindi] 620 00:50:39,703 --> 00:50:44,541 Shital and Rakesh have come to a school on the edge of Tadoba National Park. 621 00:50:46,168 --> 00:50:49,546 They're here to share their knowledge of tigers with the kids 622 00:50:50,422 --> 00:50:53,258 and teach them what to do if they meet one. 623 00:50:53,759 --> 00:50:55,552 [in Hindi] Have you ever seen a tiger? 624 00:50:55,635 --> 00:50:56,803 [students] Yes. 625 00:50:57,471 --> 00:50:59,556 [Shital] What will you do when you spot a tiger? 626 00:51:00,265 --> 00:51:01,767 Will you run? 627 00:51:02,601 --> 00:51:07,147 If you run, he'll think that you're his prey. 628 00:51:07,230 --> 00:51:10,150 Just make noise and stay where you are. 629 00:51:12,319 --> 00:51:13,737 [Rakesh] Can you see the tiger? 630 00:51:13,820 --> 00:51:14,821 [students] No. 631 00:51:18,366 --> 00:51:20,702 [Rakesh] Did you see it? Where is it? 632 00:51:22,871 --> 00:51:23,914 Did you spot him? 633 00:51:23,997 --> 00:51:25,040 [students] Yes. 634 00:51:25,624 --> 00:51:27,751 - [Rakesh] What do you see? - [students in English] Tiger. 635 00:51:28,502 --> 00:51:29,920 [students laughing] 636 00:51:30,003 --> 00:51:31,463 - [Rakesh in Hindi] Did it run away? - [students speak Hindi] 637 00:51:32,047 --> 00:51:35,050 - [students chuckle] - [Rakesh speaks Hindi] 638 00:51:35,133 --> 00:51:37,636 [narrator in English] Shital hopes the kids will share these safety tips 639 00:51:37,719 --> 00:51:39,596 with their friends and families. 640 00:51:42,599 --> 00:51:44,684 [Shital in Hindi] When we explain this to the children in the school, 641 00:51:44,768 --> 00:51:47,938 they will explain it to their parents. 642 00:51:48,021 --> 00:51:49,856 So this message can spread, 643 00:51:49,940 --> 00:51:51,942 and human-wildlife conflict can be reduced. 644 00:51:52,692 --> 00:51:54,361 [chattering] 645 00:51:54,444 --> 00:51:55,821 [narrator in English] Lessons over, 646 00:51:55,904 --> 00:51:58,782 the class heads out to a patch of degraded forest, 647 00:51:59,116 --> 00:52:01,952 to help replant the area with trees. 648 00:52:02,035 --> 00:52:04,037 [♪ light music playing] 649 00:52:09,876 --> 00:52:13,421 [in Hindi] When these plants grow into trees, 650 00:52:13,505 --> 00:52:16,508 wild animals can rest under their shade. 651 00:52:21,388 --> 00:52:26,810 Students, do you want to become a forest guard like Shital? 652 00:52:26,893 --> 00:52:28,061 - [students] Yes. - [Rakesh] Hm? 653 00:52:28,145 --> 00:52:29,312 [students] Yes. 654 00:52:30,230 --> 00:52:32,107 [indistinct chattering] 655 00:52:32,190 --> 00:52:33,525 [Rakesh] Do you feel good planting the tree? 656 00:52:33,608 --> 00:52:34,609 [students] Yes. 657 00:52:34,693 --> 00:52:38,071 [Rakesh] When you pass by this tree, you'll remember planting it. 658 00:52:38,530 --> 00:52:40,073 [chatter in Hindi] 659 00:52:45,871 --> 00:52:47,873 [♪ bright music playing] 660 00:52:50,333 --> 00:52:52,502 [narrator in English] After six months of trying, 661 00:52:52,586 --> 00:52:55,380 Bilal has finally caught a tigress. 662 00:52:57,966 --> 00:53:03,180 She's on her way to meet the lonely males waiting for her at Nagzira National Park. 663 00:53:05,724 --> 00:53:09,686 If she makes a match, she'll help repopulate the reserve. 