1 00:00:01,377 --> 00:00:03,087 [woman narrating] 2 00:00:01,377 --> 00:00:03,087 When you grow up in LA, 3 00:00:03,087 --> 00:00:05,798 real life and the movies 4 00:00:03,087 --> 00:00:05,798 can get a little mixed up. 5 00:00:08,342 --> 00:00:12,972 Just ask 18-year-old 6 00:00:08,342 --> 00:00:12,972 Sagittarius Penny Cooper. 7 00:00:12,972 --> 00:00:15,641 As the daughter of 8 00:00:12,972 --> 00:00:15,641 a sort of famous actress, 9 00:00:15,641 --> 00:00:17,894 Penny learned the only way 10 00:00:15,641 --> 00:00:17,894 to get her mom's attention 11 00:00:17,894 --> 00:00:19,812 was to film her. 12 00:00:19,812 --> 00:00:21,773 Soon, she filmed everything, 13 00:00:21,773 --> 00:00:24,024 even this cockapoo. 14 00:00:25,818 --> 00:00:27,612 Penny spent all of high school 15 00:00:27,612 --> 00:00:31,532 pining for class Casanova 16 00:00:27,612 --> 00:00:31,532 Johnny Sanders Jr. 17 00:00:31,532 --> 00:00:34,702 Can you blame her? 18 00:00:31,532 --> 00:00:34,702 But they were always 19 00:00:31,532 --> 00:00:34,702 just friends. 20 00:00:34,702 --> 00:00:38,122 Like some of us, 21 00:00:34,702 --> 00:00:38,122 Penny was a late bloomer. 22 00:00:38,122 --> 00:00:41,375 Last year, when Johnny lost 23 00:00:38,122 --> 00:00:41,375 his father, 24 00:00:41,375 --> 00:00:43,711 he needed a shoulder to cry on, 25 00:00:43,711 --> 00:00:45,838 and Penny was there for him. 26 00:00:45,838 --> 00:00:48,549 Romance blossomed 27 00:00:45,838 --> 00:00:48,549 like a golden poppy, 28 00:00:48,549 --> 00:00:51,719 which happens to be 29 00:00:48,549 --> 00:00:51,719 the California state flower. 30 00:00:51,719 --> 00:00:53,387 Is that still recording? 31 00:00:55,347 --> 00:00:58,559 [narrator] 32 00:00:55,347 --> 00:00:58,559 But now, high school is over. 33 00:00:58,559 --> 00:01:01,687 Penny's thoughts are on her 34 00:00:58,559 --> 00:01:01,687 future at Northwestern, 35 00:01:01,687 --> 00:01:03,606 but they're also on Johnny, 36 00:01:03,606 --> 00:01:07,610 and the uncertain status 37 00:01:03,606 --> 00:01:07,610 of their relationship. 38 00:01:07,610 --> 00:01:09,445 What will become of them? 39 00:01:09,445 --> 00:01:11,823 Could you shut it off? 40 00:01:09,445 --> 00:01:11,823 We're not the Kardashians. 41 00:01:11,823 --> 00:01:13,741 [narrator] 42 00:01:11,823 --> 00:01:13,741 I wish I could tell her, 43 00:01:13,741 --> 00:01:15,660 "Penny, relax. 44 00:01:15,660 --> 00:01:17,578 It's all just beginning. 45 00:01:17,578 --> 00:01:19,330 You're only young once, 46 00:01:19,330 --> 00:01:20,957 so go have some fun. 47 00:01:21,874 --> 00:01:23,918 And one more thing... 48 00:01:23,918 --> 00:01:26,045 don't forget your sunscreen." 49 00:01:26,045 --> 00:01:28,047 [Tanlines: "All of Me"] 50 00:01:35,847 --> 00:01:39,017 ♪ Worn out faces ♪ 51 00:01:39,017 --> 00:01:42,353 ♪ Hanging on the wall ♪ 52 00:01:43,604 --> 00:01:46,691 ♪ Foreign places ♪ 53 00:01:46,691 --> 00:01:50,611 ♪ Names you still recall ♪ 54 00:01:50,611 --> 00:01:54,615 ♪ You say out loud 55 00:01:50,611 --> 00:01:54,615 to yourself ♪ 56 00:01:54,615 --> 00:01:58,369 ♪ Why you just don't care ♪ 57 00:01:58,369 --> 00:02:02,122 ♪ Say the things no one else ♪ 58 00:02:02,122 --> 00:02:05,835 ♪ Will ever dare ♪ 59 00:02:05,835 --> 00:02:09,839 ♪ So pardon me for asking, 60 00:02:05,835 --> 00:02:09,839 pardon me for thinking ♪ 61 00:02:09,839 --> 00:02:13,968 ♪ Pardon me for asking, 62 00:02:09,839 --> 00:02:13,968 pardon me for thinking ♪ 63 00:02:13,968 --> 00:02:17,763 ♪ All of me is asking, 64 00:02:13,968 --> 00:02:17,763 all of me is thinking ♪ 65 00:02:17,763 --> 00:02:19,765 ♪ All of me is asking ♪ 66 00:02:19,765 --> 00:02:21,183 ♪ All of me is thinking ♪ 67 00:02:21,183 --> 00:02:23,811 ♪ So say it loud 68 00:02:21,183 --> 00:02:23,811 when you mean it ♪ 69 00:02:23,811 --> 00:02:25,604 ♪ With caps lock emotions ♪ 70 00:02:25,604 --> 00:02:28,566 ♪ Do what you don't do ♪ 71 00:02:28,566 --> 00:02:31,235 ♪ So say it loud 72 00:02:28,566 --> 00:02:31,235 when you mean it ♪ 73 00:02:31,235 --> 00:02:33,195 ♪ With caps lock emotions ♪ 74 00:02:33,195 --> 00:02:36,490 ♪ I'm in all of you ♪ 75 00:02:36,490 --> 00:02:38,993 ♪ Say it loud 76 00:02:36,490 --> 00:02:38,993 when you mean it ♪ 77 00:02:38,993 --> 00:02:40,828 ♪ With caps lock emotions ♪ 78 00:02:40,828 --> 00:02:44,082 ♪ Do what you don't do ♪ 79 00:02:44,082 --> 00:02:46,584 ♪ Say it loud 80 00:02:44,082 --> 00:02:46,584 when you mean it ♪ 81 00:02:46,584 --> 00:02:48,335 ♪ With caps lock emotions ♪ 82 00:02:48,335 --> 00:02:51,589 ♪ I'm in all of you ♪ 83 00:02:51,589 --> 00:02:55,551 ♪ So you lie to yourself ♪ 84 00:02:55,551 --> 00:02:59,055 ♪ Why you're just not scared ♪ 85 00:02:59,055 --> 00:03:03,142 ♪ All the things 86 00:02:59,055 --> 00:03:03,142 that you felt ♪ 87 00:03:03,142 --> 00:03:06,812 ♪ Were always there ♪ 88 00:03:06,812 --> 00:03:10,816 ♪ So pardon me for asking, 89 00:03:06,812 --> 00:03:10,816 pardon me for thinking ♪ 90 00:03:10,816 --> 00:03:15,029 ♪ Pardon me for asking, 91 00:03:10,816 --> 00:03:15,029 pardon me for thinking ♪ 92 00:03:15,029 --> 00:03:18,741 ♪ All of me is asking, 93 00:03:15,029 --> 00:03:18,741 all of me is thinking ♪ 94 00:03:18,741 --> 00:03:22,036 ♪ All of me is asking, 95 00:03:18,741 --> 00:03:22,036 all of me is thinking ♪ 96 00:03:22,036 --> 00:03:24,789 ♪ So say it loud 97 00:03:22,036 --> 00:03:24,789 when you mean it ♪ 98 00:03:24,789 --> 00:03:26,582 ♪ With caps lock emotions ♪ 99 00:03:26,582 --> 00:03:29,585 ♪ Do what you don't do ♪ 100 00:03:29,585 --> 00:03:32,379 ♪ So say it loud 101 00:03:29,585 --> 00:03:32,379 when you mean it ♪ 102 00:03:32,379 --> 00:03:34,132 ♪ With caps lock emotions ♪ 103 00:03:34,132 --> 00:03:37,301 ♪ I'm in all of you ♪ 104 00:03:37,301 --> 00:03:39,845 ♪ So say it loud 105 00:03:37,301 --> 00:03:39,845 when you mean it ♪ 106 00:03:39,845 --> 00:03:41,806 ♪ With caps lock emotions ♪ 107 00:03:41,806 --> 00:03:44,850 ♪ Do what you don't do ♪ 108 00:03:44,850 --> 00:03:47,519 ♪ So say it loud 109 00:03:44,850 --> 00:03:47,519 when you mean it ♪ 110 00:03:47,519 --> 00:03:49,396 ♪ With caps lock emotions ♪ 111 00:03:49,396 --> 00:03:53,025 ♪ I'm in all of you ♪ 112 00:04:03,327 --> 00:04:05,537 [phone ringing] 113 00:04:05,537 --> 00:04:07,289 -[Penny] Hello? 114 00:04:05,537 --> 00:04:07,289 -[narrator] 115 00:04:05,537 --> 00:04:07,289 And just like that... 116 00:04:07,289 --> 00:04:10,209 -Hey, coz! 117 00:04:07,289 --> 00:04:10,209 -...a force blew in, 118 00:04:10,209 --> 00:04:12,795 hotter than 119 00:04:10,209 --> 00:04:12,795 the Santa Ana winds. 120 00:04:13,462 --> 00:04:16,423 I'm coming. 121 00:04:16,423 --> 00:04:18,092 [Penny] Did you just fly in 122 00:04:16,423 --> 00:04:18,092 from boarding school? 123 00:04:18,092 --> 00:04:20,678 Yeah, and thank God 124 00:04:18,092 --> 00:04:20,678 I'm out of there. 125 00:04:20,678 --> 00:04:22,888 There was just something 126 00:04:20,678 --> 00:04:22,888 about the energy at that place 127 00:04:22,888 --> 00:04:25,224 that wasn't 128 00:04:22,888 --> 00:04:25,224 totally right for me. 129 00:04:25,224 --> 00:04:26,851 Maybe it was too strict? 130 00:04:26,851 --> 00:04:27,893 I just felt like... 131 00:04:27,893 --> 00:04:31,605 the thinking there had become 132 00:04:27,893 --> 00:04:31,605 too linear, you know? 133 00:04:31,605 --> 00:04:34,984 "Camilla, where do you see 134 00:04:31,605 --> 00:04:34,984 yourself after graduation?" 135 00:04:34,984 --> 00:04:37,736 I don't know, that sounds like 136 00:04:34,984 --> 00:04:37,736 a pretty reasonable question. 137 00:04:37,736 --> 00:04:40,614 Weren't you supposed to be 138 00:04:37,736 --> 00:04:40,614 spending the summer in Italy? 139 00:04:40,614 --> 00:04:42,908 Dude, it's your mom's fault. 