1 00:00:02,210 --> 00:00:05,631 [man] Cefalù, Sicily, 1959. 2 00:00:05,631 --> 00:00:07,716 What a simpler time. 3 00:00:07,716 --> 00:00:10,302 Families, rolling hills, 4 00:00:10,302 --> 00:00:11,637 farms. 5 00:00:11,637 --> 00:00:13,054 Look at my grandfather. 6 00:00:13,054 --> 00:00:14,473 Do you know how confident 7 00:00:13,054 --> 00:00:14,473 you have to be 8 00:00:14,473 --> 00:00:16,725 to wear a short sleeve 9 00:00:14,473 --> 00:00:16,725 dress shirt 10 00:00:16,725 --> 00:00:19,520 with a tie 11 00:00:16,725 --> 00:00:19,520 to go pick tomatoes? 12 00:00:19,520 --> 00:00:22,439 My father would go on 13 00:00:19,520 --> 00:00:22,439 to be a hair stylist, 14 00:00:22,439 --> 00:00:23,858 and my uncle Luigi 15 00:00:23,858 --> 00:00:25,651 could get a deal 16 00:00:23,858 --> 00:00:25,651 on anything. 17 00:00:25,651 --> 00:00:28,445 My family 18 00:00:25,651 --> 00:00:28,445 didn't agree on much, 19 00:00:28,445 --> 00:00:30,698 but the one thing 20 00:00:28,445 --> 00:00:30,698 they would agree on, 21 00:00:30,698 --> 00:00:33,367 no one, 22 00:00:30,698 --> 00:00:33,367 and I mean no one 23 00:00:33,367 --> 00:00:36,411 would ever thought 24 00:00:33,367 --> 00:00:36,411 I would end up here. 25 00:00:36,411 --> 00:00:39,456 [electronic music playing] 26 00:00:49,466 --> 00:00:53,387 [male announcer] 27 00:00:49,466 --> 00:00:53,387 Ladies and gentlemen, 28 00:00:49,466 --> 00:00:53,387 Sebastian Maniscalco. 29 00:00:53,387 --> 00:00:55,764 [audience cheers] 30 00:01:27,963 --> 00:01:31,550 Wow. Nice. 31 00:01:32,426 --> 00:01:34,469 Well... 32 00:01:41,769 --> 00:01:43,311 Feels good. 33 00:01:47,399 --> 00:01:51,445 Saturday night, right? 34 00:01:47,399 --> 00:01:51,445 It's exciting. 35 00:01:53,196 --> 00:01:57,659 It's a big night. 36 00:01:53,196 --> 00:01:57,659 It's a big night. 37 00:01:58,660 --> 00:02:03,624 Now, before you came here, 38 00:02:03,624 --> 00:02:05,960 you had to decide 39 00:02:05,960 --> 00:02:07,962 how you're 40 00:02:05,960 --> 00:02:07,962 gonna get here. 41 00:02:09,630 --> 00:02:12,091 And you might be getting ready 42 00:02:09,630 --> 00:02:12,091 and ask your wife, 43 00:02:12,091 --> 00:02:14,051 "Babe, you want me to drive?" 44 00:02:14,051 --> 00:02:15,677 [audience laughs] 45 00:02:20,390 --> 00:02:23,060 If you're Italian, 46 00:02:20,390 --> 00:02:23,060 you probably try and get like, 47 00:02:23,060 --> 00:02:25,062 "Well, do you think we're 48 00:02:23,060 --> 00:02:25,062 gonna get, like, a stretch 49 00:02:25,062 --> 00:02:27,648 or something like that? 50 00:02:34,362 --> 00:02:36,490 Do we get a cab? 51 00:02:34,362 --> 00:02:36,490 What do we do? 52 00:02:36,490 --> 00:02:40,119 Maybe Uber? 53 00:02:36,490 --> 00:02:40,119 A lot of people like Uber." 54 00:02:41,829 --> 00:02:43,831 UberX, what is that? 55 00:02:43,831 --> 00:02:46,249 What is it? 56 00:02:46,249 --> 00:02:49,003 It's like hitchhiking 57 00:02:46,249 --> 00:02:49,003 with your phone. 58 00:02:49,003 --> 00:02:50,169 [audience laughs] 59 00:02:59,220 --> 00:03:01,098 God knows what's gonna 60 00:02:59,220 --> 00:03:01,098 pull up tonight 61 00:03:01,098 --> 00:03:02,349 to pick you up. 62 00:03:04,768 --> 00:03:07,228 Some guy 63 00:03:04,768 --> 00:03:07,228 in a Ford Festiva? 64 00:03:09,648 --> 00:03:11,859 Groceries in the back? 65 00:03:11,859 --> 00:03:14,987 Baby seat next to you? 66 00:03:14,987 --> 00:03:17,364 With a baby? 67 00:03:18,365 --> 00:03:20,367 Loose popcorn 68 00:03:18,365 --> 00:03:20,367 on the floor? 69 00:03:20,367 --> 00:03:23,328 "What's going on 70 00:03:20,367 --> 00:03:23,328 back here, guy? 71 00:03:23,328 --> 00:03:25,873 Are you on an errand? 72 00:03:23,328 --> 00:03:25,873 What is this?" 73 00:03:32,129 --> 00:03:34,089 Uber Black. 74 00:03:32,129 --> 00:03:34,089 That's another one, people. 75 00:03:34,089 --> 00:03:37,258 That's a better... 76 00:03:37,258 --> 00:03:39,970 You might get a sedan, 77 00:03:37,258 --> 00:03:39,970 an SUV. 78 00:03:39,970 --> 00:03:41,555 Do you ever get 79 00:03:39,970 --> 00:03:41,555 into that guy's car? 80 00:03:41,555 --> 00:03:44,474 He's so proud 81 00:03:41,555 --> 00:03:44,474 of his candy. 82 00:03:44,474 --> 00:03:46,894 As soon as you get in, 83 00:03:44,474 --> 00:03:46,894 "I've got candy if you want. 84 00:03:46,894 --> 00:03:48,020 I got it in the seat. 85 00:03:48,020 --> 00:03:50,147 I got gum, 86 00:03:48,020 --> 00:03:50,147 Jolly Rancher, 87 00:03:50,147 --> 00:03:53,859 I got iPhone 3, 4, 5, 6 charge. 88 00:03:53,859 --> 00:03:55,736 I got iPhone 9. 89 00:03:53,859 --> 00:03:55,736 It's not out, 90 00:03:55,736 --> 00:03:57,404 but I have 91 00:03:55,736 --> 00:03:57,404 if you need it." 92 00:03:57,404 --> 00:03:59,698 What? 93 00:04:03,869 --> 00:04:06,788 These are weird experiences. 94 00:04:06,788 --> 00:04:08,540 You get in an Uber, 95 00:04:06,788 --> 00:04:08,540 they're rating you. 96 00:04:08,540 --> 00:04:09,875 You're rating them. 97 00:04:09,875 --> 00:04:13,378 Everybody's on some weird, 98 00:04:09,875 --> 00:04:13,378 fake behavior. 99 00:04:15,005 --> 00:04:16,631 As soon as you get in, 100 00:04:15,005 --> 00:04:16,631 you have to ask, 101 00:04:16,631 --> 00:04:19,676 you feel like, okay, I gotta... 102 00:04:19,676 --> 00:04:21,887 "How long have you 103 00:04:19,676 --> 00:04:21,887 been doing Uber?" 104 00:04:27,517 --> 00:04:30,520 And they never just do Uber. 105 00:04:30,520 --> 00:04:34,191 They always got 106 00:04:30,520 --> 00:04:34,191 some side business. 107 00:04:34,191 --> 00:04:35,316 You ask them how long. 108 00:04:35,316 --> 00:04:36,818 "I know, come on, hee hee. 109 00:04:36,818 --> 00:04:41,448 I do this 12 hours a week, 110 00:04:36,818 --> 00:04:41,448 but my real business, 111 00:04:41,448 --> 00:04:43,784 I got a discotheque 112 00:04:41,448 --> 00:04:43,784 in Istanbul." 113 00:04:43,784 --> 00:04:46,494 What... 114 00:04:46,494 --> 00:04:51,291 the hell are you 115 00:04:46,494 --> 00:04:51,291 talking about? 116 00:04:59,007 --> 00:05:03,428 And Uber is expanding into 117 00:04:59,007 --> 00:05:03,428 a lot of different areas. 118 00:05:03,428 --> 00:05:05,346 You don't have this yet 119 00:05:03,428 --> 00:05:05,346 here in New York City, 120 00:05:05,346 --> 00:05:07,307 but in Los Angeles, 121 00:05:05,346 --> 00:05:07,307 they have a thing called 122 00:05:07,307 --> 00:05:10,518 Uber Kitten. 123 00:05:10,518 --> 00:05:14,856 Where they'll bring 124 00:05:10,518 --> 00:05:14,856 a cat to your house 125 00:05:14,856 --> 00:05:17,317 for one hour. 126 00:05:18,652 --> 00:05:21,362 Why would you do that? 127 00:05:27,911 --> 00:05:30,956 I've never been sitting around 128 00:05:27,911 --> 00:05:30,956 my home and asked my wife, 129 00:05:30,956 --> 00:05:34,626 "Babe, call Uber. 130 00:05:30,956 --> 00:05:34,626 Let's get a cat over here 131 00:05:34,626 --> 00:05:37,420 for one hour. 132 00:05:34,626 --> 00:05:37,420 I need to pet something." 133 00:05:41,675 --> 00:05:43,677 [laughing continues] 134 00:05:50,017 --> 00:05:51,350 It's weird. 135 00:05:51,350 --> 00:05:55,814 We trust our phones too much. 136 00:05:55,814 --> 00:05:57,983 Could you imagine 137 00:05:55,814 --> 00:05:57,983 20 years ago, 138 00:05:57,983 --> 00:06:00,861 a foreign guy pulling up 139 00:05:57,983 --> 00:06:00,861 in a sedan telling you, 140 00:06:00,861 --> 00:06:02,029 "Get in." You'd be like, 141 00:06:02,029 --> 00:06:04,198 "Get the fuck out of here." 142 00:06:17,544 --> 00:06:18,670 Not today. You're like, 143 00:06:18,670 --> 00:06:20,964 "Are you Gegak? 144 00:06:24,634 --> 00:06:27,054 The photo doesn't really 145 00:06:24,634 --> 00:06:27,054 look like you, 146 00:06:27,054 --> 00:06:29,681 but I think 147 00:06:27,054 --> 00:06:29,681 this is the vehicle." 148 00:06:35,103 --> 00:06:36,980 Strange. 149 00:06:36,980 --> 00:06:40,525 There's a lot of interesting 150 00:06:36,980 --> 00:06:40,525 websites out there. 151 00:06:40,525 --> 00:06:42,986 Airbnb. Here's another one. 152 00:06:44,112 --> 00:06:47,615 You can rent out a room 153 00:06:44,112 --> 00:06:47,615 in your house. 154 00:06:52,287 --> 00:06:56,875 Is it worth the extra $100 155 00:06:56,875 --> 00:07:01,420 to have some psychotic family 156 00:06:56,875 --> 00:07:01,420 show up with their luggage? 157 00:07:05,092 --> 00:07:06,801 [imitates British accent] 158 00:07:05,092 --> 00:07:06,801 "Hello." 159 00:07:08,511 --> 00:07:09,846 I couldn't do this. 160 00:07:09,846 --> 00:07:14,475 I couldn't rent out 161 00:07:09,846 --> 00:07:14,475 a room in my home. 162 00:07:14,475 --> 00:07:18,521 If I did, after they left, 163 00:07:14,475 --> 00:07:18,521 I'd have to burn the room 164 00:07:18,521 --> 00:07:20,565 that they were in. 165 00:07:20,565 --> 00:07:22,359 I'd torch the mattress. 166 00:07:22,359 --> 00:07:24,403 I don't know 167 00:07:22,359 --> 00:07:24,403 what's falling out 168 00:07:24,403 --> 00:07:25,779 of peoples ears 169 00:07:25,779 --> 00:07:28,115 into the Tempur-Pedic. 170 00:07:28,115 --> 00:07:30,075 Torch the... 171 00:07:30,992 --> 00:07:33,870 Torch the bed. 172 00:07:37,040 --> 00:07:39,334 I don't even stay 173 00:07:37,040 --> 00:07:39,334 with my family 174 00:07:39,334 --> 00:07:41,669 let alone strangers. 175 00:07:42,837 --> 00:07:44,298 I get it all the time. 176 00:07:44,298 --> 00:07:46,549 Every time I go to a city, 177 00:07:44,298 --> 00:07:46,549 I know people there. 178 00:07:46,549 --> 00:07:48,385 And they're like, 179 00:07:46,549 --> 00:07:48,385 "Just stay with us. 180 00:07:48,385 --> 00:07:51,054 We have plenty of room." 181 00:07:51,054 --> 00:07:54,015 I ain't staying with you. 182 00:07:57,018 --> 00:07:58,770 You ever stay with people? 183 00:07:57,018 --> 00:07:58,770 It's weird. 184 00:07:58,770 --> 00:08:00,605 They put you 185 00:07:58,770 --> 00:08:00,605 in some weird room 186 00:08:00,605 --> 00:08:01,773 nobody uses. 187 00:08:01,773 --> 00:08:04,359 Single bed, 188 00:08:01,773 --> 00:08:04,359 Star Wars sheets, 189 00:08:04,359 --> 00:08:06,569 Darth Vader, C-3PO. 190 00:08:08,905 --> 00:08:10,115 Can't even get comfortable. 191 00:08:10,115 --> 00:08:11,658 You ever get into 192 00:08:10,115 --> 00:08:11,658 somebody's bed? 193 00:08:11,658 --> 00:08:13,952 It's weird. You get in. 194 00:08:13,952 --> 00:08:15,578 You can't... 195 00:08:15,578 --> 00:08:17,289 Look to the left, 196 00:08:15,578 --> 00:08:17,289 there's a booger wall. 197 00:08:17,289 --> 00:08:20,500 Somebody started 198 00:08:17,289 --> 00:08:20,500 a booger wall? 199 00:08:29,717 --> 00:08:32,220 Try and get comfortable. 200 00:08:29,717 --> 00:08:32,220 You can't. 201 00:08:32,220 --> 00:08:34,681 The owners always come in 202 00:08:32,220 --> 00:08:34,681 and knock on the door, 203 00:08:34,681 --> 00:08:36,641 and they're gonna tell you 204 00:08:34,681 --> 00:08:36,641 what's wrong with the house. 205 00:08:36,641 --> 00:08:38,685 You always get 206 00:08:36,641 --> 00:08:38,685 that little knock. 207 00:08:38,685 --> 00:08:41,313 "Are you sleeping yet?" 208 00:08:41,313 --> 00:08:44,524 "No, I'm gonna stand, why? 209 00:08:41,313 --> 00:08:44,524 What's going on? 210 00:08:44,524 --> 00:08:46,234 You got a booger wall 211 00:08:44,524 --> 00:08:46,234 here to your left. 212 00:08:46,234 --> 00:08:47,944 You haven't-- you haven't 213 00:08:46,234 --> 00:08:47,944 seen that yet? 214 00:08:47,944 --> 00:08:49,654 Nothing?" 