664 00:53:13,732 --> 00:53:15,901 Instead of having to find her own territory, 665 00:53:16,568 --> 00:53:19,404 she's taking the easy way, hitching a ride. 666 00:53:19,487 --> 00:53:21,406 NAWEGAON-NAGZIRA TIGER RESERVE PITEZARI ENTRANCE 667 00:53:25,368 --> 00:53:28,163 In Nagzira, she'll have lots of space... 668 00:53:30,874 --> 00:53:33,627 and every chance of meeting a mate. 669 00:53:36,630 --> 00:53:38,548 [in Hindi] Okay, five or six people come fast. 670 00:53:38,632 --> 00:53:39,883 We can't waste time. 671 00:53:42,636 --> 00:53:45,722 [vet speaking Hindi] 672 00:53:45,805 --> 00:53:47,682 [narrator in English] The tigress has been tranquilized 673 00:53:47,766 --> 00:53:50,769 so that Bilal and the vet team can give her a health check 674 00:53:50,852 --> 00:53:54,105 and attach a GPS collar before she's released. 675 00:54:00,278 --> 00:54:03,573 [vets speaking Hindi] 676 00:54:03,657 --> 00:54:07,327 [narrator] The collar will enable Bilal to track the tiger's movements 677 00:54:07,410 --> 00:54:10,497 as she starts to explore her new territory. 678 00:54:13,166 --> 00:54:15,794 It will stay attached for the next year 679 00:54:15,877 --> 00:54:19,756 and will then be remotely triggered to fall off by itself. 680 00:54:23,426 --> 00:54:27,180 Ravi the vet is on hand to monitor the tiger's condition 681 00:54:27,264 --> 00:54:29,975 and make sure she is fit for release. 682 00:54:31,434 --> 00:54:33,728 [speaking Hindi] 683 00:54:34,354 --> 00:54:36,231 They check her weight and measurements, 684 00:54:36,314 --> 00:54:38,858 to add to their growing database of tigers. 685 00:54:40,318 --> 00:54:41,528 [Bilal speaking Hindi] 686 00:54:41,611 --> 00:54:44,572 [overlapping chatter] 687 00:54:44,656 --> 00:54:46,658 She's young, you have seen her teeth. 688 00:54:46,741 --> 00:54:50,412 They are shining white with a very small groove on that, 689 00:54:50,495 --> 00:54:53,123 which indicates that she is around two years of age. 690 00:54:53,206 --> 00:54:55,250 So she is actually of that particular age 691 00:54:55,333 --> 00:54:58,628 where she's going to go out, look for a territory 692 00:54:58,712 --> 00:55:01,965 and look for a partner and then raise her cubs of her own. 693 00:55:05,302 --> 00:55:08,013 [narrator] It's the first project of its kind in India 694 00:55:08,096 --> 00:55:10,598 and it's attracting a lot of attention. 695 00:55:16,146 --> 00:55:19,566 The tiger will be released by the state Forest Minister. 696 00:55:20,066 --> 00:55:22,360 [speaking Hindi] 697 00:55:22,444 --> 00:55:25,697 Basically, this is the final day, this is we can say the marriage day. 698 00:55:25,780 --> 00:55:27,782 See this, all people are very happy 699 00:55:28,283 --> 00:55:31,995 because we are going to introduce the female in the area of the males. 700 00:55:34,664 --> 00:55:36,666 [♪ bright music playing] 701 00:55:37,375 --> 00:55:39,002 [indistinct radio chatter] 702 00:55:42,422 --> 00:55:46,885 [narrator] Five years of planning have all come down to this moment. 