140 00:04:42,908 --> 00:04:44,409 She asked me to come here. 141 00:04:44,409 --> 00:04:48,539 She wants to help... 142 00:04:44,409 --> 00:04:48,539 brainstorm plans 143 00:04:44,409 --> 00:04:48,539 for my gap year. 144 00:04:48,539 --> 00:04:50,290 Why is this the first time 145 00:04:48,539 --> 00:04:50,290 I'm hearing about it? 146 00:04:50,290 --> 00:04:52,751 Maybe she wanted me 147 00:04:50,290 --> 00:04:52,751 to be a surprise? 148 00:04:52,751 --> 00:04:55,379 Or maybe she just loves you 149 00:04:52,751 --> 00:04:55,379 more than me. 150 00:04:55,379 --> 00:04:58,298 I am a lot more fun. 151 00:04:58,298 --> 00:05:00,885 [Duran Duran: 152 00:04:58,298 --> 00:05:00,885 "Hungry Like the Wolf"] 153 00:05:05,472 --> 00:05:09,101 ♪ Dark in the city, 154 00:05:05,472 --> 00:05:09,101 night is a wire ♪ 155 00:05:09,101 --> 00:05:11,937 ♪ Steam in the subway 156 00:05:09,101 --> 00:05:11,937 earth is afire ♪ 157 00:05:11,937 --> 00:05:18,569 ♪ Do-do do do do do do 158 00:05:11,937 --> 00:05:18,569 do do do do do do do do ♪ 159 00:05:20,445 --> 00:05:23,615 [narrator] Johnny probably 160 00:05:20,445 --> 00:05:23,615 shouldn't be driving 161 00:05:20,445 --> 00:05:23,615 a motorcycle, 162 00:05:23,615 --> 00:05:28,287 but he inherited it 163 00:05:23,615 --> 00:05:28,287 from his dad after 164 00:05:23,615 --> 00:05:28,287 the surfing accident. 165 00:05:28,287 --> 00:05:30,497 He hasn't been 166 00:05:28,287 --> 00:05:30,497 in the water since. 167 00:05:38,130 --> 00:05:42,426 But now, something "excellent" 168 00:05:38,130 --> 00:05:42,426 is pulling him back 169 00:05:38,130 --> 00:05:42,426 to the beach. 170 00:05:45,930 --> 00:05:48,599 [Keanu Reeves] 171 00:05:45,930 --> 00:05:48,599 "Johnny, mi casa es su casa. 172 00:05:48,599 --> 00:05:51,269 Make this the best summer 173 00:05:48,599 --> 00:05:51,269 of your life. 174 00:05:51,269 --> 00:05:52,686 Keanu." 175 00:06:13,291 --> 00:06:15,209 That's what you wore to prom? 176 00:06:15,209 --> 00:06:16,085 What's wrong with it? 177 00:06:16,085 --> 00:06:18,796 Well, now I understand 178 00:06:16,085 --> 00:06:18,796 why you're still a virgin. 179 00:06:18,796 --> 00:06:21,381 Yeah, but then I thought 180 00:06:18,796 --> 00:06:21,381 about it after, and I was like, 181 00:06:21,381 --> 00:06:24,218 why does my first time 182 00:06:21,381 --> 00:06:24,218 have to be on prom anyway? 183 00:06:24,218 --> 00:06:26,137 -[door closes] 184 00:06:24,218 --> 00:06:26,137 -It doesn't. 185 00:06:26,137 --> 00:06:28,472 [woman] Hello? 186 00:06:26,137 --> 00:06:28,472 Is Camilla here? 187 00:06:28,472 --> 00:06:32,726 -Aunt Faye! 188 00:06:28,472 --> 00:06:32,726 -God, I've missed you! 189 00:06:32,726 --> 00:06:35,146 It's like having my own daughter 190 00:06:32,726 --> 00:06:35,146 out of the country. 191 00:06:35,146 --> 00:06:37,481 -I'm right here. 192 00:06:35,146 --> 00:06:37,481 -You won't believe what 193 00:06:35,146 --> 00:06:37,481 happened on the show today. 194 00:06:37,481 --> 00:06:43,028 Turns out, I'm a triplet, 195 00:06:37,481 --> 00:06:43,028 and one of me is 196 00:06:37,481 --> 00:06:43,028 a man named Bob. 197 00:06:47,283 --> 00:06:48,408 [Johnny] Well, you look sharp. 198 00:06:48,408 --> 00:06:50,953 Hands off. This is for people 199 00:06:48,408 --> 00:06:50,953 with money to burn 200 00:06:50,953 --> 00:06:53,038 on the condo 201 00:06:50,953 --> 00:06:53,038 I'm showing at 3:00. 202 00:06:53,038 --> 00:06:54,039 Well, I hope you sell it. 203 00:06:54,039 --> 00:06:57,376 [sighs] 204 00:06:54,039 --> 00:06:57,376 Me too. We need this one. 205 00:06:57,376 --> 00:06:58,752 [Linda chuckles] 206 00:06:58,752 --> 00:07:02,547 So, I was 207 00:06:58,752 --> 00:07:02,547 at Keanu's house today. 208 00:07:02,547 --> 00:07:05,092 Oh, yeah? 209 00:07:05,092 --> 00:07:06,593 How's he doing? 210 00:07:06,593 --> 00:07:08,387 Well, I've been meaning 211 00:07:06,593 --> 00:07:08,387 to tell you, he asked me 212 00:07:08,387 --> 00:07:11,431 if I could house-sit for him 213 00:07:08,387 --> 00:07:11,431 while he's shooting in Morocco. 214 00:07:11,431 --> 00:07:12,766 House-sit? 215 00:07:12,766 --> 00:07:14,726 He said I could invite 216 00:07:12,766 --> 00:07:14,726 my friends over. 217 00:07:14,726 --> 00:07:18,189 There's going to be plenty 218 00:07:14,726 --> 00:07:18,189 of food so you wouldn't have 219 00:07:14,726 --> 00:07:18,189 to worry about feeding me. 220 00:07:18,189 --> 00:07:21,441 But you have summer school here. 221 00:07:21,441 --> 00:07:24,403 What are you going to do, 222 00:07:21,441 --> 00:07:24,403 drive from Malibu 223 00:07:24,403 --> 00:07:25,946 to the Valley every day? 224 00:07:31,827 --> 00:07:34,079 I'm not going 225 00:07:31,827 --> 00:07:34,079 to summer school, Mom. 226 00:07:34,079 --> 00:07:37,624 But if you don't get 227 00:07:34,079 --> 00:07:37,624 your credits, there goes 228 00:07:34,079 --> 00:07:37,624 your Art Center scholarship. 229 00:07:37,624 --> 00:07:39,584 I have a year to get them. 230 00:07:39,584 --> 00:07:43,922 Does Keanu just want you 231 00:07:39,584 --> 00:07:43,922 to move to the beach 232 00:07:39,584 --> 00:07:43,922 and spend the summer surfing? 233 00:07:43,922 --> 00:07:48,135 No. You don't have 234 00:07:43,922 --> 00:07:48,135 to worry about me. 235 00:07:48,135 --> 00:07:49,720 I'm not Dad. 236 00:07:53,015 --> 00:07:54,683 I love you. 237 00:07:56,268 --> 00:07:58,896 I'm gonna go pack up 238 00:07:56,268 --> 00:07:58,896 some of my stuff. 239 00:08:03,192 --> 00:08:05,569 You want to save me a cookie? 240 00:08:07,029 --> 00:08:09,240 [narrator] 241 00:08:07,029 --> 00:08:09,240 Meanwhile, in Tennessee, 242 00:08:09,240 --> 00:08:12,243 a fledgling songbird was trying 243 00:08:09,240 --> 00:08:12,243 to find his wings 244 00:08:12,243 --> 00:08:14,828 in the cutthroat world 245 00:08:12,243 --> 00:08:14,828 of country music. 246 00:08:14,828 --> 00:08:17,039 ♪ Well I never ♪ 247 00:08:17,039 --> 00:08:19,166 ♪ Had a brother ♪ 248 00:08:19,166 --> 00:08:24,129 ♪ My old man didn't 249 00:08:19,166 --> 00:08:24,129 stick around ♪ 250 00:08:24,129 --> 00:08:27,258 ♪ I got stacks of books ♪ 251 00:08:27,258 --> 00:08:29,760 ♪ I ain't ever ♪ 252 00:08:29,760 --> 00:08:31,970 ♪ Gonna read ♪ 253 00:08:34,848 --> 00:08:37,184 ♪ And I guess I'm ♪ 254 00:08:37,184 --> 00:08:40,562 ♪ Getting restless in this ♪ 255 00:08:40,562 --> 00:08:44,108 ♪ Old forgotten town ♪ 256 00:08:44,108 --> 00:08:46,026 -Killer. Loved it. 257 00:08:44,108 --> 00:08:46,026 -[music stops] 258 00:08:46,026 --> 00:08:48,279 But what do you say 259 00:08:46,026 --> 00:08:48,279 we try a couple my way? 260 00:08:49,571 --> 00:08:51,490 With the sax? 261 00:08:51,490 --> 00:08:54,285 No, I told you already, 262 00:08:51,490 --> 00:08:54,285 kids hate sax. 263 00:08:58,872 --> 00:09:02,000 [Camilla] I'm pretty attuned 264 00:08:58,872 --> 00:09:02,000 to shifts in peoples' energies, 265 00:09:02,000 --> 00:09:06,464 and I'm sensing a bit 266 00:09:02,000 --> 00:09:06,464 of hostility flowing from you 267 00:09:02,000 --> 00:09:06,464 towards your mother. 268 00:09:06,464 --> 00:09:09,216 -She infuriates me. 269 00:09:06,464 --> 00:09:09,216 -Why? 270 00:09:09,216 --> 00:09:12,470 I don't know, let's start 271 00:09:09,216 --> 00:09:12,470 with all the boy toys 272 00:09:09,216 --> 00:09:12,470 she brings home 273 00:09:12,470 --> 00:09:14,805 after they play waiters 274 00:09:12,470 --> 00:09:14,805 on her show? 275 00:09:14,805 --> 00:09:17,099 The raging self-absorption... 276 00:09:17,099 --> 00:09:19,684 Hello, girls. What do you think? 277 00:09:17,099 --> 00:09:19,684 Am I a 10? 278 00:09:19,684 --> 00:09:21,270 Or an 11? 