215 00:08:51,114 --> 00:08:52,782 They tell you just before 216 00:08:51,114 --> 00:08:52,782 you go to bed, 217 00:08:52,782 --> 00:08:54,242 just so you know, 218 00:08:54,242 --> 00:08:56,203 "The toilet in the hallway, 219 00:08:54,242 --> 00:08:56,203 do not flush that. 220 00:08:56,203 --> 00:08:58,372 If you do, we're gonna 221 00:08:56,203 --> 00:08:58,372 have to evacuate the home." 222 00:08:58,372 --> 00:09:00,081 What? 223 00:09:01,624 --> 00:09:03,793 "When you shower 224 00:09:01,624 --> 00:09:03,793 cold is hot, hot is cold. 225 00:09:03,793 --> 00:09:06,004 We've been trying 226 00:09:03,793 --> 00:09:06,004 to fix that for years. 227 00:09:07,172 --> 00:09:08,465 When you're done 228 00:09:07,172 --> 00:09:08,465 showering, 229 00:09:08,465 --> 00:09:10,675 we ask if you could 230 00:09:08,465 --> 00:09:10,675 please squeegee--" 231 00:09:10,675 --> 00:09:12,552 Squeegee? 232 00:09:14,388 --> 00:09:16,806 What? I mean wh-- 233 00:09:14,388 --> 00:09:16,806 I gotta get in and clean? 234 00:09:16,806 --> 00:09:20,601 Now naked. I gotta search 235 00:09:16,806 --> 00:09:20,601 for some weird wand 236 00:09:20,601 --> 00:09:24,772 that lives in your shower 237 00:09:20,601 --> 00:09:24,772 for 23 years? 238 00:09:24,772 --> 00:09:28,068 Take the wand and start 239 00:09:24,772 --> 00:09:28,068 wiping off shower pellets 240 00:09:28,068 --> 00:09:32,447 as my balls 241 00:09:28,068 --> 00:09:32,447 touch the tile? 242 00:09:32,447 --> 00:09:34,574 [man whistling] 243 00:09:35,658 --> 00:09:37,702 What, do I work here? 244 00:09:39,829 --> 00:09:42,749 I'm not cleaning the shower. 245 00:09:48,463 --> 00:09:50,673 I don't know, 246 00:09:48,463 --> 00:09:50,673 I stay at a hotel. 247 00:09:51,925 --> 00:09:54,344 I don't even trust 248 00:09:51,925 --> 00:09:54,344 the hotel. 249 00:09:54,344 --> 00:09:57,347 As soon as I check in, I put 250 00:09:54,344 --> 00:09:57,347 a "do not disturb" on the hook. 251 00:09:57,347 --> 00:09:59,433 It sits there 252 00:09:57,347 --> 00:09:59,433 for the amount of time 253 00:09:59,433 --> 00:10:01,351 I'm in the room. 254 00:10:01,351 --> 00:10:02,727 Yeah, you think I'm dumb? 255 00:10:02,727 --> 00:10:04,812 You think I'm dumb? 256 00:10:04,812 --> 00:10:06,398 You think I'm gonna 257 00:10:04,812 --> 00:10:06,398 have the maid come in 258 00:10:06,398 --> 00:10:09,609 and steal everything 259 00:10:06,398 --> 00:10:09,609 that I got? 260 00:10:09,609 --> 00:10:12,695 Wash out my glasses 261 00:10:09,609 --> 00:10:12,695 with some dirty panties? 262 00:10:12,695 --> 00:10:14,614 Fuck that. 263 00:10:27,877 --> 00:10:29,129 Nobody comes into my room. 264 00:10:29,129 --> 00:10:31,131 I throw everything 265 00:10:29,129 --> 00:10:31,131 in the hallway. 266 00:10:31,131 --> 00:10:34,175 Take the dirty towels, 267 00:10:31,131 --> 00:10:34,175 right in the hallway. 268 00:10:39,764 --> 00:10:41,682 That coffee machine 269 00:10:39,764 --> 00:10:41,682 that's in the bathroom? 270 00:10:41,682 --> 00:10:43,226 I throw that out. 271 00:10:43,226 --> 00:10:46,896 Who the hell is making coffee 272 00:10:43,226 --> 00:10:46,896 next to the toilet? 273 00:10:57,907 --> 00:10:59,826 Throw it out! 274 00:11:05,081 --> 00:11:07,584 And I'll rearrange 275 00:11:05,081 --> 00:11:07,584 an entire hotel room. 276 00:11:07,584 --> 00:11:09,586 I don't like 277 00:11:07,584 --> 00:11:09,586 a lot of clutter. 278 00:11:09,586 --> 00:11:11,505 As soon as I check in, 279 00:11:09,586 --> 00:11:11,505 I look to see 280 00:11:11,505 --> 00:11:13,006 what's going on 281 00:11:11,505 --> 00:11:13,006 in the room. 282 00:11:13,006 --> 00:11:15,008 If it's too-- 283 00:11:13,006 --> 00:11:15,008 too many things, 284 00:11:15,008 --> 00:11:16,759 I start rearranging. 285 00:11:15,008 --> 00:11:16,759 I'll take a chair. 286 00:11:16,759 --> 00:11:18,011 I'll throw it 287 00:11:16,759 --> 00:11:18,011 in the elevator 288 00:11:18,011 --> 00:11:20,347 and I'll send it 289 00:11:18,011 --> 00:11:20,347 to the lobby. 290 00:11:27,061 --> 00:11:29,439 People get in the elevator, 291 00:11:27,061 --> 00:11:29,439 and they think it's part 292 00:11:27,061 --> 00:11:29,439 of the hotel. 293 00:11:29,439 --> 00:11:32,359 They're like, 294 00:11:29,439 --> 00:11:32,359 "Wow, this is fabulous! 295 00:11:34,444 --> 00:11:36,279 They have furniture 296 00:11:34,444 --> 00:11:36,279 in here? 297 00:11:36,279 --> 00:11:39,740 My feet 298 00:11:36,279 --> 00:11:39,740 are just killing me." 299 00:11:41,409 --> 00:11:43,370 My wife thinks I'm nuts. 300 00:11:43,370 --> 00:11:45,746 My wife didn't grow up 301 00:11:43,370 --> 00:11:45,746 with this mentality. 302 00:11:45,746 --> 00:11:48,958 I get this all 303 00:11:45,746 --> 00:11:48,958 from my dad, all right? 304 00:11:48,958 --> 00:11:50,293 My wife didn't grow up 305 00:11:48,958 --> 00:11:50,293 like me. 306 00:11:50,293 --> 00:11:52,795 My wife's family, 307 00:11:50,293 --> 00:11:52,795 entirely different 308 00:11:52,795 --> 00:11:54,339 than my family. 309 00:11:54,339 --> 00:11:57,467 My family, we talk a lot. 310 00:11:57,467 --> 00:11:59,844 Everything's out in the open 311 00:11:59,844 --> 00:12:01,638 on my side of the family. 312 00:12:01,638 --> 00:12:04,057 In my family, 313 00:12:01,638 --> 00:12:04,057 if you got a problem, 314 00:12:04,057 --> 00:12:07,060 somebody gonna tell you 315 00:12:07,060 --> 00:12:10,063 you got a problem. 316 00:12:11,022 --> 00:12:12,315 You stink? Somebody goes, 317 00:12:12,315 --> 00:12:14,401 "What the fuck? You stink." 318 00:12:22,325 --> 00:12:24,785 Yeah, he stinks. 319 00:12:22,325 --> 00:12:24,785 I don't know. 320 00:12:31,334 --> 00:12:33,503 We are so honest. 321 00:12:33,503 --> 00:12:36,089 Nobody gets their feelings 322 00:12:33,503 --> 00:12:36,089 hurt in my family. 323 00:12:36,089 --> 00:12:38,633 Nobody's got feelings. 324 00:12:42,429 --> 00:12:44,763 We talk about each other 325 00:12:42,429 --> 00:12:44,763 in our family. 326 00:12:44,763 --> 00:12:48,643 I call my mother, and we talk 327 00:12:44,763 --> 00:12:48,643 about the entire family. 328 00:12:48,643 --> 00:12:50,811 We talk about my sister. 329 00:12:48,643 --> 00:12:50,811 "Hey, you talk to Jessica?" 330 00:12:50,811 --> 00:12:54,023 "Yeah, don't call her. 331 00:12:50,811 --> 00:12:54,023 It's all-- 332 00:12:54,023 --> 00:12:56,817 They're having 333 00:12:54,023 --> 00:12:56,817 a tough go of it." 334 00:13:00,113 --> 00:13:02,616 Not my wife's family. 335 00:13:00,113 --> 00:13:02,616 They don't say nothing 336 00:13:02,616 --> 00:13:05,201 on that side. Nobody knows. 337 00:13:05,201 --> 00:13:07,786 I listen. I listen. 338 00:13:09,330 --> 00:13:11,249 My wife Skypes 339 00:13:09,330 --> 00:13:11,249 with her mother. 340 00:13:11,249 --> 00:13:12,917 And, you know, 341 00:13:11,249 --> 00:13:12,917 I can hear them talking. 342 00:13:12,917 --> 00:13:15,378 "What's going on over there?" 343 00:13:15,378 --> 00:13:19,006 "Oh, nothing. 344 00:13:15,378 --> 00:13:19,006 Everything's good here. 345 00:13:19,006 --> 00:13:20,216 What's going on over there?" 346 00:13:20,216 --> 00:13:22,343 And I pass by. [mumbles] 347 00:13:27,056 --> 00:13:28,642 After she get off, 348 00:13:27,056 --> 00:13:28,642 I tell her-- 349 00:13:28,642 --> 00:13:30,727 I ask my wife, 350 00:13:28,642 --> 00:13:30,727 "What did your mom say?" 351 00:13:30,727 --> 00:13:31,810 "Oh, everything's good." 352 00:13:31,810 --> 00:13:34,230 It ain't good. 353 00:13:34,230 --> 00:13:36,899 Dig, dig for the story. 354 00:13:39,944 --> 00:13:42,656 Get down deep. 355 00:13:39,944 --> 00:13:42,656 Figure it out. 356 00:13:42,656 --> 00:13:44,699 There's shit happening. 357 00:13:48,286 --> 00:13:51,331 I talk to my mother, 358 00:13:48,286 --> 00:13:51,331 I get it all from her. 359 00:13:51,331 --> 00:13:54,167 As soon as I hang up, 360 00:13:51,331 --> 00:13:54,167 I can't wait to tell my wife 361 00:13:54,167 --> 00:13:57,253 what I found out. 362 00:13:57,253 --> 00:13:58,672 As soon as I hang up 363 00:13:57,253 --> 00:13:58,672 the phone I go, 364 00:13:58,672 --> 00:14:00,881 "Babe, pour yourself 365 00:13:58,672 --> 00:14:00,881 a glass of wine. 366 00:14:00,881 --> 00:14:02,258 Meet me outside. 367 00:14:02,258 --> 00:14:04,302 You're not gonna believe 368 00:14:02,258 --> 00:14:04,302 what's going on 369 00:14:04,302 --> 00:14:05,595 with my cousins. 370 00:14:05,595 --> 00:14:07,806 [whistles] 371 00:14:10,933 --> 00:14:13,478 I got juice. I got juice." 372 00:14:18,983 --> 00:14:21,027 My family talks 373 00:14:18,983 --> 00:14:21,027 about everything. 374 00:14:21,027 --> 00:14:23,154 Nothing is off the table. 375 00:14:23,154 --> 00:14:25,406 Talk about money constantly. 376 00:14:25,406 --> 00:14:27,116 To this day, my father and I, 377 00:14:27,116 --> 00:14:29,035 that's all we did 378 00:14:27,116 --> 00:14:29,035 was talk about money, 379 00:14:29,035 --> 00:14:30,495 when we were small, 380 00:14:30,495 --> 00:14:32,121 to this day. 381 00:14:30,495 --> 00:14:32,121 My father knows what I make. 382 00:14:32,121 --> 00:14:34,374 I know what he's got 383 00:14:32,121 --> 00:14:34,374 buried in the yard. 384 00:14:38,002 --> 00:14:40,338 Italians. 385 00:14:38,002 --> 00:14:40,338 Any Italians here tonight? 386 00:14:40,338 --> 00:14:42,340 [audience cheers] 387 00:14:43,924 --> 00:14:45,926 Of course. 388 00:14:45,926 --> 00:14:47,554 Italians, we're always 389 00:14:45,926 --> 00:14:47,554 trying to figure out 390 00:14:47,554 --> 00:14:50,682 what stuff costs. 391 00:14:50,682 --> 00:14:52,475 Some of you were probably 392 00:14:50,682 --> 00:14:52,475 looking up here tonight going, 393 00:14:52,475 --> 00:14:55,395 "What do you think 394 00:14:52,475 --> 00:14:55,395 he's making for this shit? 395 00:15:01,901 --> 00:15:04,945 How many seats you think 396 00:15:01,901 --> 00:15:04,945 is in the place?" 397 00:15:12,245 --> 00:15:14,997 Any event Italians go, 398 00:15:12,245 --> 00:15:14,997 they try and figure it out. 399 00:15:14,997 --> 00:15:17,584 They go to a wedding, 400 00:15:14,997 --> 00:15:17,584 the whole ride home, 401 00:15:17,584 --> 00:15:20,169 "How much you think 402 00:15:17,584 --> 00:15:20,169 they paid for the...?" 403 00:15:25,132 --> 00:15:27,886 We itemize everything 404 00:15:25,132 --> 00:15:27,886 we saw at the wedding. 405 00:15:27,886 --> 00:15:29,596 Well, they wrapped 406 00:15:27,886 --> 00:15:29,596 the chairs. 407 00:15:29,596 --> 00:15:32,891 That's $38 a chair. 408 00:15:32,891 --> 00:15:35,976 They had a sweet table. 409 00:15:32,891 --> 00:15:35,976 Ice sculptures. 410 00:15:40,565 --> 00:15:42,983 So honest. 411 00:15:42,983 --> 00:15:44,694 My family is so honest. 412 00:15:44,694 --> 00:15:47,238 My wife's family, again, 413 00:15:44,694 --> 00:15:47,238 they don't say nothin'. 414 00:15:47,238 --> 00:15:49,949 And I really found out 415 00:15:47,238 --> 00:15:49,949 how different 416 00:15:49,949 --> 00:15:52,493 my wife and I were 417 00:15:49,949 --> 00:15:52,493 when we went to go visit 418 00:15:52,493 --> 00:15:54,662 her father at the cemetery. 419 00:15:54,662 --> 00:15:58,792 Now, my wife's father 420 00:15:54,662 --> 00:15:58,792 passed away 15 years ago. 421 00:15:58,792 --> 00:16:01,043 I never got a chance 422 00:15:58,792 --> 00:16:01,043 to meet the man. 423 00:16:01,043 --> 00:16:03,212 So we go to the cemetery. 