703 00:55:50,638 --> 00:55:54,642 In the next ten minutes, she's going to be out there in the wild. 704 00:55:56,603 --> 00:55:58,605 [♪ dramatic music playing] 705 00:56:00,357 --> 00:56:04,652 [narrator] It's time to release the tigress into her new home. 706 00:56:19,667 --> 00:56:22,003 [growling softly] 707 00:56:26,633 --> 00:56:28,218 [roaring] 708 00:56:30,053 --> 00:56:32,055 [♪ upbeat music playing] 709 00:56:49,739 --> 00:56:52,283 - [laughing] - [crowd cheering] 710 00:56:52,367 --> 00:56:53,451 [murmuring] 711 00:56:57,288 --> 00:56:59,707 Finally, we did it. 712 00:57:02,752 --> 00:57:08,675 As she just came out from the cage, she is so happy in my sense, 713 00:57:09,175 --> 00:57:11,553 because she is going to the wild. 714 00:57:13,888 --> 00:57:15,640 This is heaven for her. 715 00:57:16,099 --> 00:57:20,311 She may have the cute, cute tigress cubs so she will enjoy. 716 00:57:23,440 --> 00:57:26,109 [Bilal] This is a place of hope for her 717 00:57:26,192 --> 00:57:29,446 where she has a higher chance of breeding, 718 00:57:29,529 --> 00:57:33,450 having a territory of her own, having a litter of her own, 719 00:57:33,533 --> 00:57:35,410 having a home of her own. 720 00:57:37,745 --> 00:57:42,125 It's really a great feeling but the real job begins from tomorrow, 721 00:57:42,208 --> 00:57:46,588 when she will start exploring a territory where she has never been. 722 00:57:50,383 --> 00:57:51,801 [narrator] Over the next few months, 723 00:57:51,885 --> 00:57:55,305 Bilal and his team follow the tiger around the clock. 724 00:57:59,684 --> 00:58:03,563 Using signals from the collar, they track her on the ground 725 00:58:05,148 --> 00:58:07,025 and also from space, 726 00:58:08,610 --> 00:58:10,653 mapping her every move. 727 00:58:15,074 --> 00:58:17,619 The tigress is settling in well. 728 00:58:26,669 --> 00:58:28,671 She hasn't strayed into any villages. 729 00:58:31,633 --> 00:58:33,968 And she's got company. 730 00:58:39,641 --> 00:58:43,645 It's now four months, and this female is doing perfectly fine. 731 00:58:44,812 --> 00:58:47,065 She has established her territory. 732 00:58:49,192 --> 00:58:52,028 [buzzing] 733 00:58:53,947 --> 00:58:56,115 She has been seen many times with the male. 734 00:58:56,199 --> 00:58:59,118 So we hope that she has also mated a couple of times. 735 00:59:00,703 --> 00:59:04,332 And we hope that, in coming days, she's going to litter, 736 00:59:04,415 --> 00:59:06,834 she's going to produce young ones in this new territory. 737 00:59:08,878 --> 00:59:10,547 [narrator] So far so good. 738 00:59:11,047 --> 00:59:13,216 The move is a success. 739 00:59:16,219 --> 00:59:17,512 Over the next year, 740 00:59:17,595 --> 00:59:20,515 four more female tigers will be brought here 741 00:59:20,598 --> 00:59:22,517 to help boost the population. 742 00:59:25,061 --> 00:59:27,564 [Bilal] So this was a dream and it has come true. 743 00:59:28,523 --> 00:59:31,818 And we can continue to follow these tigers in Nagzira 744 00:59:31,901 --> 00:59:36,072 and see how this population is going to do in the next five, ten years. 745 00:59:45,999 --> 00:59:50,128 [narrator] Meanwhile, Ravi has come to see P2 in his new home, 746 00:59:50,211 --> 00:59:53,631 Gorewada Zoo, one of the largest in the world. 747 00:59:59,095 --> 01:00:02,640 P2 now has a huge natural enclosure, 748 01:00:04,309 --> 01:00:07,186 and will soon be joined by a new female. 749 01:00:14,319 --> 01:00:15,695 [Ravi] It's a very good morning 750 01:00:16,571 --> 01:00:20,825 because I'm just very happy to see P2 tiger. 751 01:00:28,124 --> 01:00:33,630 Having the 60 acres enclosure, it's a very good space for any tiger. 