279 00:09:24,189 --> 00:09:28,110 ♪ I heard you on the wireless 280 00:09:24,189 --> 00:09:28,110 back in '52 ♪ 281 00:09:28,110 --> 00:09:31,989 ♪ Lying awake intent 282 00:09:28,110 --> 00:09:31,989 in tuning in on you ♪ 283 00:09:31,989 --> 00:09:35,159 ♪ If I was young, it didn't 284 00:09:31,989 --> 00:09:35,159 stop you coming through ♪ 285 00:09:35,159 --> 00:09:38,787 ♪ Oh-a-oh ♪ 286 00:09:38,787 --> 00:09:43,125 ♪ They took the credit 287 00:09:38,787 --> 00:09:43,125 for your second symphony ♪ 288 00:09:43,125 --> 00:09:45,627 ♪ Rewritten by machine 289 00:09:43,125 --> 00:09:45,627 a new technology ♪ 290 00:09:45,627 --> 00:09:49,881 ♪ And now I understand 291 00:09:45,627 --> 00:09:49,881 the problems you can see ♪ 292 00:09:49,881 --> 00:09:52,050 ♪ Oh-a-oh ♪ 293 00:09:52,050 --> 00:09:53,593 ♪ I met your children ♪ 294 00:09:53,593 --> 00:09:55,137 ♪ Oh-a-oh ♪ 295 00:09:55,137 --> 00:09:56,847 ♪ What did you tell them? ♪ 296 00:09:56,847 --> 00:09:58,516 ♪ Video killed 297 00:09:56,847 --> 00:09:58,516 the radio star ♪ 298 00:09:58,516 --> 00:10:00,559 [chuckles] 299 00:09:58,516 --> 00:10:00,559 Aww, cute. 300 00:10:00,559 --> 00:10:04,563 ♪ Video killed 301 00:10:00,559 --> 00:10:04,563 the radio star ♪ 302 00:10:04,563 --> 00:10:06,482 ♪ Pictures came... ♪ 303 00:10:06,482 --> 00:10:07,899 [Camilla] Is that Keanu Reeves? 304 00:10:07,899 --> 00:10:10,152 Yeah, he was friends 305 00:10:07,899 --> 00:10:10,152 with Johnny's dad. 306 00:10:11,069 --> 00:10:12,488 I'd still hit that. 307 00:10:12,488 --> 00:10:15,533 [chuckles] 308 00:10:15,533 --> 00:10:19,328 ♪ We hear the playback 309 00:10:15,533 --> 00:10:19,328 and it seems so long ago ♪ 310 00:10:19,328 --> 00:10:23,165 ♪ And do you remember 311 00:10:19,328 --> 00:10:23,165 the jingles used to go ♪ 312 00:10:23,165 --> 00:10:24,791 ♪ Oh-a-oh ♪ 313 00:10:24,791 --> 00:10:26,460 ♪ You were the first one... ♪ 314 00:10:26,460 --> 00:10:28,086 He used the word "romantic." 315 00:10:28,086 --> 00:10:30,172 [Camilla] 316 00:10:28,086 --> 00:10:30,172 I get why you like this guy. 317 00:10:30,172 --> 00:10:32,466 He wants your first time 318 00:10:30,172 --> 00:10:32,466 to be momentous. 319 00:10:32,466 --> 00:10:33,884 Well... 320 00:10:33,884 --> 00:10:37,262 he doesn't know 321 00:10:33,884 --> 00:10:37,262 it's my first time. 322 00:10:37,262 --> 00:10:41,350 Maybe... you should come with, 323 00:10:37,262 --> 00:10:41,350 for moral support. 324 00:10:41,350 --> 00:10:43,894 You gotta put on 325 00:10:41,350 --> 00:10:43,894 your big girl swimsuit. 326 00:10:45,145 --> 00:10:47,189 Wait, let me see it first. 327 00:10:47,189 --> 00:10:50,025 You look like a nun 328 00:10:47,189 --> 00:10:50,025 competing in the Olympics. 329 00:10:50,942 --> 00:10:52,528 Give me your scissors. 330 00:10:52,528 --> 00:10:54,821 [Penny] 331 00:10:52,528 --> 00:10:54,821 Whoa, what are you doing? 332 00:11:04,206 --> 00:11:07,792 You sure it doesn't look 333 00:11:04,206 --> 00:11:07,792 too much like a tiger tried 334 00:11:04,206 --> 00:11:07,792 to undress me? 335 00:11:08,835 --> 00:11:10,629 Mm-mm. 336 00:11:12,256 --> 00:11:16,176 ♪ Video killed 337 00:11:12,256 --> 00:11:16,176 the radio star ♪ 338 00:11:16,176 --> 00:11:18,220 ♪ Video killed 339 00:11:16,176 --> 00:11:18,220 the radio star... ♪ 340 00:11:18,220 --> 00:11:19,513 Ready to go! 341 00:11:19,513 --> 00:11:23,392 And don't worry, 342 00:11:19,513 --> 00:11:23,392 when the time comes 343 00:11:19,513 --> 00:11:23,392 and you give me the signal, 344 00:11:23,392 --> 00:11:25,185 I'll disappear. 345 00:11:25,185 --> 00:11:27,229 [whispers] 346 00:11:25,185 --> 00:11:27,229 Like a sex ghost. 347 00:11:31,733 --> 00:11:33,277 [sighs] Okay. 348 00:11:35,362 --> 00:11:39,241 ["Let Go": RAC featuring 349 00:11:35,362 --> 00:11:39,241 Kele and MNDR playing] 350 00:11:46,415 --> 00:11:48,750 ♪ Oh, oh ♪ 351 00:11:48,750 --> 00:11:50,669 ♪ Oh dear ♪ 352 00:11:50,669 --> 00:11:52,087 ♪ Oh, oh... ♪ 353 00:11:52,087 --> 00:11:55,215 I'm committing to this! 354 00:11:52,087 --> 00:11:55,215 I'm doing it! I'm doing Johnny. 355 00:11:55,215 --> 00:11:58,218 You're making sex sound 356 00:11:55,215 --> 00:11:58,218 like cutting bangs. 357 00:11:58,218 --> 00:12:01,305 I'm gonna wait 358 00:11:58,218 --> 00:12:01,305 till it's moody and dark, 359 00:12:01,305 --> 00:12:02,847 put on a slow jam. 360 00:12:02,847 --> 00:12:04,808 Maybe start with 361 00:12:02,847 --> 00:12:04,808 a little of this-- 362 00:12:04,808 --> 00:12:08,019 Ah, a little-- 363 00:12:04,808 --> 00:12:08,019 a little shoulder? 364 00:12:08,019 --> 00:12:10,439 -Why not? 365 00:12:08,019 --> 00:12:10,439 -[laughing] 366 00:12:10,439 --> 00:12:12,023 Okay. Okay, pull over. 367 00:12:12,023 --> 00:12:14,901 We have to talk about this 368 00:12:12,023 --> 00:12:14,901 before you embarrass yourself. 369 00:12:16,361 --> 00:12:18,155 [Camilla continues laughing] 370 00:12:19,531 --> 00:12:21,116 Okay. 371 00:12:21,116 --> 00:12:22,951 What if I hit him 372 00:12:21,116 --> 00:12:22,951 with this one? 373 00:12:26,163 --> 00:12:28,081 That's something. 374 00:12:28,081 --> 00:12:30,626 -Yeah? 375 00:12:28,081 --> 00:12:30,626 -You want my best advice? 376 00:12:37,424 --> 00:12:38,634 There you go. 377 00:12:38,634 --> 00:12:40,885 And what? Now I like... 378 00:12:40,885 --> 00:12:42,804 run this down 379 00:12:40,885 --> 00:12:42,804 his chest or something? 380 00:12:42,804 --> 00:12:44,264 No, the pony's for you. 381 00:12:44,264 --> 00:12:47,518 You want to get your hair 382 00:12:44,264 --> 00:12:47,518 out of the way for 383 00:12:44,264 --> 00:12:47,518 when you're, you know, 384 00:12:47,518 --> 00:12:49,227 -rolling around. 385 00:12:47,518 --> 00:12:49,227 -Okay. 386 00:12:49,227 --> 00:12:50,895 So you do a lot 387 00:12:49,227 --> 00:12:50,895 of rolling around? 388 00:12:50,895 --> 00:12:52,189 I mean, 389 00:12:50,895 --> 00:12:52,189 you can if you want. 390 00:12:52,189 --> 00:12:54,358 The point is, 391 00:12:52,189 --> 00:12:54,358 you want to... 392 00:12:54,358 --> 00:12:56,276 feel comfortable 393 00:12:54,358 --> 00:12:56,276 and have fun. 394 00:12:56,276 --> 00:12:57,986 You can do that, right? 395 00:12:57,986 --> 00:12:59,779 So I don't have to hit him 396 00:12:57,986 --> 00:12:59,779 with this one? 397 00:12:59,779 --> 00:13:01,573 -[laughing] 398 00:12:59,779 --> 00:13:01,573 -[boy] Damn! 399 00:13:01,573 --> 00:13:02,616 Hey! 400 00:13:02,616 --> 00:13:04,451 -Watch it, losers! 401 00:13:02,616 --> 00:13:04,451 -[boy] Did you get it? 402 00:13:05,619 --> 00:13:06,995 God! 403 00:13:06,995 --> 00:13:09,581 ♪ 404 00:13:12,167 --> 00:13:14,794 [Camilla] So, does Johnny 405 00:13:12,167 --> 00:13:14,794 even know who I am? 406 00:13:14,794 --> 00:13:17,088 [Penny] I think I may have 407 00:13:14,794 --> 00:13:17,088 told him the story 408 00:13:17,088 --> 00:13:19,550 about how you slept 409 00:13:17,088 --> 00:13:19,550 with your French tutor. 410 00:13:19,550 --> 00:13:21,677 [Camilla] And his girlfriend. 411 00:13:21,677 --> 00:13:23,554 ♪ You play, you play ♪ 412 00:13:23,554 --> 00:13:25,805 ♪ You play up to them... ♪ 413 00:13:30,602 --> 00:13:31,978 -[Penny] Hey! 414 00:13:30,602 --> 00:13:31,978 -Hi. 415 00:13:31,978 --> 00:13:35,607 I hope you don't mind, 416 00:13:31,978 --> 00:13:35,607 I invited my cousin, Camilla. 417 00:13:35,607 --> 00:13:37,693 Your cousin? 418 00:13:38,402 --> 00:13:39,819 Howdy, cowboy. 419 00:13:41,071 --> 00:13:42,906 Is this the one you said 420 00:13:41,071 --> 00:13:42,906 was such a flake? 421 00:13:42,906 --> 00:13:44,616 [Camilla] 422 00:13:42,906 --> 00:13:44,616 I heard that! 423 00:13:44,616 --> 00:13:46,785 -Thanks a lot. 424 00:13:44,616 --> 00:13:46,785 -I'm sorry. 