424 00:16:03,212 --> 00:16:05,298 Now, prior to his death, 425 00:16:05,298 --> 00:16:08,468 he bought a plot for himself, 426 00:16:08,468 --> 00:16:10,720 a plot for his wife. 427 00:16:10,720 --> 00:16:13,807 Well, the wife 428 00:16:10,720 --> 00:16:13,807 has since remarried. 429 00:16:15,892 --> 00:16:17,477 Okay. 430 00:16:29,614 --> 00:16:31,574 So we go to the cemetery, 431 00:16:31,574 --> 00:16:32,867 and I'm holding 432 00:16:31,574 --> 00:16:32,867 my wife's hand. 433 00:16:32,867 --> 00:16:35,662 It's a very emotional day 434 00:16:32,867 --> 00:16:35,662 for us. 435 00:16:35,662 --> 00:16:36,913 Well, for me. 436 00:16:36,913 --> 00:16:38,372 Listen, I gotta 437 00:16:36,913 --> 00:16:38,372 be honest with you, 438 00:16:38,372 --> 00:16:42,335 I'm the emotional one 439 00:16:38,372 --> 00:16:42,335 in the relationship. 440 00:16:42,335 --> 00:16:46,881 I cry, no problem. 441 00:16:42,335 --> 00:16:46,881 Undercover Boss, forget it. 442 00:16:46,881 --> 00:16:48,967 I'm balling at the end 443 00:16:46,881 --> 00:16:48,967 of that show. 444 00:16:48,967 --> 00:16:51,135 Oh, my God. 445 00:16:55,849 --> 00:16:58,309 So we go to the cemetery. 446 00:16:55,849 --> 00:16:58,309 I'm holding my wife's hand. 447 00:16:58,309 --> 00:17:00,937 We approach the two graves. 448 00:17:00,937 --> 00:17:03,230 Now I'm sitting there, 449 00:17:00,937 --> 00:17:03,230 my heart is bleeding 450 00:17:03,230 --> 00:17:05,191 for my wife. 451 00:17:03,230 --> 00:17:05,191 She got no father. 452 00:17:05,191 --> 00:17:08,611 But the other side 453 00:17:05,191 --> 00:17:08,611 of my brain kicks in. 454 00:17:10,446 --> 00:17:14,450 I said, "Is your mother 455 00:17:10,446 --> 00:17:14,450 still gonna get... 456 00:17:16,369 --> 00:17:19,121 buried here 457 00:17:16,369 --> 00:17:19,121 with the original or... 458 00:17:23,793 --> 00:17:26,337 Or is she gonna get buried 459 00:17:23,793 --> 00:17:26,337 with the new husband? 460 00:17:26,337 --> 00:17:29,048 What's going on? 461 00:17:26,337 --> 00:17:29,048 'Cause this is paid for. 462 00:17:29,048 --> 00:17:31,801 It's paid for and, uh, 463 00:17:31,801 --> 00:17:34,012 who's going in the hole? 464 00:17:31,801 --> 00:17:34,012 We gotta figure this out. 465 00:17:34,012 --> 00:17:35,763 I'll hop in here. 466 00:17:37,015 --> 00:17:38,391 In the meantime, 467 00:17:37,015 --> 00:17:38,391 we gotta use this, 468 00:17:38,391 --> 00:17:39,642 maybe for storage. 469 00:17:39,642 --> 00:17:41,644 We'll put 470 00:17:39,642 --> 00:17:41,644 the Christmas tree here. 471 00:17:43,021 --> 00:17:46,482 A rake, skis. 472 00:17:43,021 --> 00:17:46,482 We gotta use this." 473 00:17:51,946 --> 00:17:54,198 My wife's brain 474 00:17:51,946 --> 00:17:54,198 don't work this way. 475 00:17:55,449 --> 00:17:57,410 She said, "Why would you 476 00:17:55,449 --> 00:17:57,410 even think of that?" 477 00:17:57,410 --> 00:18:01,497 I go, "That's why you got me. 478 00:17:57,410 --> 00:18:01,497 I think of this." 479 00:18:01,497 --> 00:18:03,499 We're calling 480 00:18:01,497 --> 00:18:03,499 your mother tonight, 481 00:18:03,499 --> 00:18:07,253 and we're figuring out 482 00:18:03,499 --> 00:18:07,253 who goes where in this plot. 483 00:18:14,301 --> 00:18:17,013 But they don't share 484 00:18:14,301 --> 00:18:17,013 like my family shares. 485 00:18:17,013 --> 00:18:20,182 My family comes over, 486 00:18:17,013 --> 00:18:20,182 it's a critique of everything. 487 00:18:20,182 --> 00:18:22,977 My father comes to critique 488 00:18:20,182 --> 00:18:22,977 everything in the house. 489 00:18:24,311 --> 00:18:26,522 He asks me what I paid 490 00:18:24,311 --> 00:18:26,522 for stuff constantly. 491 00:18:26,522 --> 00:18:28,148 He'll walk around 492 00:18:26,522 --> 00:18:28,148 the house and just, 493 00:18:28,148 --> 00:18:29,943 "How much, how much 494 00:18:28,148 --> 00:18:29,943 you pay for that?" 495 00:18:31,569 --> 00:18:33,195 "What they take you for? 496 00:18:31,569 --> 00:18:33,195 Tell me." 497 00:18:35,448 --> 00:18:38,409 So now I gotta give him 498 00:18:35,448 --> 00:18:38,409 parent price. 499 00:18:44,248 --> 00:18:46,333 You can't tell your parents 500 00:18:44,248 --> 00:18:46,333 the full price. 501 00:18:46,333 --> 00:18:47,794 They'll have a heart attack. 502 00:18:49,670 --> 00:18:52,757 You gotta knock 90% off. 503 00:18:59,138 --> 00:19:02,809 But my father can't even 504 00:18:59,138 --> 00:19:02,809 take the parent price. 505 00:19:02,809 --> 00:19:04,852 I go, "I don't know, Dad. 506 00:19:02,809 --> 00:19:04,852 I think it was $400--" 507 00:19:04,852 --> 00:19:08,648 "$400?! 508 00:19:04,852 --> 00:19:08,648 I could make this." 509 00:19:10,232 --> 00:19:13,402 What you can make 510 00:19:10,232 --> 00:19:13,402 a 65" Samsung TV set? 511 00:19:14,737 --> 00:19:17,323 What the hell 512 00:19:14,737 --> 00:19:17,323 are you talking...? 513 00:19:24,538 --> 00:19:26,373 Different families. 514 00:19:26,373 --> 00:19:28,542 My wife's family, God, 515 00:19:28,542 --> 00:19:31,629 I spent six days 516 00:19:28,542 --> 00:19:31,629 with them 517 00:19:31,629 --> 00:19:33,464 a couple months ago. 518 00:19:33,464 --> 00:19:35,091 Now, when I go to her side 519 00:19:33,464 --> 00:19:35,091 of the family, 520 00:19:35,091 --> 00:19:36,634 I got no blood relation there. 521 00:19:36,634 --> 00:19:38,260 I got nobody to confide in. 522 00:19:38,260 --> 00:19:41,347 I can't tap anybody and go, 523 00:19:38,260 --> 00:19:41,347 "Did you see that?" 524 00:19:55,028 --> 00:19:58,823 Now, my wife's got a nephew 525 00:19:55,028 --> 00:19:58,823 on that side that, well, 526 00:19:58,823 --> 00:20:02,201 these types of kids, 527 00:19:58,823 --> 00:20:02,201 he's all over the restaurant. 528 00:20:02,201 --> 00:20:04,120 He'll go to a restaurant, 529 00:20:02,201 --> 00:20:04,120 he don't sit still, 530 00:20:04,120 --> 00:20:05,538 boom, he's gone. 531 00:20:05,538 --> 00:20:08,290 Now, I'm the type, 532 00:20:05,538 --> 00:20:08,290 I can handle a conversation, 533 00:20:08,290 --> 00:20:10,043 but in the back 534 00:20:08,290 --> 00:20:10,043 of my head, I'm like, 535 00:20:10,043 --> 00:20:12,378 "Is somebody 536 00:20:10,043 --> 00:20:12,378 gonna handle this?" 537 00:20:18,676 --> 00:20:20,678 So I lose him for about 538 00:20:18,676 --> 00:20:20,678 a minute and a half. 539 00:20:20,678 --> 00:20:22,513 I become concerned 540 00:20:20,678 --> 00:20:22,513 because I don't know 541 00:20:22,513 --> 00:20:23,890 where the hell he's at. 542 00:20:23,890 --> 00:20:26,100 He comes from behind me, 543 00:20:23,890 --> 00:20:26,100 and he chops me 544 00:20:26,100 --> 00:20:27,894 right in the neck. 545 00:20:32,565 --> 00:20:33,816 I look right at the parents. 546 00:20:33,816 --> 00:20:35,109 Nothing. They're just, 547 00:20:35,109 --> 00:20:37,486 "Oh, well, he's just 548 00:20:35,109 --> 00:20:37,486 a kid, you know?" 549 00:20:39,864 --> 00:20:41,657 Do you know what 550 00:20:39,864 --> 00:20:41,657 would happen to me 551 00:20:41,657 --> 00:20:46,079 if I ever slapped an adult 552 00:20:41,657 --> 00:20:46,079 at a restaurant? 553 00:20:48,122 --> 00:20:49,456 Right? 554 00:20:49,456 --> 00:20:51,834 [audience cheers] 555 00:20:54,503 --> 00:20:57,131 My father would come 556 00:20:54,503 --> 00:20:57,131 from behind me, 557 00:20:57,131 --> 00:21:01,385 put a black bag over my head... 558 00:21:01,385 --> 00:21:03,846 and take me to 559 00:21:01,385 --> 00:21:03,846 an undisclosed location. 560 00:21:03,846 --> 00:21:05,223 Gone. 561 00:21:09,602 --> 00:21:12,646 I would return 562 00:21:09,602 --> 00:21:12,646 one hour later, 563 00:21:12,646 --> 00:21:14,774 a brand-new kid. 564 00:21:18,527 --> 00:21:22,156 There'd be a lot of bowing. 565 00:21:18,527 --> 00:21:22,156 "I'm so sorry. 566 00:21:22,156 --> 00:21:24,283 I am so sorry. 567 00:21:24,283 --> 00:21:25,868 My father just informed me 568 00:21:25,868 --> 00:21:30,206 that I'm gonna be working 569 00:21:25,868 --> 00:21:30,206 for you free of charge... 570 00:21:30,206 --> 00:21:32,250 for the next 12 years 571 00:21:30,206 --> 00:21:32,250 of my life. 572 00:21:32,250 --> 00:21:34,210 I apologize deeply." 573 00:21:40,382 --> 00:21:42,384 But the reason I fell 574 00:21:40,382 --> 00:21:42,384 in love with my wife 575 00:21:42,384 --> 00:21:43,970 is because 576 00:21:42,384 --> 00:21:43,970 she is so different. 577 00:21:43,970 --> 00:21:46,555 She brings out 578 00:21:43,970 --> 00:21:46,555 a lot of things in me 579 00:21:46,555 --> 00:21:47,974 that no one ever has. 580 00:21:47,974 --> 00:21:50,768 She loves to go out. 581 00:21:50,768 --> 00:21:53,437 Loves people. Loves to go... 582 00:21:53,437 --> 00:21:55,856 Here, she came home 583 00:21:53,437 --> 00:21:55,856 a couple of months ago. 584 00:21:55,856 --> 00:21:58,484 She's like, 585 00:21:55,856 --> 00:21:58,484 "Met a great couple, 586 00:21:58,484 --> 00:22:02,321 they invited us to their home 587 00:21:58,484 --> 00:22:02,321 for a dinner party." 588 00:22:03,948 --> 00:22:07,201 In my head, I'm like, 589 00:22:03,948 --> 00:22:07,201 "This sounds terrible. 590 00:22:07,201 --> 00:22:08,995 I don't want..." 591 00:22:15,375 --> 00:22:18,296 I have an allergic reaction 592 00:22:15,375 --> 00:22:18,296 to people I don't like. 593 00:22:18,296 --> 00:22:20,840 Right away, I feel it. I itch. 594 00:22:23,717 --> 00:22:25,594 But not everything's 595 00:22:23,717 --> 00:22:25,594 an argument. 596 00:22:25,594 --> 00:22:29,265 So I told my wife, "Eh, yeah... 597 00:22:29,265 --> 00:22:30,516 When is it? Saturday night, 598 00:22:30,516 --> 00:22:33,393 my night off? 599 00:22:30,516 --> 00:22:33,393 Yeah, I'd love to go. 600 00:22:33,393 --> 00:22:34,770 All strangers? 601 00:22:34,770 --> 00:22:37,397 Everybody's gonna 602 00:22:34,770 --> 00:22:37,397 be a stranger?" 603 00:22:43,070 --> 00:22:45,031 So we get in the car. 604 00:22:43,070 --> 00:22:45,031 We start to drive. 605 00:22:45,031 --> 00:22:46,949 The whole ride there 606 00:22:45,031 --> 00:22:46,949 she's promoting the couple. 607 00:22:46,949 --> 00:22:50,703 It's her couple. 608 00:22:46,949 --> 00:22:50,703 She's gotta talk them up. 609 00:22:50,703 --> 00:22:53,706 She's like, 610 00:22:50,703 --> 00:22:53,706 "You're gonna love these two. 611 00:22:53,706 --> 00:22:57,126 She's an interior designer. 612 00:22:53,706 --> 00:22:57,126 She is so creative. 613 00:22:57,126 --> 00:23:00,713 You're gonna love the guy too. 614 00:22:57,126 --> 00:23:00,713 He's a stay-at-home dad. 615 00:23:11,515 --> 00:23:14,143 I didn't grow up with 616 00:23:11,515 --> 00:23:14,143 the stay-at-home dad community. 617 00:23:14,143 --> 00:23:16,145 I didn't-- 618 00:23:14,143 --> 00:23:16,145 You don't really find that 619 00:23:16,145 --> 00:23:17,730 in the Italian culture. 620 00:23:17,730 --> 00:23:19,148 You rarely hear a woman go, 621 00:23:19,148 --> 00:23:22,151 "No, Gino's at home 622 00:23:19,148 --> 00:23:22,151 with the kid. 623 00:23:25,238 --> 00:23:27,031 No, he doesn't work. 624 00:23:27,031 --> 00:23:30,743 He just watches Peppa Pig 625 00:23:30,743 --> 00:23:33,746 with the kid." 626 00:23:36,082 --> 00:23:38,334 That wasn't my father, 627 00:23:36,082 --> 00:23:38,334 I'll tell you that. 628 00:23:38,334 --> 00:23:41,087 He wasn't testing milk 629 00:23:38,334 --> 00:23:41,087 on his arm. 630 00:23:43,923 --> 00:23:45,799 "Yeah, no, you can 631 00:23:43,923 --> 00:23:45,799 give him the bottle. 