752 01:00:34,255 --> 01:00:37,759 [growls softly] 753 01:00:39,636 --> 01:00:41,971 [narrator] P2 has a new role, 754 01:00:43,765 --> 01:00:46,225 as an ambassador for tigers. 755 01:00:47,435 --> 01:00:49,437 [♪ mellow music playing] 756 01:00:53,483 --> 01:00:55,151 [Ravi] Everyone can visit him, 757 01:00:56,319 --> 01:00:57,612 and everyone can know him. 758 01:00:59,947 --> 01:01:04,160 If you see the tiger for a while, you will never forget it, 759 01:01:05,119 --> 01:01:08,623 because it's so beautiful, so majestic. 760 01:01:09,999 --> 01:01:12,126 [tourists chattering] 761 01:01:13,461 --> 01:01:16,047 [narrator] P2 may never go back to the wild 762 01:01:16,214 --> 01:01:19,217 but he will help inspire the next generation 763 01:01:19,300 --> 01:01:21,928 to care about the future of tigers. 764 01:01:31,688 --> 01:01:37,235 Pooja and Kalyan also want to inspire people to think about tigers differently. 765 01:01:37,318 --> 01:01:38,986 [speaking Hindi] 766 01:01:39,070 --> 01:01:42,532 They've come to a village close to Tadoba Tiger Reserve. 767 01:01:44,325 --> 01:01:47,954 A lot of people who are here have misconceptions about tigers. 768 01:01:48,037 --> 01:01:51,749 They think all tigers are man-eaters and that they are there to harm them. 769 01:01:55,628 --> 01:01:58,756 [narrator] Pooja and Kalyan have created a short film 770 01:01:58,840 --> 01:02:01,592 that they're about to screen for the first time. 771 01:02:04,929 --> 01:02:08,599 A crowd of over 300 have gathered for the show, 772 01:02:08,683 --> 01:02:11,769 including forest guard Shital and her team. 773 01:02:12,812 --> 01:02:14,814 [crowd chattering] 774 01:02:16,149 --> 01:02:18,317 - Hello. - [villagers] Hello. 775 01:02:20,069 --> 01:02:22,321 [in Hindi] Hi, my name is Pooja. 776 01:02:22,405 --> 01:02:27,201 And I'm going to show you a short film about tigers. 777 01:02:27,869 --> 01:02:33,875 This film will give you a message from the tiger. 778 01:02:34,375 --> 01:02:36,627 So do you want to watch this story? 779 01:02:36,711 --> 01:02:38,463 [all] Yes! 780 01:02:38,546 --> 01:02:40,548 - Okay. - Okay, let's start. 781 01:02:41,048 --> 01:02:43,926 [applause, chattering] 782 01:02:45,052 --> 01:02:46,554 [narrator in English] The story is narrated 783 01:02:46,637 --> 01:02:48,723 in the local language, Marathi, 784 01:02:48,806 --> 01:02:50,808 from the point of view of the tiger. 785 01:02:54,395 --> 01:02:56,856 [narrator in film in Marathi] Days pass by and we grow up 786 01:02:56,939 --> 01:02:58,149 bigger and stronger. 787 01:03:03,404 --> 01:03:04,530 [narrator in English] For the villagers, 788 01:03:04,614 --> 01:03:08,242 it's the first time they're seeing images of tiger family life. 789 01:03:08,326 --> 01:03:10,495 [narrator in film in Marathi] We're ready to follow mom on her adventures. 790 01:03:13,289 --> 01:03:14,874 [narrator in English] The film shows the cubs 791 01:03:14,957 --> 01:03:17,043 coming to grips with their jungle home, 792 01:03:18,503 --> 01:03:20,922 and the challenges they face growing up. 793 01:03:26,844 --> 01:03:28,638 [monkey barks] 794 01:03:29,722 --> 01:03:30,890 [tiger whines] 795 01:03:32,517 --> 01:03:35,728 [villagers chuckling] 796 01:03:36,813 --> 01:03:41,526 The film also gives villagers tips on how to stay safe in the forest. 