425 00:13:46,785 --> 00:13:50,664 [Camilla] Somebody call 426 00:13:46,785 --> 00:13:50,664 a doctor, because 427 00:13:46,785 --> 00:13:50,664 this house is sick! 428 00:13:50,664 --> 00:13:52,666 ♪ Oh, oh ♪ 429 00:13:52,666 --> 00:13:54,710 ♪ Oh dear ♪ 430 00:13:54,710 --> 00:13:56,420 ♪ Oh, oh ♪ 431 00:13:56,420 --> 00:13:59,506 Holy shi... 432 00:13:59,506 --> 00:14:01,883 ♪ Oh, oh ♪ 433 00:14:01,883 --> 00:14:04,219 ♪ Oh dear ♪ 434 00:14:11,017 --> 00:14:13,771 [narrator] 435 00:14:11,017 --> 00:14:13,771 What Penny didn't tell Camilla 436 00:14:11,017 --> 00:14:13,771 about prom night 437 00:14:13,771 --> 00:14:18,066 is that her nerves 438 00:14:13,771 --> 00:14:18,066 got the best of her, 439 00:14:13,771 --> 00:14:18,066 and the moment passed. 440 00:14:18,066 --> 00:14:20,360 But now she finds 441 00:14:18,066 --> 00:14:20,360 herself here, 442 00:14:20,360 --> 00:14:23,614 standing on Keanu Reeves' deck 443 00:14:20,360 --> 00:14:23,614 overlooking the Pacific, 444 00:14:23,614 --> 00:14:25,490 ready for her second chance. 445 00:14:25,490 --> 00:14:26,908 Hey, Penn. 446 00:14:28,118 --> 00:14:29,453 That's some swimsuit. 447 00:14:30,245 --> 00:14:32,330 Thanks. 448 00:14:32,330 --> 00:14:33,665 It's new, kind of. 449 00:14:33,665 --> 00:14:37,001 Well, you look beautiful. 450 00:14:37,001 --> 00:14:39,337 So do you think you're going 451 00:14:37,001 --> 00:14:39,337 to surf while you're out here? 452 00:14:42,549 --> 00:14:44,593 [Camilla] 453 00:14:42,549 --> 00:14:44,593 Hey, humans. 454 00:14:44,593 --> 00:14:46,804 Hey. Do you guys 455 00:14:44,593 --> 00:14:46,804 want smoothies? 456 00:14:47,638 --> 00:14:49,306 Sounds good. 457 00:14:51,725 --> 00:14:53,017 Um, hello? 458 00:14:53,017 --> 00:14:55,312 Put the camera away. 459 00:14:57,230 --> 00:15:00,484 Be present 460 00:14:57,230 --> 00:15:00,484 in the actual world. 461 00:15:06,698 --> 00:15:07,783 Virgin daiquiris. 462 00:15:07,783 --> 00:15:09,033 -Thank you. 463 00:15:07,783 --> 00:15:09,033 -Oh. 464 00:15:09,033 --> 00:15:11,286 -Fitting. 465 00:15:09,033 --> 00:15:11,286 -Huh? 466 00:15:13,121 --> 00:15:14,790 [slurping] 467 00:15:14,790 --> 00:15:18,251 Isn't this relaxing? 468 00:15:14,790 --> 00:15:18,251 I could just lay here all year. 469 00:15:18,251 --> 00:15:21,839 Yeah, I don't think Northwestern 470 00:15:18,251 --> 00:15:21,839 is going to let you major 471 00:15:18,251 --> 00:15:21,839 in house-sitting. 472 00:15:21,839 --> 00:15:23,715 Is that where you're going to? 473 00:15:23,715 --> 00:15:26,510 Me, Northwestern? 474 00:15:26,510 --> 00:15:29,346 Nah. Not smart enough. 475 00:15:29,346 --> 00:15:31,931 You're smart. There's just 476 00:15:29,346 --> 00:15:31,931 different kinds of smart. 477 00:15:31,931 --> 00:15:34,184 He is a great artist. 478 00:15:34,184 --> 00:15:35,769 But I don't know 479 00:15:34,184 --> 00:15:35,769 if I should do that. 480 00:15:35,769 --> 00:15:37,813 I mean, a year ago, 481 00:15:35,769 --> 00:15:37,813 I wanted to be a pro surfer. 482 00:15:37,813 --> 00:15:40,732 So maybe art school's 483 00:15:37,813 --> 00:15:40,732 just a way of buying time. 484 00:15:40,732 --> 00:15:42,567 Mmm. Why do you have 485 00:15:40,732 --> 00:15:42,567 to decide now? 486 00:15:42,567 --> 00:15:46,571 Because my mom's on my ass? 487 00:15:42,567 --> 00:15:46,571 Because I'm expected 488 00:15:42,567 --> 00:15:46,571 to do something? 489 00:15:46,571 --> 00:15:49,449 At least she cares, right? 490 00:15:49,449 --> 00:15:53,161 So, what do you think 491 00:15:49,449 --> 00:15:53,161 you'll do next year? 492 00:15:53,161 --> 00:15:55,539 I had to grow up pretty fast 493 00:15:53,161 --> 00:15:55,539 with my parents shipping me off 494 00:15:55,539 --> 00:15:57,708 to boarding school 495 00:15:55,539 --> 00:15:57,708 as a kid, so... 496 00:15:57,708 --> 00:16:00,377 I actually want 497 00:15:57,708 --> 00:16:00,377 to slow down for a second. 498 00:16:03,171 --> 00:16:04,715 Well, cheers to that. 499 00:16:05,465 --> 00:16:07,175 [glasses clink] 500 00:16:09,386 --> 00:16:12,389 So, that disco ball 501 00:16:09,386 --> 00:16:12,389 just gave me an idea-- 502 00:16:12,389 --> 00:16:14,015 Prom do-over? 503 00:16:15,350 --> 00:16:17,101 I think I still have 504 00:16:15,350 --> 00:16:17,101 my prom dress 505 00:16:17,101 --> 00:16:19,270 in the bottom of my bag. 506 00:16:19,270 --> 00:16:22,357 I could borrow 507 00:16:19,270 --> 00:16:22,357 something of Keanu's. 508 00:16:22,357 --> 00:16:25,068 [The Cars' "Magic" playing] 509 00:16:29,113 --> 00:16:30,615 Oh! 510 00:16:30,615 --> 00:16:34,160 Honey, you're so beautiful. 511 00:16:30,615 --> 00:16:34,160 I'm so proud. 512 00:16:34,160 --> 00:16:37,163 Thanks, Mom. 513 00:16:34,160 --> 00:16:37,163 I love your Botox. 514 00:16:38,456 --> 00:16:40,124 Now what am I 515 00:16:38,456 --> 00:16:40,124 gonna wear? 516 00:16:40,124 --> 00:16:42,460 ♪ Summer ♪ 517 00:16:42,460 --> 00:16:45,046 ♪ It turns me upside down... ♪ 518 00:16:45,046 --> 00:16:47,173 Silk sheets. 519 00:16:47,173 --> 00:16:49,133 -♪ Summer, summer, summer ♪ 520 00:16:47,173 --> 00:16:49,133 -Hey. 521 00:16:49,133 --> 00:16:51,845 Did I tie this right? 522 00:16:49,133 --> 00:16:51,845 Does it look okay? 523 00:16:55,807 --> 00:16:59,352 -There. You look sharp. 524 00:16:55,807 --> 00:16:59,352 -Thanks. 525 00:16:59,352 --> 00:17:02,272 So, it's a big night 526 00:16:59,352 --> 00:17:02,272 for you and Penn. 527 00:17:02,272 --> 00:17:03,314 Mmm. What did she say? 528 00:17:03,314 --> 00:17:05,734 Oh, you know, nothing, 529 00:17:03,314 --> 00:17:05,734 but, um... 530 00:17:05,734 --> 00:17:08,194 -if you want my advice? 531 00:17:05,734 --> 00:17:08,194 -Do I? 532 00:17:08,194 --> 00:17:10,739 She's going to require 533 00:17:08,194 --> 00:17:10,739 some wooing. 534 00:17:10,739 --> 00:17:11,949 You know, be poetic. 535 00:17:11,949 --> 00:17:13,951 And pay attention 536 00:17:11,949 --> 00:17:13,951 to her earlobes. 537 00:17:13,951 --> 00:17:16,077 They're an erogenous zone. 538 00:17:16,077 --> 00:17:17,913 I didn't know that Penny came 539 00:17:16,077 --> 00:17:17,913 with instructions. 540 00:17:17,913 --> 00:17:20,290 Hmm. Then you must 541 00:17:17,913 --> 00:17:20,290 not know her that well. 542 00:17:20,290 --> 00:17:21,959 ♪ I've got a hold on you ♪ 543 00:17:21,959 --> 00:17:23,543 ♪ Tonight ♪ 544 00:17:23,543 --> 00:17:26,671 ♪ Oh got a hold on you ♪ 545 00:17:26,671 --> 00:17:28,131 ♪ Got a hold on you ♪ 546 00:17:28,131 --> 00:17:30,467 My baby's all grown up. 547 00:17:33,678 --> 00:17:36,055 ♪ Oh oh it's magic ♪ 548 00:17:37,724 --> 00:17:40,268 ♪ When I'm with you ♪ 549 00:17:40,268 --> 00:17:41,979 ♪ Oh oh it's magic ♪ 550 00:17:41,979 --> 00:17:44,063 ♪ Oh oh it's magic ♪ 551 00:17:44,063 --> 00:17:45,857 ♪ Just a little magic ♪ 552 00:17:45,857 --> 00:17:48,276 ♪ You know it's true ♪ 553 00:17:48,276 --> 00:17:51,738 ♪ I got a hold on you ♪ 554 00:17:53,239 --> 00:17:56,075 ♪ Oh twisted ♪ 555 00:17:56,075 --> 00:17:58,870 ♪ Under sideways down ♪ 556 00:18:00,497 --> 00:18:03,917 ♪ I know 557 00:18:00,497 --> 00:18:03,917 you're getting twisted ♪ 558 00:18:03,917 --> 00:18:06,127 ♪ And you can't calm down ♪ 559 00:18:09,798 --> 00:18:13,051 ♪ I see you 560 00:18:09,798 --> 00:18:13,051 under the midnight ♪ 561 00:18:14,511 --> 00:18:16,763 ♪ Love darts in your eyes ♪ 562 00:18:16,763 --> 00:18:19,975 ["True": Spandau Ballet] 563 00:18:23,102 --> 00:18:26,189 [narrator] Be cool, Penny. 564 00:18:23,102 --> 00:18:26,189 Act like you're in a movie. 565 00:18:26,189 --> 00:18:29,567 ♪ Ha-ha-ha ha-ah-hi ♪ 566 00:18:29,567 --> 00:18:31,820 [Camilla] 567 00:18:29,567 --> 00:18:31,820 I'm dying for some guacamole. 