632 00:23:45,799 --> 00:23:47,134 I think it's good." 633 00:23:48,677 --> 00:23:50,304 Dad was working 634 00:23:48,677 --> 00:23:50,304 18 hours a day. 635 00:23:50,304 --> 00:23:52,932 I think I formally met my dad 636 00:23:50,304 --> 00:23:52,932 when I was 18 years old. 637 00:23:55,809 --> 00:23:57,228 He had a little break. 638 00:23:55,809 --> 00:23:57,228 He's like, 639 00:23:57,228 --> 00:23:59,146 "Hey, how you doing? 640 00:23:57,228 --> 00:23:59,146 I'm your father. 641 00:23:59,146 --> 00:24:01,065 I'm your father. 642 00:24:02,316 --> 00:24:03,692 Everything going okay? 643 00:24:03,692 --> 00:24:05,903 Puberty? 644 00:24:03,692 --> 00:24:05,903 Everything growing?" 645 00:24:12,743 --> 00:24:15,288 So we pull up 646 00:24:12,743 --> 00:24:15,288 to the house. 647 00:24:15,288 --> 00:24:17,290 We get out of the car. 648 00:24:15,288 --> 00:24:17,290 Now, we don't go right in 649 00:24:17,290 --> 00:24:18,624 'cause my wife's 650 00:24:17,290 --> 00:24:18,624 gotta coach me 651 00:24:18,624 --> 00:24:21,294 before we go into 652 00:24:18,624 --> 00:24:21,294 any social event. 653 00:24:22,544 --> 00:24:24,462 She's gotta fix me, 654 00:24:22,544 --> 00:24:24,462 she's always fixing me. 655 00:24:24,462 --> 00:24:26,548 My wife's just, "Here, just..." 656 00:24:26,548 --> 00:24:29,843 [grunting] "Fix me up." 657 00:24:30,803 --> 00:24:32,470 She's gotta tell 658 00:24:30,803 --> 00:24:32,470 me what to do. 659 00:24:32,470 --> 00:24:34,432 She's like, "Just smile 660 00:24:32,470 --> 00:24:34,432 when you're in there, 661 00:24:34,432 --> 00:24:35,891 just smile at people." 662 00:24:35,891 --> 00:24:38,227 My wife don't think I smile 663 00:24:35,891 --> 00:24:38,227 around strangers. 664 00:24:38,227 --> 00:24:40,520 She thinks I got 665 00:24:38,227 --> 00:24:40,520 a mean resting face. 666 00:24:40,520 --> 00:24:42,189 Like, if I'm not 667 00:24:40,520 --> 00:24:42,189 talking or smiling, 668 00:24:42,189 --> 00:24:44,733 it looks like I could murder 669 00:24:42,189 --> 00:24:44,733 your entire family. 670 00:24:56,412 --> 00:24:58,747 So I tell my wife, 671 00:24:56,412 --> 00:24:58,747 "Don't worry about it. 672 00:24:58,747 --> 00:25:02,001 It's just new people. 673 00:24:58,747 --> 00:25:02,001 We're gonna have fun." 674 00:25:02,001 --> 00:25:04,586 So come up to the door. 675 00:25:02,001 --> 00:25:04,586 I ring the bell. 676 00:25:04,586 --> 00:25:07,131 They came to the door 677 00:25:04,586 --> 00:25:07,131 as a couple. 678 00:25:07,131 --> 00:25:09,091 That bothered me. 679 00:25:11,344 --> 00:25:13,762 [mouthing words] 680 00:25:18,434 --> 00:25:22,938 Just send one representative 681 00:25:18,434 --> 00:25:22,938 to the door. 682 00:25:22,938 --> 00:25:26,442 Both of you don't 683 00:25:22,938 --> 00:25:26,442 have to come holding hands. 684 00:25:33,699 --> 00:25:34,908 Now you walk in. 685 00:25:34,908 --> 00:25:37,244 It's a house I've never 686 00:25:34,908 --> 00:25:37,244 been in before. 687 00:25:37,244 --> 00:25:39,788 As soon as I walk in, 688 00:25:37,244 --> 00:25:39,788 I look at everything around me. 689 00:25:39,788 --> 00:25:41,290 I'm walking into 690 00:25:39,788 --> 00:25:41,290 a new environment, 691 00:25:41,290 --> 00:25:45,044 I take a 360, 692 00:25:41,290 --> 00:25:45,044 and I take it in. 693 00:25:45,044 --> 00:25:47,963 I look for escape routes. 694 00:25:49,673 --> 00:25:51,549 My wife don't 695 00:25:49,673 --> 00:25:51,549 look at nothin'. 696 00:25:51,549 --> 00:25:53,386 My wife's in the clouds. 697 00:25:53,386 --> 00:25:56,472 She's just walking. 698 00:25:56,472 --> 00:25:57,806 Could be 699 00:25:56,472 --> 00:25:57,806 a burning building. 700 00:25:57,806 --> 00:26:00,893 She would, 701 00:25:57,806 --> 00:26:00,893 "Whoa, wow, it's hot. 702 00:26:00,893 --> 00:26:02,769 Think I'll try over here." 703 00:26:05,856 --> 00:26:07,441 So I see the guy 704 00:26:05,856 --> 00:26:07,441 right away. 705 00:26:07,441 --> 00:26:10,027 He's got a T-shirt, #Dad. 706 00:26:15,449 --> 00:26:16,950 Then he tells me, "Can you 707 00:26:15,449 --> 00:26:16,950 take your shoes off, please? 708 00:26:16,950 --> 00:26:18,576 This is a shoe-free 709 00:26:16,950 --> 00:26:18,576 environment." 710 00:26:18,576 --> 00:26:20,829 I said, "What the fuck 711 00:26:18,576 --> 00:26:20,829 did you just tell me to do?" 712 00:26:23,165 --> 00:26:25,251 Shoes don't come off. 713 00:26:25,251 --> 00:26:27,211 My shoes come on once a night. 714 00:26:27,211 --> 00:26:30,214 That's it. 715 00:26:30,214 --> 00:26:32,341 I know some of you aren't 716 00:26:30,214 --> 00:26:32,341 even feeling this right now 717 00:26:32,341 --> 00:26:34,468 'cause you do this to people. 718 00:26:32,341 --> 00:26:34,468 Don't do this. 719 00:26:34,468 --> 00:26:36,887 Do not do this 720 00:26:34,468 --> 00:26:36,887 to grown people. 721 00:26:38,180 --> 00:26:39,557 All right? You're 722 00:26:38,180 --> 00:26:39,557 sitting there going, 723 00:26:39,557 --> 00:26:42,184 "Wh-wh-what's wrong with that? 724 00:26:42,184 --> 00:26:44,562 We have people take 725 00:26:42,184 --> 00:26:44,562 their shoes off all the ti-- 726 00:26:44,562 --> 00:26:47,440 We have white carpet." 727 00:26:44,562 --> 00:26:47,440 Why you got white carpet? 728 00:26:47,440 --> 00:26:49,191 Why? 729 00:26:55,155 --> 00:26:57,116 And my wife knows how I feel 730 00:26:55,155 --> 00:26:57,116 about the shoe thing. 731 00:26:57,116 --> 00:26:58,616 She taps me. She's like, 732 00:26:57,116 --> 00:26:58,616 "Just take them off. 733 00:26:58,616 --> 00:27:00,660 Take them off. 734 00:26:58,616 --> 00:27:00,660 These are nice people." 735 00:27:00,660 --> 00:27:01,954 So now I gotta remove my shoes 736 00:27:01,954 --> 00:27:03,705 in front of two people 737 00:27:01,954 --> 00:27:03,705 I just met. 738 00:27:03,705 --> 00:27:06,833 Try and hold a conversation. 739 00:27:03,705 --> 00:27:06,833 It's strange, you know? 740 00:27:06,833 --> 00:27:08,710 "So how long have 741 00:27:06,833 --> 00:27:08,710 you lived here?" 742 00:27:15,633 --> 00:27:18,387 So I dropped my shoes 743 00:27:15,633 --> 00:27:18,387 in the shoe farm. 744 00:27:21,557 --> 00:27:24,017 Now I'm walking around 745 00:27:21,557 --> 00:27:24,017 a stranger's house 746 00:27:24,017 --> 00:27:27,313 in my socks. 747 00:27:27,313 --> 00:27:30,190 Meeting other grown men 748 00:27:27,313 --> 00:27:30,190 in their socks. 749 00:27:30,190 --> 00:27:31,649 "Hey, how--?" 750 00:27:42,995 --> 00:27:45,831 There's four guys 751 00:27:42,995 --> 00:27:45,831 in a sock circle. 752 00:27:48,750 --> 00:27:50,210 One guy came up, 753 00:27:48,750 --> 00:27:50,210 he was barefoot. 754 00:27:50,210 --> 00:27:52,129 I almost threw up 755 00:27:50,210 --> 00:27:52,129 in my mouth. 756 00:28:01,347 --> 00:28:02,680 The guy was barefoot. 757 00:28:02,680 --> 00:28:06,101 He wanted to talk 758 00:28:02,680 --> 00:28:06,101 serious topics. 759 00:28:06,101 --> 00:28:08,770 He's like, "What do you 760 00:28:06,101 --> 00:28:08,770 think of ISIS?" 761 00:28:08,770 --> 00:28:12,650 I said, "What do you think 762 00:28:08,770 --> 00:28:12,650 about putting some socks?" 763 00:28:12,650 --> 00:28:14,026 Ah! 764 00:28:14,026 --> 00:28:16,570 [whistling] 765 00:28:18,197 --> 00:28:23,410 "ISIS is the least 766 00:28:18,197 --> 00:28:23,410 of your concerns." 767 00:28:26,121 --> 00:28:30,042 The bunion on this guy 768 00:28:26,121 --> 00:28:30,042 was so large, 769 00:28:30,042 --> 00:28:33,086 his big toe was headed 770 00:28:30,042 --> 00:28:33,086 for the kitchen. 771 00:28:36,298 --> 00:28:39,552 You're showcasing 772 00:28:36,298 --> 00:28:39,552 this tonight? 773 00:28:39,552 --> 00:28:41,554 What happened to you? 774 00:28:48,101 --> 00:28:52,523 But my wife's voice 775 00:28:48,101 --> 00:28:52,523 is in the back of my head. 776 00:28:52,523 --> 00:28:54,941 Be friendly. Be open. 777 00:28:54,941 --> 00:28:56,735 Smile. 778 00:28:59,613 --> 00:29:01,281 So it's a group of guys. 779 00:29:01,281 --> 00:29:02,908 They all know each other. 780 00:29:01,281 --> 00:29:02,908 They don't know me. 781 00:29:02,908 --> 00:29:04,993 They all went 782 00:29:02,908 --> 00:29:04,993 to college together. 783 00:29:04,993 --> 00:29:06,579 They're in their mid-40s. 784 00:29:06,579 --> 00:29:08,581 I'm just summing everything up 785 00:29:06,579 --> 00:29:08,581 as I'm listening, huh? 786 00:29:08,581 --> 00:29:11,291 Okay, here's this. 787 00:29:08,581 --> 00:29:11,291 This is this. I got this. 788 00:29:12,585 --> 00:29:14,336 But they're reminiscing 789 00:29:12,585 --> 00:29:14,336 about the college years 790 00:29:14,336 --> 00:29:16,547 because they're unhappy 791 00:29:14,336 --> 00:29:16,547 in their life right now. 792 00:29:16,547 --> 00:29:18,757 We all know these people 793 00:29:16,547 --> 00:29:18,757 in their mid-40s. 794 00:29:18,757 --> 00:29:22,386 They gotta go back about 795 00:29:18,757 --> 00:29:22,386 25 years to figure out, 796 00:29:22,386 --> 00:29:25,764 "Hey." And they always 797 00:29:22,386 --> 00:29:25,764 refer to each other 798 00:29:25,764 --> 00:29:28,100 by their last name. 799 00:29:25,764 --> 00:29:28,100 "Hey, Schmitty, remember? 800 00:29:30,894 --> 00:29:32,688 Remember college? 801 00:29:30,894 --> 00:29:32,688 Yeah, yeah, yeah. 802 00:29:32,688 --> 00:29:35,315 Beer bong? Yeah, yeah, yeah. 803 00:29:32,688 --> 00:29:35,315 Pissing in the yard?" 804 00:29:39,278 --> 00:29:41,363 Yeah, that's the type of guys 805 00:29:39,278 --> 00:29:41,363 that do fantasy football. 806 00:29:41,363 --> 00:29:43,449 That's all they do. 807 00:29:41,363 --> 00:29:43,449 "Hey, how's your receivers?" 808 00:29:43,449 --> 00:29:46,118 "Oh, my receivers 809 00:29:43,449 --> 00:29:46,118 are really good this year." 810 00:29:53,917 --> 00:29:56,878 So I break out of that. 811 00:29:56,878 --> 00:29:58,922 I start making my way 812 00:29:56,878 --> 00:29:58,922 to the kitchen. 813 00:29:58,922 --> 00:30:01,467 Now I start noticing 814 00:29:58,922 --> 00:30:01,467 baby gates 815 00:30:01,467 --> 00:30:03,302 all over the house. 816 00:30:03,302 --> 00:30:06,263 Take the baby gates down 817 00:30:06,263 --> 00:30:08,474 when you got people over. 818 00:30:08,474 --> 00:30:11,351 It's weird. Now I'm walking 819 00:30:08,474 --> 00:30:11,351 around the house... 820 00:30:28,076 --> 00:30:31,371 So I go right to the kitchen 821 00:30:28,076 --> 00:30:31,371 'cause I'm hungry. 822 00:30:31,371 --> 00:30:33,873 There's no food. 823 00:30:33,873 --> 00:30:35,584 They got nothing to pick on. 824 00:30:35,584 --> 00:30:38,920 I become very concerned. 825 00:30:38,920 --> 00:30:40,798 You have to understand 826 00:30:38,920 --> 00:30:40,798 something 827 00:30:40,798 --> 00:30:42,215 about the way I grew up. 828 00:30:42,215 --> 00:30:43,467 I grew up in a house, 829 00:30:43,467 --> 00:30:47,262 there was food everywhere. 830 00:30:47,262 --> 00:30:49,807 Every two feet, 831 00:30:47,262 --> 00:30:49,807 you just bump in... 832 00:30:56,271 --> 00:30:58,440 So good. 833 00:30:58,440 --> 00:31:02,861 I had a grandmother 834 00:30:58,440 --> 00:31:02,861 who lived in the basement 835 00:31:02,861 --> 00:31:05,322 just cranking out lasagnas. 836 00:31:14,914 --> 00:31:17,334 It was like a lasagna factory 837 00:31:17,334 --> 00:31:18,836 in the basement. 838 00:31:18,836 --> 00:31:21,630 Food just kept coming up 839 00:31:18,836 --> 00:31:21,630 the stairs for no reason. 840 00:31:21,630 --> 00:31:26,301 There was meat hanging 841 00:31:21,630 --> 00:31:26,301 from the ceiling. 