797 01:03:43,319 --> 01:03:45,112 [in Marathi] If you must come into the forest, 798 01:03:45,196 --> 01:03:48,449 walk in groups and make noise 799 01:03:48,533 --> 01:03:50,785 so I know you're there and I can avoid you. 800 01:03:56,874 --> 01:03:58,251 [Pooja in English] I'm really overwhelmed. 801 01:03:58,334 --> 01:04:03,714 Just looking at the crowd, looking at how just hooked to the screen they were. 802 01:04:08,052 --> 01:04:11,973 The people who came here to watch the film have real-life problems. 803 01:04:12,056 --> 01:04:14,934 They have interactions with tigers on a daily basis. 804 01:04:17,478 --> 01:04:21,732 If this film even saves one life, I think we've done our job. 805 01:04:24,235 --> 01:04:27,405 [in Hindi] Thank you for coming. 806 01:04:27,488 --> 01:04:29,282 We'll meet soon. Thank you. 807 01:04:35,454 --> 01:04:37,665 [narrator in English] And the message is spreading. 808 01:04:40,501 --> 01:04:45,673 In some places, a new attitude to tigers is creating surprising opportunities. 809 01:04:47,133 --> 01:04:50,052 Bilal is on his way to the village of Alijanja. 810 01:04:50,720 --> 01:04:52,722 [rooster crowing] 811 01:05:01,355 --> 01:05:07,945 Co-existence will only be possible if this is economically beneficial 812 01:05:08,029 --> 01:05:09,363 to the local people, 813 01:05:09,447 --> 01:05:12,491 who share their landscape with these large predators. 814 01:05:15,786 --> 01:05:18,497 [narrator] Instead of battling with the wildlife on their door-step, 815 01:05:19,081 --> 01:05:22,168 the community here is embracing it. 816 01:05:26,923 --> 01:05:30,217 In the first re-wilding project of its kind in India, 817 01:05:30,760 --> 01:05:34,513 farmers are paid to keep their cattle off the grasslands. 818 01:05:40,561 --> 01:05:42,939 This encourages wild animals, 819 01:05:44,398 --> 01:05:46,859 which naturally attract tigers, 820 01:05:48,069 --> 01:05:49,737 who bring in tourists. 821 01:05:51,781 --> 01:05:54,867 [in Hindi] There are four female tigresses in our zone. 822 01:05:55,368 --> 01:05:57,161 And all of them have cubs. 823 01:05:57,662 --> 01:06:01,874 And their father is called Chota Matka, the male tiger. 824 01:06:01,958 --> 01:06:03,960 [indistinct chatter] 825 01:06:05,378 --> 01:06:07,755 [narrator in English] Local guide Arvind now makes a living 826 01:06:07,838 --> 01:06:10,883 from taking tourists on nature walks in the landscape. 827 01:06:12,510 --> 01:06:13,761 [Arvind] Kingfisher bird! 828 01:06:18,766 --> 01:06:23,020 [narrator] A small eco-lodge is also creating jobs for local people. 829 01:06:27,984 --> 01:06:31,946 [in Hindi] We are getting good income and all the families of the village are happy. 830 01:06:34,323 --> 01:06:37,410 We never cause any damage to the forest 831 01:06:37,910 --> 01:06:42,123 and in the future, we will preserve the forest because it's our livelihood. 832 01:06:45,418 --> 01:06:47,086 [narrator in English] Bilal has been helping 833 01:06:47,169 --> 01:06:49,380 since the project started in 2015. 834 01:06:49,463 --> 01:06:51,007 [speaking Hindi] 835 01:06:52,216 --> 01:06:56,679 He's loved seeing how local attitudes towards wildlife have changed. 836 01:06:59,181 --> 01:07:02,977 [Bilal] Imagine when this was not a nature conservancy. 