568 00:18:31,820 --> 00:18:34,906 I guess I'll go 569 00:18:31,820 --> 00:18:34,906 whip some up. 570 00:18:35,907 --> 00:18:39,661 ♪ Ha-ha-ha ha-ah-hi ♪ 571 00:18:52,966 --> 00:18:55,134 ♪ So true ♪ 572 00:18:55,134 --> 00:18:57,888 ♪ Funny how it seems ♪ 573 00:18:57,888 --> 00:18:59,931 ♪ Always in time ♪ 574 00:18:59,931 --> 00:19:03,810 ♪ But never in line 575 00:18:59,931 --> 00:19:03,810 for dreams... ♪ 576 00:19:03,810 --> 00:19:05,144 [laughter] 577 00:19:05,144 --> 00:19:08,189 ♪ Head over heels 578 00:19:05,144 --> 00:19:08,189 when toe-to-toe ♪ 579 00:19:08,189 --> 00:19:11,442 ♪ This is the sound ♪ 580 00:19:11,442 --> 00:19:14,320 ♪ Of my soul ♪ 581 00:19:14,320 --> 00:19:17,115 ♪ This is the sound... ♪ 582 00:19:17,115 --> 00:19:18,366 [sighs] 583 00:19:19,534 --> 00:19:20,618 I'm a virgin. 584 00:19:20,618 --> 00:19:22,161 Say what? 585 00:19:22,161 --> 00:19:23,663 I just wanted 586 00:19:22,161 --> 00:19:23,663 to be honest with you. 587 00:19:23,663 --> 00:19:25,498 But don't worry. It's not like 588 00:19:23,663 --> 00:19:25,498 I expect you to hold me 589 00:19:25,498 --> 00:19:27,918 for 48 hours after 590 00:19:25,498 --> 00:19:27,918 or anything. 591 00:19:27,918 --> 00:19:30,003 I just wanted you to know. 592 00:19:30,003 --> 00:19:33,172 Okay. Well, 593 00:19:30,003 --> 00:19:33,172 is there anything else 594 00:19:33,172 --> 00:19:34,841 that you really want me to know? 595 00:19:36,551 --> 00:19:39,345 Glow in the dark? Or... 596 00:19:39,345 --> 00:19:40,972 tingly-warm? 597 00:19:40,972 --> 00:19:42,974 You are so prepared. 598 00:19:43,808 --> 00:19:45,518 I mean... 599 00:19:45,518 --> 00:19:48,105 in a sexy way. 600 00:19:48,105 --> 00:19:51,441 -And I really like 601 00:19:48,105 --> 00:19:51,441 your earlobes. 602 00:19:48,105 --> 00:19:51,441 -[chuckles] 603 00:19:51,441 --> 00:19:56,487 ♪ I know this much is ♪ 604 00:19:56,487 --> 00:19:58,489 ♪ True ♪ 605 00:19:59,783 --> 00:20:02,452 [waves whooshing] 606 00:20:08,750 --> 00:20:10,127 Hmm. 607 00:20:12,587 --> 00:20:14,422 Hello! 608 00:20:16,883 --> 00:20:18,760 Where did you come from? 609 00:20:23,264 --> 00:20:24,891 [giggles] 610 00:20:25,642 --> 00:20:27,560 What's up? 611 00:20:44,828 --> 00:20:46,370 [door closes] 612 00:20:47,872 --> 00:20:49,582 [sighs] 613 00:20:59,300 --> 00:21:01,678 [Camilla] 614 00:20:59,300 --> 00:21:01,678 So how was it, champ? 615 00:21:01,678 --> 00:21:03,805 How was it? How was it? 616 00:21:01,678 --> 00:21:03,805 How was it? 617 00:21:03,805 --> 00:21:05,056 How was it? How was it? 618 00:21:05,056 --> 00:21:07,350 [laughing] 619 00:21:07,350 --> 00:21:09,686 -It was good. 620 00:21:07,350 --> 00:21:09,686 -Mmm. 621 00:21:09,686 --> 00:21:11,646 [Penny] 622 00:21:09,686 --> 00:21:11,646 I mean, we were very naked, 623 00:21:11,646 --> 00:21:14,398 and it was definitely 624 00:21:11,646 --> 00:21:14,398 kind of awkward, 625 00:21:14,398 --> 00:21:15,566 but he was sweet. 626 00:21:15,566 --> 00:21:17,194 Did you see where he went? 627 00:21:17,194 --> 00:21:19,821 [Camilla] 628 00:21:17,194 --> 00:21:19,821 I think he was 629 00:21:17,194 --> 00:21:19,821 heading out to surf. 630 00:21:28,246 --> 00:21:33,210 [saxophone playing jazzy melody] 631 00:21:39,966 --> 00:21:41,592 [Johnny] Yo, yo, yo, dude! 632 00:21:41,592 --> 00:21:43,636 Hey, yo! Kenny G! 633 00:21:43,636 --> 00:21:45,722 The tide's coming in! Let's go! 634 00:21:51,228 --> 00:21:52,353 [beeps] 635 00:21:52,353 --> 00:21:53,980 [man on radio] 636 00:21:52,353 --> 00:21:53,980 Yo, dude. We got a complaint. 637 00:21:53,980 --> 00:21:58,109 Some kid parked 638 00:21:53,980 --> 00:21:58,109 his van overnight 639 00:21:53,980 --> 00:21:58,109 just north of El Matador. 640 00:21:58,109 --> 00:22:00,862 Tennessee plates. 641 00:22:00,862 --> 00:22:03,322 Sounds like a camper. 642 00:22:00,862 --> 00:22:03,322 I'll go check it out. 643 00:22:04,032 --> 00:22:06,284 [sniffs, sighs] 644 00:22:08,912 --> 00:22:13,166 This is a big deal. 645 00:22:08,912 --> 00:22:13,166 He hasn't gone out 646 00:22:08,912 --> 00:22:13,166 since his dad died. 647 00:22:13,166 --> 00:22:14,167 Who's he with? 648 00:22:14,167 --> 00:22:16,836 [Camilla] Maybe it's 649 00:22:14,167 --> 00:22:16,836 the naked guy 650 00:22:14,167 --> 00:22:16,836 I saw last night! 651 00:22:16,836 --> 00:22:18,213 [Penny] Naked guy? 652 00:22:18,213 --> 00:22:20,715 [Camilla] 653 00:22:18,213 --> 00:22:20,715 Naked... and wet. 654 00:22:27,305 --> 00:22:29,099 Is that your van parked up there 655 00:22:27,305 --> 00:22:29,099 on private property? 656 00:22:29,099 --> 00:22:31,142 Is it not supposed to be there? 657 00:22:31,142 --> 00:22:34,271 I'm really sorry. I drove 658 00:22:31,142 --> 00:22:34,271 all the way from Tennessee-- 659 00:22:34,271 --> 00:22:36,314 I've got to issue a citation 660 00:22:34,271 --> 00:22:36,314 for unlawful camping. 661 00:22:36,314 --> 00:22:37,899 Man, cut the guy a little slack. 662 00:22:37,899 --> 00:22:40,193 Johnny. 663 00:22:40,193 --> 00:22:42,695 I can't believe 664 00:22:40,193 --> 00:22:42,695 they let you be a lifeguard. 665 00:22:42,695 --> 00:22:45,615 -Is there trouble? 666 00:22:42,695 --> 00:22:45,615 -Get that out of my face. 667 00:22:45,615 --> 00:22:47,533 And, you, with the saxophone, 668 00:22:45,615 --> 00:22:47,533 I'm gonna need some ID. 669 00:22:47,533 --> 00:22:50,328 It makes me so sad 670 00:22:47,533 --> 00:22:50,328 that we as a society 671 00:22:50,328 --> 00:22:52,914 are still so inflexible 672 00:22:50,328 --> 00:22:52,914 about public nudity. 673 00:22:52,914 --> 00:22:56,126 What nudity? I'm writing him up 674 00:22:52,914 --> 00:22:56,126 for having a sleepover 675 00:22:52,914 --> 00:22:56,126 on state property. 676 00:22:56,126 --> 00:22:58,795 I swear, I didn't know 677 00:22:56,126 --> 00:22:58,795 you couldn't camp on the beach. 678 00:22:58,795 --> 00:23:01,464 -[Camilla] 679 00:22:58,795 --> 00:23:01,464 But whose beach is it really? 680 00:22:58,795 --> 00:23:01,464 -[Steve] California's. 681 00:23:01,464 --> 00:23:04,217 [Camilla] 682 00:23:01,464 --> 00:23:04,217 Isn't that just what 683 00:23:01,464 --> 00:23:04,217 we've been told? 684 00:23:04,217 --> 00:23:07,345 I mean, California is a concept. 685 00:23:04,217 --> 00:23:07,345 It's a way of saying, 686 00:23:07,345 --> 00:23:09,306 "We're not Nevada, 687 00:23:07,345 --> 00:23:09,306 and thank God for that." 688 00:23:09,306 --> 00:23:11,015 [Steve] 689 00:23:09,306 --> 00:23:11,015 That's a fascinating 690 00:23:09,306 --> 00:23:11,015 perspective, but-- 691 00:23:11,015 --> 00:23:12,809 When I come home 692 00:23:11,015 --> 00:23:12,809 from a day at the shore 693 00:23:12,809 --> 00:23:15,561 and I've got sand 694 00:23:12,809 --> 00:23:15,561 in my bikini crotch, am I... 695 00:23:15,561 --> 00:23:18,231 stealing from 696 00:23:15,561 --> 00:23:18,231 state property, sir? 697 00:23:18,231 --> 00:23:19,774 Okay, cool it with the "sir." 698 00:23:19,774 --> 00:23:22,360 Yet, this young man, 699 00:23:19,774 --> 00:23:22,360 who lies upon said sand, 700 00:23:22,360 --> 00:23:24,737 is somehow threatening 701 00:23:22,360 --> 00:23:24,737 your concept of ownership? 702 00:23:24,737 --> 00:23:27,115 [Steve] 703 00:23:24,737 --> 00:23:27,115 Do you want a citation too? 704 00:23:28,449 --> 00:23:29,700 I'll make it a warning. 705 00:23:29,700 --> 00:23:32,662 And my Gram says 706 00:23:29,700 --> 00:23:32,662 there are no good people in LA. 707 00:23:32,662 --> 00:23:34,080 Just move the van. 708 00:23:34,080 --> 00:23:36,457 You can park it in the driveway. 709 00:23:34,080 --> 00:23:36,457 I'll show you. 710 00:23:36,457 --> 00:23:38,751 -[Ash] For real? 711 00:23:36,457 --> 00:23:38,751 -Yeah. Come on. 712 00:23:40,878 --> 00:23:42,588 I really like lifeguards. 713 00:23:42,588 --> 00:23:44,799 You're like the sons 714 00:23:42,588 --> 00:23:44,799 of Poseidon. 