842 00:31:26,301 --> 00:31:28,637 There was a sauce room 843 00:31:26,301 --> 00:31:28,637 with a bunch of dates 844 00:31:28,637 --> 00:31:30,556 on masking tape. 845 00:31:35,602 --> 00:31:38,104 It's all this woman did 846 00:31:35,602 --> 00:31:38,104 was cook. 847 00:31:38,104 --> 00:31:40,357 My grandmother never had a job. 848 00:31:40,357 --> 00:31:42,776 She just cooked in the basement 849 00:31:42,776 --> 00:31:44,570 with a salmon-colored nightgown 850 00:31:44,570 --> 00:31:46,905 with her tits 851 00:31:44,570 --> 00:31:46,905 hanging out the side. 852 00:31:56,582 --> 00:31:59,585 Didn't even use a spoon. 853 00:31:56,582 --> 00:31:59,585 Just her hand. 854 00:32:04,923 --> 00:32:07,885 Nylons up to the knee. 855 00:32:09,469 --> 00:32:12,180 Her fat foot shoved 856 00:32:09,469 --> 00:32:12,180 in a shoe. 857 00:32:13,766 --> 00:32:15,475 Little white shoe 858 00:32:13,766 --> 00:32:15,475 with a strap 859 00:32:15,475 --> 00:32:18,771 with the fat trying to escape 860 00:32:15,475 --> 00:32:18,771 any part of the shoe. 861 00:32:25,611 --> 00:32:28,405 My grandmother had 862 00:32:25,611 --> 00:32:28,405 so much sodium in her diet, 863 00:32:28,405 --> 00:32:30,908 she was constantly swollen. 864 00:32:32,868 --> 00:32:34,745 There was no allergies 865 00:32:32,868 --> 00:32:34,745 back then. 866 00:32:34,745 --> 00:32:37,956 You just ate the bread 867 00:32:34,745 --> 00:32:37,956 and just dealt with the rash. 868 00:32:45,213 --> 00:32:48,383 Grandma didn't speak nothin'. 869 00:32:45,213 --> 00:32:48,383 No English. Nothin'. 870 00:32:49,509 --> 00:32:51,010 She'd always come, 871 00:32:49,509 --> 00:32:51,010 you know, 872 00:32:51,010 --> 00:32:52,721 try to find me 873 00:32:51,010 --> 00:32:52,721 in the house. 874 00:32:52,721 --> 00:32:55,390 [imitates Italian] 875 00:33:00,312 --> 00:33:01,897 "I feed you meal. 876 00:33:00,312 --> 00:33:01,897 Come here. 877 00:33:01,897 --> 00:33:04,107 I got spare. I give it. 878 00:33:04,107 --> 00:33:06,234 Here take it. 879 00:33:06,234 --> 00:33:08,612 Take it. It for you." 880 00:33:08,612 --> 00:33:10,823 It's a dime. 881 00:33:25,128 --> 00:33:27,380 We called her Grandma. 882 00:33:25,128 --> 00:33:27,380 That was her name. 883 00:33:27,380 --> 00:33:28,632 Grandma. 884 00:33:28,632 --> 00:33:30,801 No stupid nickname 885 00:33:28,632 --> 00:33:30,801 for my grandmother. 886 00:33:32,427 --> 00:33:35,597 Ever hear how people refer 887 00:33:32,427 --> 00:33:35,597 to their grandparents? 888 00:33:35,597 --> 00:33:38,600 "Oh, this is my memaw 889 00:33:35,597 --> 00:33:38,600 and my peepaw." What? 890 00:33:45,691 --> 00:33:48,401 "This is my pee pee 891 00:33:45,691 --> 00:33:48,401 and my poo poo." Huh? 892 00:33:54,115 --> 00:33:57,911 The guy's 95 years old. 893 00:33:54,115 --> 00:33:57,911 He fought in World War II. 894 00:33:57,911 --> 00:34:01,790 Stormed the beach at Normandy. 895 00:33:57,911 --> 00:34:01,790 Now his name is Pee Pee? 896 00:34:01,790 --> 00:34:04,835 What are you doing 897 00:34:01,790 --> 00:34:04,835 to the man? 898 00:34:04,835 --> 00:34:07,671 Have some respect. 899 00:34:13,760 --> 00:34:15,512 My grandfather was my hero. 900 00:34:15,512 --> 00:34:17,305 My grandfather 901 00:34:15,512 --> 00:34:17,305 could do anything. 902 00:34:17,305 --> 00:34:20,350 This guy had seven, 903 00:34:17,305 --> 00:34:20,350 eight different jobs. 904 00:34:20,350 --> 00:34:23,478 He could make you 905 00:34:20,350 --> 00:34:23,478 a pair of shoes overnight. 906 00:34:24,730 --> 00:34:26,982 What man could do that today, 907 00:34:26,982 --> 00:34:29,776 with the, "Hey, hey, 908 00:34:26,982 --> 00:34:29,776 how's your receivers?" 909 00:34:35,156 --> 00:34:39,661 My grandfather just lived 910 00:34:35,156 --> 00:34:39,661 in the yard like a man. 911 00:34:39,661 --> 00:34:43,999 Just... no shirt. 912 00:34:39,661 --> 00:34:43,999 No shirt on my grandfather. 913 00:34:43,999 --> 00:34:46,084 Just hair everywhere. 914 00:34:46,084 --> 00:34:50,213 Coming off his shoulders 915 00:34:46,084 --> 00:34:50,213 like a palm tree. 916 00:34:50,213 --> 00:34:55,218 Right out of his nipples 917 00:34:50,213 --> 00:34:55,218 like weeping willows. 918 00:34:55,218 --> 00:34:58,805 Just 12 inches of immigrant hair 919 00:34:58,805 --> 00:35:01,767 coming right out of his tits. 920 00:35:06,021 --> 00:35:08,857 He would sweat like a pig, 921 00:35:06,021 --> 00:35:08,857 my grandfather. 922 00:35:08,857 --> 00:35:10,400 He would do eight hours 923 00:35:08,857 --> 00:35:10,400 of yard work. 924 00:35:10,400 --> 00:35:11,860 He would come back in. 925 00:35:11,860 --> 00:35:14,613 Within his chest hair 926 00:35:11,860 --> 00:35:14,613 were grass clippings, 927 00:35:14,613 --> 00:35:17,908 ants, twigs, 928 00:35:17,908 --> 00:35:20,827 dirt between the fat roll. 929 00:35:26,458 --> 00:35:28,126 He'd go right 930 00:35:26,458 --> 00:35:28,126 for the watermelon. 931 00:35:28,126 --> 00:35:32,297 My grandfather, that's all 932 00:35:28,126 --> 00:35:32,297 he did was eat watermelon. 933 00:35:32,297 --> 00:35:34,507 And the way he prepared it 934 00:35:32,297 --> 00:35:34,507 was a lot different 935 00:35:34,507 --> 00:35:36,009 than my American friends. 936 00:35:36,009 --> 00:35:38,386 When we went over to 937 00:35:36,009 --> 00:35:38,386 our American friend's house 938 00:35:38,386 --> 00:35:39,805 for watermelon, 939 00:35:39,805 --> 00:35:42,891 it was unbelievable, 940 00:35:39,805 --> 00:35:42,891 the presentation they did. 941 00:35:42,891 --> 00:35:45,602 The mother actually 942 00:35:42,891 --> 00:35:45,602 balled out the watermelon. 943 00:35:45,602 --> 00:35:48,730 She had a baller. 944 00:35:45,602 --> 00:35:48,730 Seedless watermelon. 945 00:35:48,730 --> 00:35:53,276 She took her time 946 00:35:48,730 --> 00:35:53,276 to make balls 947 00:35:53,276 --> 00:35:55,236 in a little Tupperware thing. 948 00:35:55,236 --> 00:35:56,571 And the kids would come in. 949 00:35:56,571 --> 00:35:58,197 She would put out 950 00:35:56,571 --> 00:35:58,197 the Tupperware 951 00:35:58,197 --> 00:36:01,534 with the balls with toothpicks. 952 00:36:01,534 --> 00:36:03,745 So you'd come in, 953 00:36:01,534 --> 00:36:03,745 you would get your toothpick, 954 00:36:03,745 --> 00:36:06,039 you would stab your ball. 955 00:36:08,583 --> 00:36:11,128 "Oh, Mrs. Johnson, this 956 00:36:08,583 --> 00:36:11,128 is really sweet watermelon. 957 00:36:11,128 --> 00:36:13,421 Where did you get that?" 958 00:36:13,421 --> 00:36:14,840 Not my grandfather. 959 00:36:14,840 --> 00:36:17,175 He came to the table 960 00:36:14,840 --> 00:36:17,175 with a large watermelon 961 00:36:17,175 --> 00:36:21,013 with a serrated machete 962 00:36:17,175 --> 00:36:21,013 hanging off his hip. 963 00:36:21,013 --> 00:36:23,473 Start cutting large triangles 964 00:36:21,013 --> 00:36:23,473 for the family. 965 00:36:23,473 --> 00:36:26,935 [imitates thudding] 966 00:36:23,473 --> 00:36:26,935 Heh, here ya are! 967 00:36:28,812 --> 00:36:31,064 [audience cheers] 968 00:36:36,903 --> 00:36:38,947 He would distribute triangles 969 00:36:38,947 --> 00:36:42,241 that no one could handle 970 00:36:38,947 --> 00:36:42,241 on paper plates. 971 00:36:42,241 --> 00:36:44,577 God knows why the hell 972 00:36:42,241 --> 00:36:44,577 they used paper plates 973 00:36:44,577 --> 00:36:47,497 for watermelon. 974 00:36:47,497 --> 00:36:49,541 Ever watch your family 975 00:36:47,497 --> 00:36:49,541 eat watermelon? 976 00:36:49,541 --> 00:36:51,960 It's disgusting. 977 00:36:51,960 --> 00:36:55,213 Seeds are flying 978 00:36:51,960 --> 00:36:55,213 all over the table. 979 00:36:55,213 --> 00:36:57,799 You get hit in the head 980 00:36:55,213 --> 00:36:57,799 with a stray seed. 981 00:37:05,557 --> 00:37:07,600 So we're at this party. 982 00:37:07,600 --> 00:37:09,268 I gotta go find my wife. 983 00:37:09,268 --> 00:37:12,397 Now my wife, I find her 984 00:37:09,268 --> 00:37:12,397 in a compliment circle 985 00:37:12,397 --> 00:37:14,107 with six other women. 986 00:37:14,107 --> 00:37:15,650 They're comparing notes. 987 00:37:15,650 --> 00:37:18,028 They're complimenting 988 00:37:15,650 --> 00:37:18,028 each other on the outfits. 989 00:37:18,028 --> 00:37:20,072 "Oh, are those gel nails?" 990 00:37:20,072 --> 00:37:23,116 "Yeah, they're gel nails. 991 00:37:23,116 --> 00:37:26,494 It's the bronzer. 992 00:37:23,116 --> 00:37:26,494 All the bronzer..." 993 00:37:27,996 --> 00:37:30,916 So I tell my wife, I go, 994 00:37:27,996 --> 00:37:30,916 "Get over here. Come here." 995 00:37:30,916 --> 00:37:32,167 I go, "We gotta 996 00:37:30,916 --> 00:37:32,167 get outta here. 997 00:37:32,167 --> 00:37:34,293 There's no food." 998 00:37:34,293 --> 00:37:35,754 She like, "What are you 999 00:37:34,293 --> 00:37:35,754 talking about?" 1000 00:37:35,754 --> 00:37:37,923 There's six chicken wings 1001 00:37:35,754 --> 00:37:37,923 and 33 people. 1002 00:37:37,923 --> 00:37:40,425 Can I have a wing? 1003 00:37:40,425 --> 00:37:42,385 I don't wanna have 1004 00:37:40,425 --> 00:37:42,385 to do math at a party. 1005 00:37:42,385 --> 00:37:44,637 I threw a barbecue last week. 1006 00:37:44,637 --> 00:37:47,390 12 burgers. 12 people. 1007 00:37:48,516 --> 00:37:50,268 12 slices of tomato. 1008 00:37:50,268 --> 00:37:53,271 What if I want another slice? 1009 00:37:54,856 --> 00:37:58,276 I don't want to have to count 1010 00:37:54,856 --> 00:37:58,276 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. 1011 00:37:58,276 --> 00:38:01,362 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. 1012 00:38:01,362 --> 00:38:04,365 Can I have two, or am I 1013 00:38:01,362 --> 00:38:04,365 stealing from somebody else? 1014 00:38:09,996 --> 00:38:11,206 Well, my wife's Jewish. 1015 00:38:11,206 --> 00:38:15,376 A different, uh... 1016 00:38:11,206 --> 00:38:15,376 different culture. 1017 00:38:15,376 --> 00:38:17,170 When you marry 1018 00:38:15,376 --> 00:38:17,170 into a Jewish family, 1019 00:38:17,170 --> 00:38:18,713 I'm telling you, anything, 1020 00:38:18,713 --> 00:38:21,424 if you have any differences 1021 00:38:18,713 --> 00:38:21,424 in culture, religion, 1022 00:38:21,424 --> 00:38:22,592 it's an adjustment. 1023 00:38:22,592 --> 00:38:23,760 For example, 1024 00:38:22,592 --> 00:38:23,760 when we got married, 1025 00:38:23,760 --> 00:38:25,804 we had a rabbi and a priest. 1026 00:38:25,804 --> 00:38:27,472 Total scam. 1027 00:38:28,932 --> 00:38:30,016 Total scam. 1028 00:38:30,016 --> 00:38:31,476 We met them at a restaurant. 1029 00:38:31,476 --> 00:38:33,311 They were gonna tell us 1030 00:38:31,476 --> 00:38:33,311 how the ceremony 1031 00:38:33,311 --> 00:38:34,646 was gonna work. 1032 00:38:34,646 --> 00:38:36,815 And the Jewish rabbi 1033 00:38:34,646 --> 00:38:36,815 was there very early. 1034 00:38:36,815 --> 00:38:39,818 Had a lot of paperwork 1035 00:38:36,815 --> 00:38:39,818 for us to sign. 1036 00:38:39,818 --> 00:38:42,862 Of course, my father, 1037 00:38:39,818 --> 00:38:42,862 "Don't sign nothing! 1038 00:38:47,325 --> 00:38:49,661 You sign that, 1039 00:38:47,325 --> 00:38:49,661 then you're Jewish." 1040 00:39:05,051 --> 00:39:08,387 We had an Italian priest. 1041 00:39:05,051 --> 00:39:08,387 He came 45 minutes late. 1042 00:39:10,307 --> 00:39:11,683 Didn't even look like a priest. 1043 00:39:11,683 --> 00:39:13,059 No collar. Nothing. 1044 00:39:13,059 --> 00:39:15,645 Everything unbuttoned. 