837 01:07:03,060 --> 01:07:09,025 So the farmers were trying to protect this land from crop-raiding deers. 838 01:07:09,483 --> 01:07:11,444 So they were considered as pests. 839 01:07:12,028 --> 01:07:16,032 Today, the same farmer wants to see deer in his land 840 01:07:16,115 --> 01:07:17,283 because that's giving more money. 841 01:07:17,366 --> 01:07:22,496 So this is how the landscape has converted a pest into a resource. 842 01:07:24,832 --> 01:07:26,083 [narrator] The more deer, 843 01:07:26,709 --> 01:07:28,210 the more tigers. 844 01:07:29,045 --> 01:07:34,175 In this village, the current rise in tiger numbers is a cause for celebration. 845 01:07:35,509 --> 01:07:40,389 [Arvind in Hindi] As the tiger population increases, so does the number of tourists. 846 01:07:41,098 --> 01:07:42,349 Which is good for us. 847 01:07:42,433 --> 01:07:44,185 Now we're getting paid well. 848 01:07:46,437 --> 01:07:51,025 [Bilal in English] This is the first example of rewilding farmland 849 01:07:51,525 --> 01:07:53,903 close to a protected area in India. 850 01:07:54,570 --> 01:07:56,072 So if this is successful, 851 01:07:56,155 --> 01:07:59,867 there can be hundreds and hundreds of nature conservancies in India. 852 01:08:05,956 --> 01:08:09,001 [narrator] Back in Bhopal, home to the urban tigress, 853 01:08:09,543 --> 01:08:12,338 Pooja and Suman are checking their remote cameras. 854 01:08:12,421 --> 01:08:14,256 - Come only after sunset. - [Pooja] Mm. 855 01:08:14,840 --> 01:08:18,594 [narrator] They're hoping to see the first images of her cubs. 856 01:08:20,096 --> 01:08:21,972 - Hey. Let's see what we've got. - Yeah. 857 01:08:26,477 --> 01:08:27,853 - [Suman] Oh, my God. - [Pooja] Oh, there's the mother. 858 01:08:30,481 --> 01:08:31,982 Followed by the cubs. 859 01:08:32,983 --> 01:08:33,984 [Pooja] Wow. 860 01:08:34,443 --> 01:08:36,112 [Suman] The first cub coming out. 861 01:08:38,531 --> 01:08:39,698 - Wow. - Oh, wow. 862 01:08:39,782 --> 01:08:40,783 [chuckles] 863 01:08:41,992 --> 01:08:47,331 [narrator] The urban tigress has four cubs, now aged around five months. 864 01:08:49,917 --> 01:08:51,836 - Oh, my God, the one after the other. - [Pooja] Yeah. 865 01:08:52,503 --> 01:08:55,047 [Suman] All of them are peeping their heads into the fence. 866 01:08:55,631 --> 01:08:56,632 [Pooja] Wow. 867 01:08:57,967 --> 01:09:00,886 She just, like, squeezed in, she's too big for it. 868 01:09:00,970 --> 01:09:02,972 Yeah, so cute actually. 869 01:09:03,055 --> 01:09:07,059 It's teaching them how to come out from the fence. 870 01:09:07,143 --> 01:09:08,727 Isn't it so lovely, right? 871 01:09:09,311 --> 01:09:11,021 And they're so quick learners. 872 01:09:12,481 --> 01:09:13,607 [Pooja] They look pretty healthy. 873 01:09:13,691 --> 01:09:15,401 [Suman] Yeah, absolutely healthy. 874 01:09:16,986 --> 01:09:18,863 Such a beautiful shot we got. 875 01:09:24,493 --> 01:09:29,373 [narrator] Bhopal's tigress is bringing up the next generation of urban tigers. 876 01:09:30,833 --> 01:09:34,336 They're now learning how to be street-smart cubs. 877 01:09:36,380 --> 01:09:38,174 [Pooja] She's raising these four cubs 878 01:09:38,257 --> 01:09:41,010 and she's actually showing them her territory, 879 01:09:41,093 --> 01:09:42,845 she's showing them where they can hunt, 880 01:09:42,928 --> 01:09:44,096 where they can find water. 