715 00:23:51,014 --> 00:23:53,933 ♪ 716 00:24:01,732 --> 00:24:03,693 Hi, boys. 717 00:24:06,988 --> 00:24:08,948 Was that Pamela Anderson? 718 00:24:10,616 --> 00:24:12,369 Welcome to Malibu. 719 00:24:15,830 --> 00:24:17,748 You live here? 720 00:24:17,748 --> 00:24:20,459 Nah, just house-sitting. 721 00:24:20,459 --> 00:24:22,712 Why were you sleeping 722 00:24:20,459 --> 00:24:22,712 on the beach, dude? 723 00:24:22,712 --> 00:24:25,840 Uh, short story is, 724 00:24:22,712 --> 00:24:25,840 I wanted to find myself. 725 00:24:25,840 --> 00:24:28,009 Something compelled me 726 00:24:25,840 --> 00:24:28,009 to look out here. 727 00:24:28,009 --> 00:24:30,887 The first sight 728 00:24:28,009 --> 00:24:30,887 of the ocean and... 729 00:24:30,887 --> 00:24:32,638 I don't know how else 730 00:24:30,887 --> 00:24:32,638 to explain it. 731 00:24:32,638 --> 00:24:34,557 It's just where I need to be. 732 00:24:35,975 --> 00:24:37,685 I know the feeling. 733 00:24:40,438 --> 00:24:41,981 Camilla [on video] 734 00:24:40,438 --> 00:24:41,981 ...property, sir? 735 00:24:41,981 --> 00:24:43,607 [Steve] Okay, cool it 736 00:24:41,981 --> 00:24:43,607 with the "sir." 737 00:24:43,607 --> 00:24:45,109 -[giggling] 738 00:24:43,607 --> 00:24:45,109 -[Camilla] Yet, this young man, 739 00:24:45,109 --> 00:24:46,485 who lies upon said sand... 740 00:24:46,485 --> 00:24:48,112 [Johnny] Hey, 741 00:24:46,485 --> 00:24:48,112 this is, uh, Ash. 742 00:24:48,112 --> 00:24:50,573 -He's gonna hang out 743 00:24:48,112 --> 00:24:50,573 for a while. 744 00:24:48,112 --> 00:24:50,573 -Hey. 745 00:24:50,573 --> 00:24:53,284 Thanks for helping me out 746 00:24:50,573 --> 00:24:53,284 back there. 747 00:24:53,284 --> 00:24:55,619 -[Camilla] Namaste. 748 00:24:53,284 --> 00:24:55,619 -[Ash] God bless. 749 00:24:55,619 --> 00:24:57,455 Johnny, wait up. 750 00:24:59,332 --> 00:25:01,418 Hey. I saw you with your board. 751 00:25:01,418 --> 00:25:02,877 Is everything okay? 752 00:25:02,877 --> 00:25:05,255 -Were you gonna go surf? 753 00:25:02,877 --> 00:25:05,255 -I just-- I just need a minute. 754 00:25:05,255 --> 00:25:07,090 -And about last night-- 755 00:25:05,255 --> 00:25:07,090 -I know. Can we... 756 00:25:07,090 --> 00:25:09,300 Can we just talk 757 00:25:07,090 --> 00:25:09,300 about this later? 758 00:25:11,052 --> 00:25:12,887 [narrator] 759 00:25:11,052 --> 00:25:12,887 All she wanted to say 760 00:25:12,887 --> 00:25:15,181 was that she was glad 761 00:25:12,887 --> 00:25:15,181 it was him. 762 00:25:17,225 --> 00:25:19,185 So it kind of looked like 763 00:25:17,225 --> 00:25:19,185 you were giving yourself 764 00:25:19,185 --> 00:25:21,729 a sexy baptism last night. 765 00:25:21,729 --> 00:25:24,441 Uh, not a sexy baptism. 766 00:25:24,441 --> 00:25:28,361 Just the regular ol' baptism. 767 00:25:28,361 --> 00:25:30,613 -Are you being serious? 768 00:25:28,361 --> 00:25:30,613 -[Ash] Yeah. 769 00:25:30,613 --> 00:25:32,865 I thought it was 770 00:25:30,613 --> 00:25:32,865 the perfect time 771 00:25:32,865 --> 00:25:35,201 to renew my faith in the Lord. 772 00:25:35,201 --> 00:25:37,995 If... I knew I had an audience, 773 00:25:37,995 --> 00:25:41,791 I probably would've worn pants. 774 00:25:42,583 --> 00:25:44,168 You're religious. 775 00:25:44,168 --> 00:25:45,962 I take it you're not. 776 00:25:45,962 --> 00:25:49,799 Let's just say, 777 00:25:45,962 --> 00:25:49,799 I operate from this... 778 00:25:49,799 --> 00:25:53,803 awareness that we're all 779 00:25:49,799 --> 00:25:53,803 just these... 780 00:25:53,803 --> 00:25:57,598 tiny little specks 781 00:25:53,803 --> 00:25:57,598 on this rotating spaceship. 782 00:25:57,598 --> 00:26:00,184 [Ash] I don't mean 783 00:25:57,598 --> 00:26:00,184 to be disrespectful, but then... 784 00:26:00,184 --> 00:26:02,979 what is the difference between 785 00:26:02,979 --> 00:26:06,232 spirituality and... astronomy? 786 00:26:06,232 --> 00:26:07,566 [Penny] Found him! 787 00:26:08,818 --> 00:26:10,987 Steve! The lifeguard. 788 00:26:10,987 --> 00:26:12,155 We wanted to find him? 789 00:26:12,155 --> 00:26:14,824 I was pretty happy 790 00:26:12,155 --> 00:26:14,824 to see him go. 791 00:26:16,909 --> 00:26:19,329 You noticed how weird 792 00:26:16,909 --> 00:26:19,329 Johnny's been acting, right? 793 00:26:19,329 --> 00:26:21,747 Well, I knew 794 00:26:19,329 --> 00:26:21,747 there had to be a story. 795 00:26:21,747 --> 00:26:25,960 So, I googled "Steve, 796 00:26:21,747 --> 00:26:25,960 lifeguard, Malibu, rude," 797 00:26:25,960 --> 00:26:29,839 but it wasn't until I added 798 00:26:25,960 --> 00:26:29,839 Johnny's dad's name into the mix 799 00:26:25,960 --> 00:26:29,839 that I found this. 800 00:26:29,839 --> 00:26:32,216 "Professional surfer 801 00:26:29,839 --> 00:26:32,216 Steve Galmarini 802 00:26:32,216 --> 00:26:35,594 has received 803 00:26:32,216 --> 00:26:35,594 a three-year suspension 804 00:26:32,216 --> 00:26:35,594 after testing positive 805 00:26:35,594 --> 00:26:37,221 for performance- 806 00:26:35,594 --> 00:26:37,221 enhancing drugs. 807 00:26:37,221 --> 00:26:39,182 He is the first athlete 808 00:26:37,221 --> 00:26:39,182 to be suspended 809 00:26:39,182 --> 00:26:41,767 under the World Surf League's 810 00:26:39,182 --> 00:26:41,767 new drug testing guidelines." 811 00:26:41,767 --> 00:26:46,105 [chuckles] 812 00:26:41,767 --> 00:26:46,105 That guy doesn't need 'roids, 813 00:26:41,767 --> 00:26:46,105 he needs a chill pill. 814 00:26:46,105 --> 00:26:48,649 It says that Johnny's dad 815 00:26:46,105 --> 00:26:48,649 was Steve's first coach. 816 00:26:48,649 --> 00:26:51,444 But there was 817 00:26:48,649 --> 00:26:51,444 some kind of falling out. 818 00:26:51,444 --> 00:26:53,404 What if it was 819 00:26:51,444 --> 00:26:53,404 over the drugs? 820 00:26:53,404 --> 00:26:55,365 It says here that 821 00:26:53,404 --> 00:26:55,365 some people think 822 00:26:55,365 --> 00:26:57,658 Johnny's dad died on that wave 823 00:26:55,365 --> 00:26:57,658 because he was out there 824 00:26:57,658 --> 00:27:01,620 trying to win back 825 00:26:57,658 --> 00:27:01,620 the community's respect 826 00:26:57,658 --> 00:27:01,620 after the drug scandal. 827 00:27:01,620 --> 00:27:04,081 [Ash] Yikes. 828 00:27:04,081 --> 00:27:06,959 [Penny] I can't believe 829 00:27:04,081 --> 00:27:06,959 he didn't tell me this. 830 00:27:06,959 --> 00:27:08,252 [doorbell rings] 831 00:27:09,086 --> 00:27:10,880 [Johnny] I'll get it. 832 00:27:14,551 --> 00:27:16,344 There's something 833 00:27:14,551 --> 00:27:16,344 I have to give you. 834 00:27:16,344 --> 00:27:18,012 I don't want 835 00:27:16,344 --> 00:27:18,012 anything from you. 836 00:27:23,226 --> 00:27:26,062 I remember my dad wearing that. 837 00:27:26,062 --> 00:27:28,439 He got it on 838 00:27:26,062 --> 00:27:28,439 a surfing trip in Bali. 839 00:27:28,439 --> 00:27:32,318 It's supposed to protect you 840 00:27:28,439 --> 00:27:32,318 from, like, yourself. 841 00:27:32,318 --> 00:27:34,778 Everyone was talking about him, 842 00:27:32,318 --> 00:27:34,778 putting him on a pedestal, 843 00:27:34,778 --> 00:27:38,449 but... he never bought into it. 844 00:27:45,915 --> 00:27:49,085 I wasn't at your dad's 845 00:27:45,915 --> 00:27:49,085 memorial because... 846 00:27:49,085 --> 00:27:51,003 he didn't need 847 00:27:49,085 --> 00:27:51,003 the embarrassment. 848 00:27:51,003 --> 00:27:53,590 But that doesn't mean 849 00:27:51,003 --> 00:27:53,590 I wasn't gutted. 850 00:27:56,133 --> 00:27:58,052 There's something else too. 851 00:27:58,052 --> 00:28:00,096 Marianas waves are hitting 852 00:27:58,052 --> 00:28:00,096 the cove tomorrow afternoon. 853 00:28:00,096 --> 00:28:02,014 You wanna come out? 854 00:28:03,182 --> 00:28:04,850 I gave up surfing. 