1045 00:39:13,059 --> 00:39:15,645 Smelled phenomenal. 1046 00:39:17,272 --> 00:39:20,233 Hitting on my wife. 1047 00:39:17,272 --> 00:39:20,233 "Everything all right?" 1048 00:39:34,080 --> 00:39:35,790 Now we get married. 1049 00:39:35,790 --> 00:39:37,667 My wife likes different things. 1050 00:39:37,667 --> 00:39:39,336 She likes shopping 1051 00:39:37,667 --> 00:39:39,336 different places. 1052 00:39:39,336 --> 00:39:41,671 She loves Whole Foods. 1053 00:39:39,336 --> 00:39:41,671 That's her store. 1054 00:39:41,671 --> 00:39:43,381 She sends me there 1055 00:39:41,671 --> 00:39:43,381 every once in a while. 1056 00:39:43,381 --> 00:39:44,674 Can't stand going in. 1057 00:39:44,674 --> 00:39:46,425 She goes, "Babe, 1058 00:39:44,674 --> 00:39:46,425 can you go to Whole--" 1059 00:39:46,425 --> 00:39:48,261 "I-- I-- I don't 1060 00:39:46,425 --> 00:39:48,261 wanna go there." 1061 00:39:48,261 --> 00:39:49,554 The people over there bother me. 1062 00:39:49,554 --> 00:39:50,930 You ever go to Whole Foods? 1063 00:39:50,930 --> 00:39:53,599 Everybody at Whole Foods 1064 00:39:50,930 --> 00:39:53,599 looks like 1065 00:39:53,599 --> 00:39:56,519 they make their own clothes. 1066 00:40:01,524 --> 00:40:04,485 Right? There's hemp clothing, 1067 00:40:01,524 --> 00:40:04,485 comes in two colors, 1068 00:40:04,485 --> 00:40:06,905 oatmeal and throw up. 1069 00:40:11,450 --> 00:40:13,912 Everybody's eating seeds. 1070 00:40:22,003 --> 00:40:23,963 They get serious 1071 00:40:22,003 --> 00:40:23,963 when they ask a question. 1072 00:40:23,963 --> 00:40:25,298 They gotta hold their heart. 1073 00:40:25,298 --> 00:40:26,716 They come up 1074 00:40:25,298 --> 00:40:26,716 to the meat counter, 1075 00:40:26,716 --> 00:40:30,303 "Is it organic? 1076 00:40:26,716 --> 00:40:30,303 Is it farm to table? 1077 00:40:31,512 --> 00:40:34,015 Do the chickens 1078 00:40:31,512 --> 00:40:34,015 have friends 1079 00:40:34,015 --> 00:40:36,976 and do they play well 1080 00:40:34,015 --> 00:40:36,976 with one another?" 1081 00:40:42,982 --> 00:40:45,526 Gets weird. In the middle 1082 00:40:42,982 --> 00:40:45,526 of the store, it changes. 1083 00:40:45,526 --> 00:40:47,070 It goes from fruits 1084 00:40:45,526 --> 00:40:47,070 and vegetables 1085 00:40:47,070 --> 00:40:49,948 to soaps and potions. 1086 00:40:52,284 --> 00:40:54,369 Nobody knows what 1087 00:40:52,284 --> 00:40:54,369 they're doing in this section. 1088 00:40:54,369 --> 00:40:55,661 You just kind of end up 1089 00:40:54,369 --> 00:40:55,661 in there. 1090 00:40:55,661 --> 00:40:56,955 "Oh, wow. 1091 00:40:56,955 --> 00:40:59,082 I don't recognize 1092 00:40:56,955 --> 00:40:59,082 anything in here. 1093 00:40:59,082 --> 00:41:01,084 I gotta get out of here." 1094 00:41:04,379 --> 00:41:06,005 There's always a person 1095 00:41:04,379 --> 00:41:06,005 walking around 1096 00:41:06,005 --> 00:41:08,549 with a little vial, 1097 00:41:06,005 --> 00:41:08,549 trying to find, 1098 00:41:08,549 --> 00:41:11,803 "What does this do? 1099 00:41:08,549 --> 00:41:11,803 What is this?" 1100 00:41:11,803 --> 00:41:13,263 And some hippie 1101 00:41:11,803 --> 00:41:13,263 that works there 1102 00:41:13,263 --> 00:41:15,265 falls out 1103 00:41:13,263 --> 00:41:15,265 of the shelving unit. 1104 00:41:19,518 --> 00:41:23,022 "Well, that's argan oil. 1105 00:41:19,518 --> 00:41:23,022 That's argan oil. 1106 00:41:25,317 --> 00:41:26,901 It has multiple uses. 1107 00:41:26,901 --> 00:41:28,861 You could drizzle 1108 00:41:26,901 --> 00:41:28,861 a bit on your salads. 1109 00:41:28,861 --> 00:41:31,156 It helps with digestion. 1110 00:41:31,156 --> 00:41:33,491 Also, put some underneath 1111 00:41:31,156 --> 00:41:33,491 your nose. 1112 00:41:33,491 --> 00:41:34,826 It opens up your nasal way. 1113 00:41:36,577 --> 00:41:39,372 And lastly, if you have 1114 00:41:36,577 --> 00:41:39,372 a rash on your asshole, 1115 00:41:39,372 --> 00:41:41,374 just pepper some in. 1116 00:41:41,374 --> 00:41:45,837 Just... Absolutely. 1117 00:41:45,837 --> 00:41:47,546 Preferably in the morning. 1118 00:41:47,546 --> 00:41:50,175 It clears up by the afternoon. 1119 00:41:50,175 --> 00:41:52,260 It's $8,000 for the vial. 1120 00:41:52,260 --> 00:41:54,846 Just check out, if you like." 1121 00:41:58,557 --> 00:42:01,686 The store is weird. 1122 00:42:01,686 --> 00:42:03,646 The problem is 1123 00:42:01,686 --> 00:42:03,646 everybody over there 1124 00:42:03,646 --> 00:42:05,773 thinks they're saving 1125 00:42:03,646 --> 00:42:05,773 the planet. 1126 00:42:05,773 --> 00:42:09,027 It's the big green movement 1127 00:42:05,773 --> 00:42:09,027 at Whole Foods. 1128 00:42:09,027 --> 00:42:10,611 And if you're doing 1129 00:42:09,027 --> 00:42:10,611 the green thing, 1130 00:42:10,611 --> 00:42:13,114 God bless you. I've tried. 1131 00:42:10,611 --> 00:42:13,114 It's just not for me. 1132 00:42:13,114 --> 00:42:15,116 It's... I've got friends 1133 00:42:15,116 --> 00:42:17,285 that brag 1134 00:42:15,116 --> 00:42:17,285 about how green they are. 1135 00:42:17,285 --> 00:42:19,620 You go to their house, 1136 00:42:17,285 --> 00:42:19,620 they're like, "Look at the-- 1137 00:42:19,620 --> 00:42:21,956 Look at the light bulbs 1138 00:42:19,620 --> 00:42:21,956 in my-- in my kitchen. 1139 00:42:21,956 --> 00:42:26,585 I'm saving, uh, 53% 1140 00:42:21,956 --> 00:42:26,585 on my electricity bill 1141 00:42:26,585 --> 00:42:28,421 'cause I got green light bulbs." 1142 00:42:28,421 --> 00:42:31,549 I go, "Yeah? I can't see you. 1143 00:42:36,095 --> 00:42:38,764 You are dim. You're dim." 1144 00:42:46,064 --> 00:42:48,191 Now, at Whole Foods, 1145 00:42:46,064 --> 00:42:48,191 they make you feel bad. 1146 00:42:48,191 --> 00:42:50,068 God forbid you get a bag. 1147 00:42:48,191 --> 00:42:50,068 I ask for a bag. 1148 00:42:50,068 --> 00:42:52,695 The guys says, 1149 00:42:50,068 --> 00:42:52,695 "Are you gonna take a...? 1150 00:42:54,072 --> 00:42:55,948 Take a bag 1151 00:42:54,072 --> 00:42:55,948 and destroy our planet?" 1152 00:42:55,948 --> 00:42:59,369 I go, "I don't know. 1153 00:42:55,948 --> 00:42:59,369 I got 93 items. 1154 00:42:59,369 --> 00:43:01,079 What do you want 1155 00:42:59,369 --> 00:43:01,079 me to do? Just--" 1156 00:43:12,006 --> 00:43:15,593 It's weird over there. 1157 00:43:12,006 --> 00:43:15,593 They got a masseuse. 1158 00:43:15,593 --> 00:43:19,305 There's a masseuse propped up 1159 00:43:15,593 --> 00:43:19,305 in the store just... 1160 00:43:19,305 --> 00:43:21,099 rubbing some guy's scapula. 1161 00:43:21,099 --> 00:43:23,142 What? 1162 00:43:23,142 --> 00:43:24,810 He don't even know 1163 00:43:23,142 --> 00:43:24,810 where to look. 1164 00:43:24,810 --> 00:43:27,355 He's trying to figure out, 1165 00:43:24,810 --> 00:43:27,355 "How the hell did I end up 1166 00:43:27,355 --> 00:43:30,858 at Whole Foods, massaging people 1167 00:43:30,858 --> 00:43:31,984 near the lavender chips?" 1168 00:43:31,984 --> 00:43:34,612 What...? 1169 00:43:34,612 --> 00:43:37,574 I've never told my wife, "Babe, 1170 00:43:34,612 --> 00:43:37,574 I gotta go get some grapes. 1171 00:43:37,574 --> 00:43:40,826 And I got a knot 1172 00:43:37,574 --> 00:43:40,826 in my neck so bad. 1173 00:43:40,826 --> 00:43:42,703 I hope he's in aisle eight." 1174 00:43:46,874 --> 00:43:49,461 So different, my wife and I. 1175 00:43:49,461 --> 00:43:51,421 My wife loves Halloween. 1176 00:43:51,421 --> 00:43:54,132 That's her, uh... 1177 00:43:51,421 --> 00:43:54,132 that's her deal. 1178 00:43:54,132 --> 00:43:56,509 She loves giving out 1179 00:43:54,132 --> 00:43:56,509 candy to the kids. 1180 00:43:56,509 --> 00:43:59,262 Now, my house, 1181 00:43:56,509 --> 00:43:59,262 before I met my wife, 1182 00:43:59,262 --> 00:44:02,140 dark on Halloween. 1183 00:44:02,140 --> 00:44:04,350 Shut the shit down. 1184 00:44:08,396 --> 00:44:09,897 But, you know, 1185 00:44:08,396 --> 00:44:09,897 you're married now. 1186 00:44:09,897 --> 00:44:11,857 You gotta, 1187 00:44:09,897 --> 00:44:11,857 "Oh, yeah, let's do it." 1188 00:44:12,858 --> 00:44:14,110 We get the bowl. 1189 00:44:14,110 --> 00:44:15,820 We get ready 1190 00:44:14,110 --> 00:44:15,820 for our trick-or-treaters. 1191 00:44:15,820 --> 00:44:17,863 I was into it at first. 1192 00:44:15,820 --> 00:44:17,863 I was into it. 1193 00:44:17,863 --> 00:44:19,907 I go, "Okay, 1194 00:44:17,863 --> 00:44:19,907 I'm gonna do this." 1195 00:44:19,907 --> 00:44:22,118 So the kids start 1196 00:44:19,907 --> 00:44:22,118 coming up to the door. 1197 00:44:22,118 --> 00:44:24,203 No outfits. Nothing. 1198 00:44:24,203 --> 00:44:26,831 No "trick-or-treat." 1199 00:44:32,962 --> 00:44:35,465 You put one in. 1200 00:44:32,962 --> 00:44:35,465 "That's it? That's it?" 1201 00:44:35,465 --> 00:44:37,300 "Yeah, that's it!" 1202 00:44:41,346 --> 00:44:44,432 I look on the sidewalk, 1203 00:44:41,346 --> 00:44:44,432 the parents are there. 1204 00:44:52,440 --> 00:44:54,066 Both parents. 1205 00:44:52,440 --> 00:44:54,066 The mother and the father. 1206 00:44:54,066 --> 00:44:56,944 The father's got a wagon, drunk. 1207 00:45:04,452 --> 00:45:06,454 All right, a keg in the thing. 1208 00:45:06,454 --> 00:45:07,788 Telling his kid, 1209 00:45:06,454 --> 00:45:07,788 "Get in. Get in. 1210 00:45:07,788 --> 00:45:09,499 We're going 1211 00:45:07,788 --> 00:45:09,499 to the next house." 1212 00:45:14,671 --> 00:45:16,214 Halloween brings out 1213 00:45:14,671 --> 00:45:16,214 the neighbors, though. 1214 00:45:16,214 --> 00:45:18,675 Man, my neighbors come out. 1215 00:45:18,675 --> 00:45:20,552 I'm not neighborly. 1216 00:45:18,675 --> 00:45:20,552 That's not me. 1217 00:45:20,552 --> 00:45:22,220 I don't, you know... 1218 00:45:20,552 --> 00:45:22,220 I'm friendly, 1219 00:45:22,220 --> 00:45:24,389 but I'm not neighborly. 1220 00:45:22,220 --> 00:45:24,389 I don't come out of my house 1221 00:45:24,389 --> 00:45:27,724 and wave if I see the guy 1222 00:45:24,389 --> 00:45:27,724 across the street. 1223 00:45:27,724 --> 00:45:28,934 You know, 1224 00:45:27,724 --> 00:45:28,934 you see a lot of people, 1225 00:45:28,934 --> 00:45:30,727 "Hey! Hi, Frank! 1226 00:45:30,727 --> 00:45:32,063 How's it going? 1227 00:45:32,063 --> 00:45:34,815 The lawn looks good. 1228 00:45:32,063 --> 00:45:34,815 Looks good." 1229 00:45:36,484 --> 00:45:38,611 That ain't me. 1230 00:45:36,484 --> 00:45:38,611 I come out of my house, 1231 00:45:38,611 --> 00:45:40,905 head down, 1232 00:45:38,611 --> 00:45:40,905 hop in the car. 1233 00:45:42,323 --> 00:45:44,992 Gone. Gone! 1234 00:45:47,662 --> 00:45:49,205 This woman across the street, 1235 00:45:49,205 --> 00:45:51,957 God... always in our business. 1236 00:45:51,957 --> 00:45:55,086 I can't stand her. 1237 00:45:51,957 --> 00:45:55,086 Can't stand her. 1238 00:45:55,086 --> 00:45:56,921 She was coming over. 1239 00:45:55,086 --> 00:45:56,921 I saw her through the window. 1240 00:45:56,921 --> 00:45:58,339 I said, "Look at this. 1241 00:45:56,921 --> 00:45:58,339 Here she comes. 1242 00:45:58,339 --> 00:46:01,217 Here she comes." 1243 00:46:01,217 --> 00:46:03,010 She comes over, she's like, 1244 00:46:01,217 --> 00:46:03,010 "I noticed you're not part 1245 00:46:03,010 --> 00:46:04,970 of the teal pumpkin program." 