881 01:09:53,814 --> 01:09:56,817 [Suman] It's showing these cubs how to move in the landscape, 882 01:09:57,735 --> 01:10:02,531 how to stay secretive and not get exposed to the people, 883 01:10:02,615 --> 01:10:05,409 showing how to survive inside the city. 884 01:10:07,912 --> 01:10:10,039 Such a great mother it is, actually. 885 01:10:17,796 --> 01:10:20,966 [narrator] And it's not just tigers appearing on the remote cameras. 886 01:10:21,467 --> 01:10:22,635 [animal calling] 887 01:10:22,718 --> 01:10:26,639 Bhopal has secret residents of all shapes and sizes. 888 01:10:28,641 --> 01:10:30,851 Some neighbors can be prickly. 889 01:10:32,686 --> 01:10:35,189 With no respect for privacy. 890 01:10:36,607 --> 01:10:39,193 [growling] 891 01:10:44,698 --> 01:10:47,534 At night, all the animals are on the move 892 01:10:49,662 --> 01:10:51,956 and trying to make it home before sunrise. 893 01:10:53,874 --> 01:10:55,459 Better keep up with mom. 894 01:10:58,837 --> 01:11:01,131 Some are naturally curious... 895 01:11:03,717 --> 01:11:05,594 especially the tiger cubs. 896 01:11:06,595 --> 01:11:08,305 [clattering] 897 01:11:11,016 --> 01:11:13,018 [♪ playful music playing] 898 01:11:16,897 --> 01:11:17,982 [clanking] 899 01:11:18,065 --> 01:11:19,191 Oops. 900 01:11:24,071 --> 01:11:27,074 The cubs will continue to learn from their mother 901 01:11:27,574 --> 01:11:30,411 until it's time to find their own territories. 902 01:11:31,745 --> 01:11:36,542 One day, they'll show their own young how to survive close to a city 903 01:11:37,543 --> 01:11:41,422 and the knowledge will be passed down through the generations. 904 01:11:42,881 --> 01:11:46,510 I feel like that is what India is going to need in future, 905 01:11:46,593 --> 01:11:49,638 like, tigers that show adaptations to living around people. 906 01:11:50,222 --> 01:11:53,142 And she's just showing us how tigers can do that. 907 01:11:54,184 --> 01:11:56,061 She's the hope for the future. 908 01:12:00,983 --> 01:12:03,027 [animals calling] 909 01:12:06,280 --> 01:12:08,449 [narrator] After five years of filming, 910 01:12:08,532 --> 01:12:12,578 it's time for the Disneynature crew to pack up and head home. 911 01:12:14,163 --> 01:12:18,625 They leave knowing that India's tigers are on the rise. 912 01:12:21,170 --> 01:12:23,297 And as they move into human areas, 913 01:12:24,923 --> 01:12:30,637 some tigers are showing how it's possible to thrive in a world of people. 914 01:12:33,015 --> 01:12:34,391 [Bilal] It's a challenge. 915 01:12:34,475 --> 01:12:35,851 And they're doing it beautifully. 916 01:12:35,934 --> 01:12:39,146 They're doing it in a most amazing manner 917 01:12:39,730 --> 01:12:40,856 to live with humans. 918 01:12:43,150 --> 01:12:44,651 [chattering] 919 01:12:44,735 --> 01:12:47,112 [narrator] And people are also playing their part 920 01:12:48,572 --> 01:12:53,660 to ensure this unique relationship lasts into the future. 921 01:13:01,085 --> 01:13:04,338 [Bilal] I think there is always a space in the heart of the people 922 01:13:04,421 --> 01:13:06,090 to live with tigers, 923 01:13:07,174 --> 01:13:10,761 to share the landscape with these magnificent carnivores. 924 01:13:20,729 --> 01:13:22,773 [♪ upbeat music playing]