855 00:28:04,850 --> 00:28:07,937 I'm leaving the marina at 2:00. 856 00:28:04,850 --> 00:28:07,937 You should really come. 857 00:28:10,773 --> 00:28:13,025 Bring your wackjob friends too. 858 00:28:14,277 --> 00:28:17,363 ♪ 859 00:28:30,543 --> 00:28:32,670 Is this the only color you have? 860 00:28:32,670 --> 00:28:36,173 Sorry, I left the purple 861 00:28:32,670 --> 00:28:36,173 polka-dotted ones 862 00:28:32,670 --> 00:28:36,173 back at my place. 863 00:28:36,173 --> 00:28:37,592 I'm gonna guess you're virgins? 864 00:28:37,592 --> 00:28:41,053 No! And that's really 865 00:28:37,592 --> 00:28:41,053 none of your business. 866 00:28:41,053 --> 00:28:45,015 Oh, you're talking 867 00:28:41,053 --> 00:28:45,015 about surfing. Hah! 868 00:28:45,015 --> 00:28:46,892 Penn, did you bring 869 00:28:45,015 --> 00:28:46,892 any sunscreen? 870 00:28:53,357 --> 00:28:56,319 [Camilla] 871 00:28:53,357 --> 00:28:56,319 SPF-18. 872 00:28:56,319 --> 00:28:57,820 You know Icarus, right? 873 00:28:57,820 --> 00:28:59,280 He's that dude 874 00:28:57,820 --> 00:28:59,280 you met in the Alps? 875 00:28:59,280 --> 00:29:02,659 Icarus is the guy whose wings 876 00:28:59,280 --> 00:29:02,659 were made of wax, 877 00:29:02,659 --> 00:29:05,620 but then he flew 878 00:29:02,659 --> 00:29:05,620 too close to the sun, 879 00:29:02,659 --> 00:29:05,620 and they melted. 880 00:29:05,620 --> 00:29:08,038 And then he fell 881 00:29:05,620 --> 00:29:08,038 into the Aegean Sea, 882 00:29:08,038 --> 00:29:09,748 and he died. 883 00:29:11,208 --> 00:29:12,585 Cool story, dude. 884 00:29:16,130 --> 00:29:18,675 One, two, three. 885 00:29:18,675 --> 00:29:19,925 Perfect. 886 00:29:19,925 --> 00:29:21,552 When you're out there, 887 00:29:19,925 --> 00:29:21,552 you don't want to force 888 00:29:21,552 --> 00:29:22,679 your will on the waves. 889 00:29:22,679 --> 00:29:24,347 You want to accept 890 00:29:22,679 --> 00:29:24,347 whatever they're giving you. 891 00:29:24,347 --> 00:29:26,683 Hard to believe you're still 892 00:29:24,347 --> 00:29:26,683 spouting that crap. 893 00:29:26,683 --> 00:29:28,434 It's all scientific. 894 00:29:28,434 --> 00:29:30,394 Waves aren't just water, 895 00:29:28,434 --> 00:29:30,394 they're energy 896 00:29:30,394 --> 00:29:33,690 generated from thousands 897 00:29:30,394 --> 00:29:33,690 of miles away. 898 00:29:33,690 --> 00:29:35,774 And the waves we're riding today 899 00:29:33,690 --> 00:29:35,774 were started by an eruption 900 00:29:35,774 --> 00:29:36,693 in the Marianas Trench-- 901 00:29:36,693 --> 00:29:39,362 the deepest known spot 902 00:29:36,693 --> 00:29:39,362 on the planet. 903 00:29:39,362 --> 00:29:42,823 The whole "one with the wave" 904 00:29:39,362 --> 00:29:42,823 thing is a waste of time. 905 00:29:42,823 --> 00:29:46,327 You have to impose yourself 906 00:29:42,823 --> 00:29:46,327 on them. That's what 907 00:29:42,823 --> 00:29:46,327 my dad taught me. 908 00:29:46,327 --> 00:29:49,079 Your dad taught me that 909 00:29:46,327 --> 00:29:49,079 surfing's like making love-- 910 00:29:49,079 --> 00:29:50,914 it feels good no matter 911 00:29:49,079 --> 00:29:50,914 how you do it. 912 00:29:50,914 --> 00:29:55,419 I'm ready to absorb 913 00:29:50,914 --> 00:29:55,419 some primal energy 914 00:29:50,914 --> 00:29:55,419 from the Earth's core. 915 00:29:55,419 --> 00:29:56,962 [Steve] Far out. 916 00:30:00,717 --> 00:30:03,636 ♪ 917 00:30:06,930 --> 00:30:10,851 [narrator] 918 00:30:06,930 --> 00:30:10,851 Believe me, being pissed off 919 00:30:06,930 --> 00:30:10,851 will get you nowhere, 920 00:30:10,851 --> 00:30:14,731 and Johnny has spent 921 00:30:10,851 --> 00:30:14,731 a lot of time being pissed off. 922 00:30:14,731 --> 00:30:16,940 Mostly at the ocean 923 00:30:14,731 --> 00:30:16,940 for taking his father. 924 00:30:16,940 --> 00:30:23,531 But deep down, he also knows 925 00:30:16,940 --> 00:30:23,531 that surfing is the best way 926 00:30:16,940 --> 00:30:23,531 to honor his father's legacy. 927 00:30:23,531 --> 00:30:27,034 So, the only thing left to do 928 00:30:23,531 --> 00:30:27,034 is to paddle out. 929 00:30:30,580 --> 00:30:33,666 [New Paradise: "I Love Video"] 930 00:30:51,684 --> 00:30:55,772 ♪ 931 00:31:03,738 --> 00:31:05,823 [women singing in French] 932 00:31:20,755 --> 00:31:23,633 ♪ 933 00:31:27,344 --> 00:31:28,887 [Steve] 934 00:31:27,344 --> 00:31:28,887 Look at Johnny over there. 935 00:31:28,887 --> 00:31:32,099 He should get grounded 936 00:31:28,887 --> 00:31:32,099 on a longboard, 937 00:31:28,887 --> 00:31:32,099 like his dad did. 938 00:31:33,225 --> 00:31:34,685 Maybe he will. 939 00:31:37,896 --> 00:31:40,691 All right. Our turn. Ready? 940 00:31:40,691 --> 00:31:43,736 Paddle. Paddle, paddle, 941 00:31:40,691 --> 00:31:43,736 paddle, paddle! 942 00:31:45,655 --> 00:31:47,114 Ah! 943 00:31:52,161 --> 00:31:55,665 Hey! You're not connecting 944 00:31:52,161 --> 00:31:55,665 with your board. 945 00:31:55,665 --> 00:31:57,166 You're not my coach. 946 00:32:08,845 --> 00:32:10,888 Oh, my God, you're bleeding. 947 00:32:11,806 --> 00:32:13,474 Let me get you something. 948 00:32:18,395 --> 00:32:20,189 You carry Neosporin? 949 00:32:18,395 --> 00:32:20,189 [sniffles] 950 00:32:20,189 --> 00:32:22,232 I grew up being my own mother. 951 00:32:26,487 --> 00:32:27,613 -Oh. 952 00:32:26,487 --> 00:32:27,613 -Ow. 953 00:32:27,613 --> 00:32:29,406 -Watch it. 954 00:32:27,613 --> 00:32:29,406 -Sorry. 955 00:32:37,874 --> 00:32:41,043 ♪ 956 00:33:08,111 --> 00:33:11,490 [narrator] Johnny's gonna find 957 00:33:08,111 --> 00:33:11,490 his sea legs again, 958 00:33:11,490 --> 00:33:13,868 he just has 959 00:33:11,490 --> 00:33:13,868 to figure out how. 960 00:33:19,623 --> 00:33:21,751 What do you need, 961 00:33:19,623 --> 00:33:21,751 chef? 962 00:33:21,751 --> 00:33:23,627 Oh, more honey, 963 00:33:21,751 --> 00:33:23,627 honey. 964 00:33:23,627 --> 00:33:25,671 I thought you 965 00:33:23,627 --> 00:33:25,671 were making tacos? 966 00:33:25,671 --> 00:33:27,548 Just trust. 967 00:33:30,133 --> 00:33:31,969 -Where's Johnny? 968 00:33:30,133 --> 00:33:31,969 -[Camilla] Napping. 969 00:33:31,969 --> 00:33:33,763 He said he'd meet us 970 00:33:31,969 --> 00:33:33,763 at dinner. 971 00:33:39,268 --> 00:33:40,978 [Ash] I just wanted you 972 00:33:39,268 --> 00:33:40,978 to know I love you. 973 00:33:43,188 --> 00:33:44,523 Hello? 974 00:33:46,191 --> 00:33:47,944 Hello? 975 00:33:47,944 --> 00:33:49,111 Agh. 976 00:33:49,111 --> 00:33:51,071 Was that your girlfriend 977 00:33:49,111 --> 00:33:51,071 back in Tennessee? 978 00:33:51,864 --> 00:33:53,699 It was my grandma. 979 00:33:53,699 --> 00:33:55,117 Yeah, right. 980 00:33:55,117 --> 00:33:56,493 True story. 981 00:33:57,787 --> 00:33:59,204 You play all these? 982 00:33:59,204 --> 00:34:01,164 Uh, little bit 983 00:33:59,204 --> 00:34:01,164 here and there, 984 00:34:01,164 --> 00:34:03,166 for quick cash. 985 00:34:03,166 --> 00:34:05,920 I might go play 986 00:34:03,166 --> 00:34:05,920 at the pier tomorrow. 987 00:34:05,920 --> 00:34:08,881 Are you, like, some kind 988 00:34:05,920 --> 00:34:08,881 of musical genius on the run? 989 00:34:08,881 --> 00:34:11,133 Something like that. 990 00:34:11,133 --> 00:34:13,510 How cryptic. 991 00:34:13,510 --> 00:34:17,014 Well, I guess I'm just trying 992 00:34:13,510 --> 00:34:17,014 to start over. 993 00:34:17,765 --> 00:34:19,016 It feels like... 994 00:34:19,016 --> 00:34:21,226 going backward 995 00:34:19,016 --> 00:34:21,226 to talk about anything 996 00:34:21,226 --> 00:34:22,937 from the past, you know? 997 00:34:24,146 --> 00:34:26,273 Yeah, I'm happier 998 00:34:24,146 --> 00:34:26,273 as a lifeguard. 