1246 00:46:06,639 --> 00:46:08,099 I said, "What's that?" 1247 00:46:08,099 --> 00:46:10,142 "Well, you paint 1248 00:46:08,099 --> 00:46:10,142 a pumpkin teal green 1249 00:46:10,142 --> 00:46:12,353 and that signifies 1250 00:46:10,142 --> 00:46:12,353 that your home hands out 1251 00:46:12,353 --> 00:46:13,563 non-food items. 1252 00:46:13,563 --> 00:46:15,189 So we are handing out 1253 00:46:13,563 --> 00:46:15,189 spider rings, 1254 00:46:15,189 --> 00:46:17,191 necklaces, notepads." 1255 00:46:20,903 --> 00:46:24,282 I said, "Get the fuck 1256 00:46:20,903 --> 00:46:24,282 off my porch. 1257 00:46:24,282 --> 00:46:26,951 Go home. 1258 00:46:26,951 --> 00:46:28,827 Go." 1259 00:46:32,873 --> 00:46:35,876 This is Halloween, I got 1260 00:46:32,873 --> 00:46:35,876 Kit Kats and Snicker bars. 1261 00:46:36,919 --> 00:46:38,546 The city is handing out 1262 00:46:36,919 --> 00:46:38,546 notepads? 1263 00:46:38,546 --> 00:46:42,133 Could you imagine a poor kid 1264 00:46:38,546 --> 00:46:42,133 comes home with a notepad. 1265 00:46:42,133 --> 00:46:45,553 All of his buddies 1266 00:46:42,133 --> 00:46:45,553 are eating Reese's Pieces. 1267 00:46:45,553 --> 00:46:48,013 He's in the corner 1268 00:46:45,553 --> 00:46:48,013 taking note. 1269 00:46:57,231 --> 00:46:59,233 Even the way we do 1270 00:46:57,231 --> 00:46:59,233 vacations is different. 1271 00:46:59,233 --> 00:47:02,320 My wife loves activities 1272 00:46:59,233 --> 00:47:02,320 on vacation. 1273 00:47:02,320 --> 00:47:04,656 I don't like that. 1274 00:47:02,320 --> 00:47:04,656 I like to go-- 1275 00:47:04,656 --> 00:47:05,948 My idea of vacation, 1276 00:47:05,948 --> 00:47:09,118 you eat, you drink, 1277 00:47:05,948 --> 00:47:09,118 you lay down. 1278 00:47:10,869 --> 00:47:12,871 Yeah, that's it. 1279 00:47:12,871 --> 00:47:14,915 [whistles] 1280 00:47:14,915 --> 00:47:17,627 I don't do tours. 1281 00:47:17,627 --> 00:47:21,046 You sign up for a tour 1282 00:47:17,627 --> 00:47:21,046 with the 16 strangers. 1283 00:47:22,715 --> 00:47:24,091 You see it around 1284 00:47:22,715 --> 00:47:24,091 New York City. 1285 00:47:24,091 --> 00:47:26,552 The Chinese 1286 00:47:24,091 --> 00:47:26,552 with the flags and... 1287 00:47:30,306 --> 00:47:33,976 "Follow the yellow flag 1288 00:47:30,306 --> 00:47:33,976 if you get lost." 1289 00:47:37,480 --> 00:47:39,315 They all got 1290 00:47:37,480 --> 00:47:39,315 their earmuffs on. 1291 00:47:39,315 --> 00:47:41,526 They're listening 1292 00:47:39,315 --> 00:47:41,526 to some recorded message. 1293 00:47:41,526 --> 00:47:43,695 "The Empire State Building 1294 00:47:41,526 --> 00:47:43,695 was built..." 1295 00:47:48,240 --> 00:47:50,827 I don't do that. 1296 00:47:48,240 --> 00:47:50,827 I don't do it. 1297 00:47:50,827 --> 00:47:54,121 So we planned the vacation. 1298 00:47:50,827 --> 00:47:54,121 We went to Turkey. 1299 00:47:54,121 --> 00:47:56,749 It was two years ago. 1300 00:47:54,121 --> 00:47:56,749 I recommend it. 1301 00:47:56,749 --> 00:47:58,167 Not now. 1302 00:48:01,045 --> 00:48:03,464 Even two years ago, 1303 00:48:01,045 --> 00:48:03,464 it was volatile. 1304 00:48:03,464 --> 00:48:06,342 We're watching the news, 1305 00:48:03,464 --> 00:48:06,342 a bomb went off 1306 00:48:06,342 --> 00:48:10,388 next to the hotel 1307 00:48:06,342 --> 00:48:10,388 that we were gonna stay at. 1308 00:48:10,388 --> 00:48:13,641 So we became concerned. 1309 00:48:10,388 --> 00:48:13,641 I called. I called Turkey. 1310 00:48:15,351 --> 00:48:16,769 I called the hotel. 1311 00:48:16,769 --> 00:48:19,689 I go, "Hi, uh, we're 1312 00:48:16,769 --> 00:48:19,689 a little concerned here. 1313 00:48:21,524 --> 00:48:23,860 Just saw that a bomb went off 1314 00:48:21,524 --> 00:48:23,860 next to the hotel." 1315 00:48:23,860 --> 00:48:25,695 And the guy's like, 1316 00:48:23,860 --> 00:48:25,695 "No, it... 1317 00:48:25,695 --> 00:48:28,489 Come on, it's to the side." 1318 00:48:28,489 --> 00:48:31,492 What? 1319 00:48:31,492 --> 00:48:33,786 "No, it... they don't come here. 1320 00:48:33,786 --> 00:48:36,622 We are eating tabbouleh, 1321 00:48:33,786 --> 00:48:36,622 and we are dancing 1322 00:48:36,622 --> 00:48:38,290 in the streets." 1323 00:48:38,290 --> 00:48:43,087 I go, "People are on fire 1324 00:48:38,290 --> 00:48:43,087 in front of your hotel. 1325 00:48:43,087 --> 00:48:45,715 Is it safe? Is it safe?" 1326 00:48:48,967 --> 00:48:50,386 So like idiots, we go. 1327 00:48:50,386 --> 00:48:53,097 "Oh, it'll be good. 1328 00:48:50,386 --> 00:48:53,097 It'll be good." 1329 00:48:53,097 --> 00:48:56,100 So my wife signs us up 1330 00:48:56,100 --> 00:48:57,894 for a Turkish bath. 1331 00:48:57,894 --> 00:49:01,731 I said, "Okay, that sounds... 1332 00:48:57,894 --> 00:49:01,731 How bad could a bath be?" 1333 00:49:01,731 --> 00:49:03,649 I said, "I'll go to that." 1334 00:49:04,525 --> 00:49:06,277 So we get there. 1335 00:49:06,277 --> 00:49:08,945 She goes to her side. 1336 00:49:06,277 --> 00:49:08,945 I go to my side. 1337 00:49:08,945 --> 00:49:11,657 I'm greeted 1338 00:49:08,945 --> 00:49:11,657 by a, uh, Turkish boy. 1339 00:49:11,657 --> 00:49:14,034 He's 14 years old. 1340 00:49:15,912 --> 00:49:17,705 He doesn't 1341 00:49:15,912 --> 00:49:17,705 speak English well, you know? 1342 00:49:17,705 --> 00:49:21,083 He comes up to me, he's like, 1343 00:49:17,705 --> 00:49:21,083 "Hello, my name is Hassan. 1344 00:49:21,083 --> 00:49:22,627 You-- you want to come?" 1345 00:49:22,627 --> 00:49:24,336 I go, "What? 1346 00:49:25,838 --> 00:49:27,715 I got the bath. 1347 00:49:27,715 --> 00:49:29,550 Where's the bath?" 1348 00:49:33,970 --> 00:49:36,474 So he takes me to, 1349 00:49:33,970 --> 00:49:36,474 like, a dressing room. 1350 00:49:36,474 --> 00:49:38,100 He gives me a towel. 1351 00:49:36,474 --> 00:49:38,100 It's not even a towel. 1352 00:49:38,100 --> 00:49:40,269 It's like a dish rag. 1353 00:49:42,313 --> 00:49:44,816 I like towels. 1354 00:49:42,313 --> 00:49:44,816 I like big towels. 1355 00:49:44,816 --> 00:49:47,526 A lot of excess 1356 00:49:44,816 --> 00:49:47,526 so I could tuck it. 1357 00:49:54,116 --> 00:49:56,911 It's like a dish rag. 1358 00:49:54,116 --> 00:49:56,911 I gotta hold it together. 1359 00:49:58,871 --> 00:50:01,081 So now I gotta come 1360 00:49:58,871 --> 00:50:01,081 into the waiting room. 1361 00:50:07,003 --> 00:50:10,382 I know my left nut's 1362 00:50:07,003 --> 00:50:10,382 hanging out for sure. 1363 00:50:16,221 --> 00:50:18,056 I see my boy. 1364 00:50:21,602 --> 00:50:23,980 He's got a towel on. 1365 00:50:28,275 --> 00:50:30,695 Now I'm like, 1366 00:50:28,275 --> 00:50:30,695 "Why are your nuts out and mine? 1367 00:50:30,695 --> 00:50:33,698 What is happening here?" 1368 00:50:34,699 --> 00:50:35,908 I'm trying to figure out, 1369 00:50:35,908 --> 00:50:37,910 did my wife check 1370 00:50:35,908 --> 00:50:37,910 the wrong box? 1371 00:50:37,910 --> 00:50:40,746 What's...? 1372 00:50:40,746 --> 00:50:42,623 Where's the tub? 1373 00:50:45,835 --> 00:50:49,129 Now he takes me, he goes, 1374 00:50:45,835 --> 00:50:49,129 "I'm going to wash." 1375 00:50:49,129 --> 00:50:52,257 I go, "Me? I..." 1376 00:50:52,257 --> 00:50:53,801 He goes, "Yes, I wash." 1377 00:50:53,801 --> 00:50:57,763 I go, "I thought this was, 1378 00:50:53,801 --> 00:50:57,763 like, a tub where you..." 1379 00:50:59,223 --> 00:51:00,933 And he takes me into a room. 1380 00:51:00,933 --> 00:51:03,477 It's a communal room 1381 00:51:00,933 --> 00:51:03,477 with men everywhere, 1382 00:51:03,477 --> 00:51:05,813 naked with suds, 1383 00:51:05,813 --> 00:51:09,984 and little boys 1384 00:51:05,813 --> 00:51:09,984 just scrubbing with mitts. 1385 00:51:09,984 --> 00:51:12,778 I go, "God, is this 1386 00:51:09,984 --> 00:51:12,778 on my plan?" 1387 00:51:14,279 --> 00:51:15,865 What? 1388 00:51:20,118 --> 00:51:23,288 He takes me to the side, 1389 00:51:20,118 --> 00:51:23,288 he sits me on a tuffet. 1390 00:51:27,459 --> 00:51:28,878 He's looking right at me, 1391 00:51:28,878 --> 00:51:31,213 and he's got 1392 00:51:28,878 --> 00:51:31,213 a little pail of water. 1393 00:51:31,213 --> 00:51:33,925 And he starts chucking it 1394 00:51:31,213 --> 00:51:33,925 at my face, just-- 1395 00:51:39,055 --> 00:51:40,973 I felt like I was 1396 00:51:39,055 --> 00:51:40,973 getting waterboarded. 1397 00:51:40,973 --> 00:51:43,935 I was ready to tell this kid 1398 00:51:40,973 --> 00:51:43,935 my deepest secrets. 1399 00:51:45,269 --> 00:51:47,813 Just, "Don't, don't, don't." 1400 00:51:50,482 --> 00:51:52,359 Then he takes me to a room. 1401 00:51:52,359 --> 00:51:54,904 Small. I go, "Oh, God, 1402 00:51:52,359 --> 00:51:54,904 what's this all about?" 1403 00:51:54,904 --> 00:51:56,530 It's a massage table. 1404 00:51:56,530 --> 00:51:59,575 He lays me down. 1405 00:51:56,530 --> 00:51:59,575 Puts my head in the donut. 1406 00:51:59,575 --> 00:52:00,993 Starts working my shoulders. 1407 00:52:00,993 --> 00:52:04,413 Now, I'm sitting there, 1408 00:52:00,993 --> 00:52:04,413 I'm looking at his feet. 1409 00:52:04,413 --> 00:52:07,123 And after two minutes, 1410 00:52:04,413 --> 00:52:07,123 the feet disappear. 1411 00:52:07,123 --> 00:52:08,751 I'm like, "What the...?" 1412 00:52:08,751 --> 00:52:11,253 The guy hopped up on the bed. 1413 00:52:23,348 --> 00:52:26,142 His testicles were on my neck. 1414 00:52:37,362 --> 00:52:40,741 Now he takes me 1415 00:52:37,362 --> 00:52:40,741 back to the locker room. 1416 00:52:40,741 --> 00:52:44,120 Everybody in there, 1417 00:52:40,741 --> 00:52:44,120 every man in there is ashamed. 1418 00:52:46,872 --> 00:52:48,874 Everybody's just dressing 1419 00:52:46,872 --> 00:52:48,874 themselves. 1420 00:52:48,874 --> 00:52:51,543 Nobody's making eye contact. 1421 00:53:04,682 --> 00:53:05,975 So I come out. I see my wife. 1422 00:53:05,975 --> 00:53:08,894 She's beautiful. 1423 00:53:05,975 --> 00:53:08,894 God, she's glowing. 1424 00:53:08,894 --> 00:53:10,312 Smile. She's like, "God, 1425 00:53:10,312 --> 00:53:12,564 that was so amazing. 1426 00:53:14,483 --> 00:53:17,319 It's one of the best 1427 00:53:14,483 --> 00:53:17,319 experiences of my life. 1428 00:53:18,737 --> 00:53:21,239 How was yours?" 1429 00:53:21,239 --> 00:53:24,785 I go, "I was just raped 1430 00:53:21,239 --> 00:53:24,785 by a 14-year-old monkey. 1431 00:53:29,540 --> 00:53:32,918 I wanna go home. 1432 00:53:29,540 --> 00:53:32,918 I wanna go home." 1433 00:53:40,342 --> 00:53:42,678 But I love this. 1434 00:53:40,342 --> 00:53:42,678 I love doing this. 1435 00:53:42,678 --> 00:53:46,222 It's taken me a lot 1436 00:53:42,678 --> 00:53:46,222 of different places. 1437 00:53:46,222 --> 00:53:48,684 I performed in Italy recently. 1438 00:53:48,684 --> 00:53:49,810 -It was a-- It was a-- 1439 00:53:48,684 --> 00:53:49,810 -[audience cheers] 1440 00:53:49,810 --> 00:53:51,311 Yeah, beautiful. 1441 00:53:52,938 --> 00:53:54,065 And I took my wife, 1442 00:53:54,065 --> 00:53:55,482 and we went, 1443 00:53:54,065 --> 00:53:55,482 it was in Tuscany. 1444 00:53:55,482 --> 00:53:58,360 Now, we check in 1445 00:53:55,482 --> 00:53:58,360 to our hotel room. 1446 00:53:58,360 --> 00:54:01,197 We go to the pool, start 1447 00:53:58,360 --> 00:54:01,197 looking around the pool. 1448 00:54:01,197 --> 00:54:03,281 See a beautiful couple 1449 00:54:01,197 --> 00:54:03,281 come down. 1450 00:54:03,281 --> 00:54:05,034 Beautiful couple 1451 00:54:03,281 --> 00:54:05,034 just on their honeymoon. 1452 00:54:05,034 --> 00:54:06,911 You could tell 1453 00:54:05,034 --> 00:54:06,911 they had recently married. 1454 00:54:06,911 --> 00:54:08,079 Stunning. 1455 00:54:08,079 --> 00:54:09,955 The woman 1456 00:54:08,079 --> 00:54:09,955 was well put together. 1457 00:54:09,955 --> 00:54:13,209 Had a nice sun hat on. 1458 00:54:09,955 --> 00:54:13,209 Big brim, nice wedge. 1459 00:54:16,962 --> 00:54:18,463 Ladies, get yourself 1460 00:54:16,962 --> 00:54:18,463 a nice wedge 1461 00:54:18,463 --> 00:54:20,883 for the pool deck. 1462 00:54:20,883 --> 00:54:22,467 Had a nice 1463 00:54:20,883 --> 00:54:22,467 see through sash. 1464 00:54:22,467 --> 00:54:25,470 Beautiful. 1465 00:54:22,467 --> 00:54:25,470 Just blew in the wind. 1466 00:54:26,889 --> 00:54:29,225 Guy had a nice 1467 00:54:26,889 --> 00:54:29,225 swim trunk on. 1468 00:54:29,225 --> 00:54:30,976 Right here. Mid-thigh. 1469 00:54:29,225 --> 00:54:30,976 Guys, get yourself 1470 00:54:30,976 --> 00:54:33,478 a nice trunk 1471 00:54:30,976 --> 00:54:33,478 for the season. 1472 00:54:33,478 --> 00:54:37,233 You seen some of these men, 1473 00:54:33,478 --> 00:54:37,233 they wear this, uh, swim suit 1474 00:54:37,233 --> 00:54:41,070 down to the-- 1475 00:54:37,233 --> 00:54:41,070 What are you wearing? Slacks? 1476 00:54:41,070 --> 00:54:42,738 They get out of the pool, 1477 00:54:41,070 --> 00:54:42,738 half of the pool's 1478 00:54:42,738 --> 00:54:45,032 caught in their legs. 1479 00:54:51,122 --> 00:54:52,372 So they get into the pool. 1480 00:54:52,372 --> 00:54:53,582 They start to swim as a couple. 1481 00:54:53,582 --> 00:54:55,876 I've never seen 1482 00:54:53,582 --> 00:54:55,876 anything like it. 1483 00:54:55,876 --> 00:54:57,377 She's doing the breaststroke. 1484 00:54:57,377 --> 00:54:58,712 Just... 1485 00:55:01,381 --> 00:55:03,383 The guy's doing the butterfly. 1486 00:55:11,391 --> 00:55:13,144 You know how confident 1487 00:55:11,391 --> 00:55:13,144 you have to be 1488 00:55:13,144 --> 00:55:15,813 to pull off the butterfly? 1489 00:55:15,813 --> 00:55:18,523 I've never seen the butterfly 1490 00:55:15,813 --> 00:55:18,523 outside the Olympics. 1491 00:55:18,523 --> 00:55:22,903 This guy is doing 1492 00:55:18,523 --> 00:55:22,903 a recreational butterfly 1493 00:55:22,903 --> 00:55:24,947 on his honeymoon. 1494 00:55:24,947 --> 00:55:26,740 You know how violent that is? 1495 00:55:26,740 --> 00:55:29,785 The entire pool 1496 00:55:26,740 --> 00:55:29,785 looks like a Jacuzzi. 1497 00:55:30,869 --> 00:55:32,579 Kids are drowned. 1498 00:55:41,463 --> 00:55:42,965 Then I'm looking at these kids. 1499 00:55:42,965 --> 00:55:45,383 I don't even know what 1500 00:55:42,965 --> 00:55:45,383 they're wearing, these kids. 1501 00:55:45,383 --> 00:55:48,470 They're covered from head 1502 00:55:45,383 --> 00:55:48,470 to toe, eight-year-old kid. 1503 00:55:48,470 --> 00:55:50,722 He's got long sleeves on. 1504 00:55:48,470 --> 00:55:50,722 He's got a hat 1505 00:55:50,722 --> 00:55:53,725 with flaps over his ears. 1506 00:55:53,725 --> 00:55:57,688 SPF 30,000. What the hell? 1507 00:55:57,688 --> 00:55:59,564 The kid looks like a mime. 1508 00:56:06,864 --> 00:56:09,283 He's got every apparatus on 1509 00:56:06,864 --> 00:56:09,283 known to man, 1510 00:56:09,283 --> 00:56:12,494 a breathing tube, 1511 00:56:09,283 --> 00:56:12,494 goggles, flippers. 1512 00:56:12,494 --> 00:56:14,830 What are you looking for? 1513 00:56:14,830 --> 00:56:17,333 It's a pool. 1514 00:56:14,830 --> 00:56:17,333 There's no coral. 1515 00:56:18,583 --> 00:56:20,752 I had none of this growing up. 1516 00:56:20,752 --> 00:56:23,588 I asked my father, "Dad, I wanna 1517 00:56:20,752 --> 00:56:23,588 look underneath the water." 1518 00:56:23,588 --> 00:56:26,424 "Open up your eyes!" 1519 00:56:33,515 --> 00:56:36,018 By the end of the vacation, 1520 00:56:33,515 --> 00:56:36,018 I was blind, 1521 00:56:36,018 --> 00:56:37,269 I couldn't see shit. 1522 00:56:47,363 --> 00:56:49,447 So they stopped swimming. 1523 00:56:49,447 --> 00:56:51,242 The guy's out of breath. 1524 00:56:51,242 --> 00:56:52,701 I'm looking at him, 1525 00:56:51,242 --> 00:56:52,701 he got long hair. 1526 00:56:52,701 --> 00:56:54,203 The type of hair 1527 00:56:52,701 --> 00:56:54,203 you gotta dip in the pool, 1528 00:56:54,203 --> 00:56:55,453 then flip back. 1529 00:56:55,453 --> 00:56:57,122 Oh, God, soon as I saw that, 1530 00:56:57,122 --> 00:56:58,665 I pat my wife, I go, 1531 00:56:57,122 --> 00:56:58,665 "We gotta meet this guy. 1532 00:56:58,665 --> 00:57:01,459 This guy's sensational." 1533 00:57:03,795 --> 00:57:05,547 But I don't know if you 1534 00:57:03,795 --> 00:57:05,547 ever talked to somebody 1535 00:57:05,547 --> 00:57:07,632 so magnificent before 1536 00:57:07,632 --> 00:57:08,926 that you have nothing to share. 1537 00:57:08,926 --> 00:57:10,761 I had nothing to tell this guy. 1538 00:57:10,761 --> 00:57:13,264 This guy had 1539 00:57:10,761 --> 00:57:13,264 multiple careers at 16. 1540 00:57:13,264 --> 00:57:14,848 He played in the French Open. 1541 00:57:14,848 --> 00:57:17,935 At 32, he had a big law firm. 1542 00:57:17,935 --> 00:57:19,561 Now he's running 1543 00:57:17,935 --> 00:57:19,561 a big hedge fund. 1544 00:57:19,561 --> 00:57:22,356 Then he tells us, 1545 00:57:19,561 --> 00:57:22,356 "We summer in Capri. 1546 00:57:22,356 --> 00:57:25,150 Where do you summer?" 1547 00:57:25,150 --> 00:57:26,902 "Our backyard." 1548 00:57:25,150 --> 00:57:26,902 I don't know what the hell 1549 00:57:26,902 --> 00:57:29,446 you're talking about. 1550 00:57:29,446 --> 00:57:32,490 We take a week off a year. 1551 00:57:29,446 --> 00:57:32,490 You got the summers? 1552 00:57:34,576 --> 00:57:36,245 [woman yells] 1553 00:57:36,245 --> 00:57:37,913 What's that? 1554 00:57:44,711 --> 00:57:46,338 This is not the title 1555 00:57:44,711 --> 00:57:46,338 of this one, 1556 00:57:46,338 --> 00:57:48,506 but aren't you embarrassed? 1557 00:57:48,506 --> 00:57:51,218 [audience cheers] 1558 00:58:02,354 --> 00:58:04,106 While we were there, 1559 00:58:02,354 --> 00:58:04,106 we found out 1560 00:58:04,106 --> 00:58:07,692 that Andrea Bocelli 1561 00:58:04,106 --> 00:58:07,692 was performing in Tuscany. 1562 00:58:07,692 --> 00:58:08,819 Anybody know who this is? 1563 00:58:08,819 --> 00:58:10,862 Okay. 1564 00:58:10,862 --> 00:58:12,781 So we got the tickets. 1565 00:58:12,781 --> 00:58:15,867 We got soaked 1566 00:58:12,781 --> 00:58:15,867 on the tickets, okay? 1567 00:58:15,867 --> 00:58:17,661 Let me tell you something 1568 00:58:15,867 --> 00:58:17,661 about tickets 1569 00:58:17,661 --> 00:58:18,870 'cause I've been 1570 00:58:17,661 --> 00:58:18,870 getting a lot, 1571 00:58:18,870 --> 00:58:20,538 especially from 1572 00:58:18,870 --> 00:58:20,538 the New York show. 1573 00:58:20,538 --> 00:58:23,250 "This is ridiculous. 1574 00:58:23,250 --> 00:58:25,419 They're $700 a ticket." 1575 00:58:25,419 --> 00:58:27,754 I don't have any control 1576 00:58:27,754 --> 00:58:32,343 on the fucking 1577 00:58:27,754 --> 00:58:32,343 ticket price. 1578 00:58:32,343 --> 00:58:35,262 Okay? I put them on sale, 1579 00:58:32,343 --> 00:58:35,262 they gobble them up. 1580 00:58:35,262 --> 00:58:36,430 And people sell them. 1581 00:58:36,430 --> 00:58:38,307 That's why they're 1582 00:58:36,430 --> 00:58:38,307 so damn much. 1583 00:58:38,307 --> 00:58:39,475 You think I would do that? 1584 00:58:39,475 --> 00:58:41,810 I don't do that. 1585 00:58:43,728 --> 00:58:45,022 So I got it on the other end. 1586 00:58:45,022 --> 00:58:46,606 I got the Bocelli tickets. 1587 00:58:46,606 --> 00:58:51,111 When I heard the price, 1588 00:58:46,606 --> 00:58:51,111 inside my body was a shock, 1589 00:58:51,111 --> 00:58:53,197 but I had to act 1590 00:58:51,111 --> 00:58:53,197 like it was nothing. 1591 00:58:53,197 --> 00:58:54,365 You ever get, you know, like, 1592 00:58:54,365 --> 00:58:56,074 "Yeah, no, that's all right." 1593 00:58:56,074 --> 00:58:57,742 And then I gotta tell my wife, 1594 00:58:56,074 --> 00:58:57,742 "Don't eat for three days." 1595 00:58:57,742 --> 00:58:59,411 Here you go. 1596 00:59:03,332 --> 00:59:05,209 So we go. 1597 00:59:06,460 --> 00:59:07,711 It's beautiful. 1598 00:59:07,711 --> 00:59:09,880 I couldn't-- I mean, 1599 00:59:07,711 --> 00:59:09,880 it was outside. 1600 00:59:09,880 --> 00:59:12,966 8,000 people 1601 00:59:09,880 --> 00:59:12,966 in the middle of Tuscany. 1602 00:59:12,966 --> 00:59:14,843 Rolling hills all around us. 1603 00:59:14,843 --> 00:59:17,971 We sit down, the guy comes out, 1604 00:59:17,971 --> 00:59:21,558 gives us two hours, 1605 00:59:17,971 --> 00:59:21,558 singing his life out. 1606 00:59:21,558 --> 00:59:23,018 Ends the concert. 1607 00:59:23,018 --> 00:59:25,770 Me and my wife start to leave. 1608 00:59:25,770 --> 00:59:28,065 We walk down a gravel road. 1609 00:59:28,065 --> 00:59:30,734 We're holding hands. 1610 00:59:28,065 --> 00:59:30,734 Everybody's exiting 1611 00:59:30,734 --> 00:59:32,110 just talking about the show. 1612 00:59:32,110 --> 00:59:34,196 That's what you do. 1613 00:59:32,110 --> 00:59:34,196 You go see a show, 1614 00:59:34,196 --> 00:59:37,115 and you talk about it 1615 00:59:34,196 --> 00:59:37,115 on the way out. 1616 00:59:37,115 --> 00:59:38,534 You're gonna do it tonight. 1617 00:59:37,115 --> 00:59:38,534 You're gonna go, 1618 00:59:38,534 --> 00:59:40,952 "Oh, he was all right. 1619 00:59:38,534 --> 00:59:40,952 He was all right. 1620 00:59:40,952 --> 00:59:43,914 You wanna get 1621 00:59:40,952 --> 00:59:43,914 some ice cream or something?" 1622 00:59:46,124 --> 00:59:48,710 So me and my wife, 1623 00:59:48,710 --> 00:59:51,255 holding hands, walking down 1624 00:59:48,710 --> 00:59:51,255 the gravel road. 1625 00:59:51,255 --> 00:59:53,882 Now coming towards us 1626 00:59:51,255 --> 00:59:53,882 is a guy telling people 1627 00:59:53,882 --> 00:59:56,093 to get the hell 1628 00:59:53,882 --> 00:59:56,093 out of the way. 1629 00:59:56,093 --> 01:00:00,889 Behind them is Bocelli 1630 00:59:56,093 --> 01:00:00,889 on a white horse. 1631 01:00:08,188 --> 01:00:10,774 The guy's blind. 1632 01:00:13,777 --> 01:00:16,738 There's no safety code. 1633 01:00:16,738 --> 01:00:19,116 No city ordinance in Italy. 1634 01:00:19,116 --> 01:00:23,954 The guy's blind, riding a horse 1635 01:00:23,954 --> 01:00:28,166 through 8,000 people. 1636 01:00:23,954 --> 01:00:28,166 Nobody said shit. 1637 01:00:29,626 --> 01:00:32,546 Could you imagine tonight 1638 01:00:29,626 --> 01:00:32,546 if I had a white stallion 1639 01:00:32,546 --> 01:00:35,799 out front 1640 01:00:32,546 --> 01:00:35,799 and took it down Broadway? 1641 01:00:38,093 --> 01:00:39,844 I'd get pulled over 1642 01:00:38,093 --> 01:00:39,844 at the light. 1643 01:00:39,844 --> 01:00:42,973 "What the fuck 1644 01:00:39,844 --> 01:00:42,973 are you doing?" 1645 01:00:42,973 --> 01:00:46,351 "Nah, I saw Bocelli 1646 01:00:42,973 --> 01:00:46,351 do it in Tuscany." 1647 01:00:46,351 --> 01:00:49,813 God bless you. 1648 01:00:46,351 --> 01:00:49,813 You guys have been great. 1649 01:00:49,813 --> 01:00:51,565 Thanks for coming out. 1650 01:00:53,525 --> 01:00:55,986 I had a blast. 1651 01:00:55,986 --> 01:00:58,614 A blast. 1652 01:00:55,986 --> 01:00:58,614 Thank you so much. 1653 01:01:00,365 --> 01:01:03,368 So nice. So nice. 1654 01:01:03,368 --> 01:01:04,495 Love it. 1655 01:01:04,495 --> 01:01:08,081 [electronic music playing]