999 00:34:26,273 --> 00:34:28,275 I am. 1000 00:34:28,275 --> 00:34:30,235 I had a moment 1001 00:34:28,275 --> 00:34:30,235 where I tried drugs, 1002 00:34:30,235 --> 00:34:32,655 but they kind of made me 1003 00:34:30,235 --> 00:34:32,655 hate myself. 1004 00:34:32,655 --> 00:34:33,781 Completely. 1005 00:34:33,781 --> 00:34:37,242 It wasn't like I was doping 1006 00:34:33,781 --> 00:34:37,242 to surf better 1007 00:34:33,781 --> 00:34:37,242 or anything like that. 1008 00:34:37,242 --> 00:34:40,997 It was more that steroids 1009 00:34:37,242 --> 00:34:40,997 made me aggressive out there. 1010 00:34:40,997 --> 00:34:44,000 Johnny's dad begged me 1011 00:34:40,997 --> 00:34:44,000 to stop using, so I fired him. 1012 00:34:45,334 --> 00:34:46,961 That's when everything went bad. 1013 00:34:46,961 --> 00:34:49,129 [strums] 1014 00:34:50,673 --> 00:34:54,092 Why do you record everything? 1015 00:34:54,092 --> 00:34:55,886 Sometimes things feel 1016 00:34:54,092 --> 00:34:55,886 more real on video 1017 00:34:55,886 --> 00:34:57,763 than they do 1018 00:34:55,886 --> 00:34:57,763 in real life, you know? 1019 00:34:58,931 --> 00:35:00,223 Sure. 1020 00:35:00,223 --> 00:35:02,935 I feel that way about songs. 1021 00:35:02,935 --> 00:35:05,729 I find myself thinking, 1022 00:35:02,935 --> 00:35:05,729 you know, 1023 00:35:05,729 --> 00:35:07,940 "That song is more true 1024 00:35:07,940 --> 00:35:11,694 than back when the thing 1025 00:35:07,940 --> 00:35:11,694 I'm singing about 1026 00:35:11,694 --> 00:35:13,111 actually happened." 1027 00:35:13,988 --> 00:35:15,781 -You know? 1028 00:35:13,988 --> 00:35:15,781 -Yeah. 1029 00:35:23,413 --> 00:35:25,207 Is that 1030 00:35:23,413 --> 00:35:25,207 your favorite instrument? 1031 00:35:26,667 --> 00:35:28,836 I'd play it for you, but... 1032 00:35:31,421 --> 00:35:33,423 Or... 1033 00:35:33,423 --> 00:35:34,717 you could play it for me. 1034 00:35:34,717 --> 00:35:37,053 No. I don't play. 1035 00:35:37,053 --> 00:35:38,846 They took the triangle 1036 00:35:37,053 --> 00:35:38,846 away from me 1037 00:35:38,846 --> 00:35:41,098 when I was in kindergarten 1038 00:35:38,846 --> 00:35:41,098 because I hit it too hard. 1039 00:35:43,183 --> 00:35:45,394 I'll finger, you blow. 1040 00:35:45,394 --> 00:35:48,313 [laughing] 1041 00:35:51,692 --> 00:35:53,736 I think the perfect situation 1042 00:35:53,736 --> 00:35:56,113 is you get two houses 1043 00:35:53,736 --> 00:35:56,113 right next to each other, 1044 00:35:56,113 --> 00:35:58,908 and you live in one, 1045 00:35:56,113 --> 00:35:58,908 and your partner lives 1046 00:35:56,113 --> 00:35:58,908 in the other. 1047 00:35:58,908 --> 00:36:02,578 Then you can be intimate 1048 00:35:58,908 --> 00:36:02,578 without being codependent. 1049 00:36:02,578 --> 00:36:06,289 I think if you need two houses, 1050 00:36:02,578 --> 00:36:06,289 you've picked the wrong person. 1051 00:36:06,289 --> 00:36:09,585 But what if it's 1052 00:36:06,289 --> 00:36:09,585 a huge house like this? 1053 00:36:09,585 --> 00:36:13,839 A couple could live here 1054 00:36:09,585 --> 00:36:13,839 and still be lonely. 1055 00:36:13,839 --> 00:36:15,465 No, the house doesn't matter. 1056 00:36:15,465 --> 00:36:17,093 You could fail anywhere. 1057 00:36:17,843 --> 00:36:20,054 [Ash] My parents-- 1058 00:36:20,054 --> 00:36:24,349 they're gone now-- 1059 00:36:20,054 --> 00:36:24,349 they used to say, 1060 00:36:24,349 --> 00:36:26,518 you can choose 1061 00:36:24,349 --> 00:36:26,518 not to fail. 1062 00:36:26,518 --> 00:36:29,855 Come on. You can refuse 1063 00:36:26,518 --> 00:36:29,855 to accept failure in yourself. 1064 00:36:29,855 --> 00:36:32,482 But in a relationship? 1065 00:36:32,482 --> 00:36:35,027 You don't know what's gonna 1066 00:36:32,482 --> 00:36:35,027 happen to the other person. 1067 00:36:35,027 --> 00:36:38,697 I'm honestly more worried 1068 00:36:35,027 --> 00:36:38,697 that I'll fail myself. 1069 00:36:38,697 --> 00:36:43,160 My partner can figure 1070 00:36:38,697 --> 00:36:43,160 him-slash-herself out. 1071 00:36:43,160 --> 00:36:45,203 When you lie in bed 1072 00:36:43,160 --> 00:36:45,203 awake at night, 1073 00:36:45,203 --> 00:36:47,456 there's nothing you picture 1074 00:36:45,203 --> 00:36:47,456 yourself doing when you grow up? 1075 00:36:47,456 --> 00:36:50,918 I hear that phrase 1076 00:36:47,456 --> 00:36:50,918 "when you grow up" 1077 00:36:50,918 --> 00:36:52,711 and I just go blank. 1078 00:36:52,711 --> 00:36:54,004 You don't think I'm grown up? 1079 00:36:54,004 --> 00:36:55,839 [all laugh] 1080 00:36:55,839 --> 00:36:57,883 That's not true, 1081 00:36:55,839 --> 00:36:57,883 though, because... 1082 00:36:57,883 --> 00:36:59,551 you were just talking 1083 00:36:57,883 --> 00:36:59,551 about the tandem houses. 1084 00:36:59,551 --> 00:37:02,179 So there's something brewing 1085 00:36:59,551 --> 00:37:02,179 in that head of yours. 1086 00:37:03,555 --> 00:37:06,475 Place an older version 1087 00:37:03,555 --> 00:37:06,475 of yourself in the house. 1088 00:37:06,475 --> 00:37:07,684 How old are you? 1089 00:37:09,103 --> 00:37:10,771 Sixty-one... 1090 00:37:12,022 --> 00:37:15,067 and I'm wearing 1091 00:37:12,022 --> 00:37:15,067 this super chic caftan 1092 00:37:15,067 --> 00:37:17,153 with these big gold hoops. 1093 00:37:18,737 --> 00:37:21,281 Now... what are you thinking? 1094 00:37:22,574 --> 00:37:24,451 That I miss being young. 1095 00:37:26,495 --> 00:37:28,956 How about some music, huh, Penn? 1096 00:37:32,126 --> 00:37:33,585 "Penn"? 1097 00:37:34,837 --> 00:37:38,423 [playing saxophone off-key] 1098 00:37:47,557 --> 00:37:50,268 [music continuing] 1099 00:37:53,814 --> 00:37:56,108 [laughing] 1100 00:37:56,108 --> 00:37:57,901 [Camilla] 1101 00:37:56,108 --> 00:37:57,901 I can't hear you! 1102 00:38:13,792 --> 00:38:16,837 ♪ 1103 00:38:59,337 --> 00:39:01,631 ♪ 1104 00:39:30,535 --> 00:39:32,204 [Steve sighs] 1105 00:39:32,204 --> 00:39:33,830 Did Johnny just 1106 00:39:32,204 --> 00:39:33,830 up and go to bed? 1107 00:39:33,830 --> 00:39:36,250 Here, just leave 'em. 1108 00:39:33,830 --> 00:39:36,250 I'll finish up. 1109 00:39:33,830 --> 00:39:36,250 Go check on him. 1110 00:39:36,250 --> 00:39:38,376 -Thank you. 1111 00:39:36,250 --> 00:39:38,376 -No worries. 1112 00:39:43,673 --> 00:39:45,383 Penny [on voice mail] 1113 00:39:43,673 --> 00:39:45,383 Hey, where are you? 1114 00:39:45,383 --> 00:39:47,970 Are you okay? 1115 00:39:45,383 --> 00:39:47,970 I'm getting worried. 1116 00:39:47,970 --> 00:39:51,181 Call me if you want. 1117 00:39:47,970 --> 00:39:51,181 You know I'm here 1118 00:39:47,970 --> 00:39:51,181 for you, okay? 1119 00:39:51,181 --> 00:39:52,724 Bye. 1120 00:40:04,569 --> 00:40:06,905 [zipping] 1121 00:40:09,241 --> 00:40:10,784 Hey. 1122 00:40:10,784 --> 00:40:13,245 You're not planning on sleeping 1123 00:40:10,784 --> 00:40:13,245 out here again, are you? 1124 00:40:13,245 --> 00:40:15,289 Yeah. 1125 00:40:15,289 --> 00:40:18,292 I don't want to impose, 1126 00:40:15,289 --> 00:40:18,292 more than I already have. 1127 00:40:19,626 --> 00:40:21,795 There's more than enough room 1128 00:40:19,626 --> 00:40:21,795 in the house. 1129 00:40:21,795 --> 00:40:24,089 I'm sure Johnny would be 1130 00:40:21,795 --> 00:40:24,089 cool with it. 1131 00:40:26,091 --> 00:40:28,385 Aren't you two together? 1132 00:40:28,385 --> 00:40:33,431 There was something going on, 1133 00:40:28,385 --> 00:40:33,431 but it was always 1134 00:40:28,385 --> 00:40:33,431 just a "something." 1135 00:40:33,431 --> 00:40:36,726 I chalked that up to him 1136 00:40:33,431 --> 00:40:36,726 needing more space, but... 1137 00:40:37,435 --> 00:40:39,396 that's not it. 1138 00:40:39,396 --> 00:40:43,108 Uh, I don't think that 1139 00:40:39,396 --> 00:40:43,108 he wants space from you. 1140 00:40:45,152 --> 00:40:46,695 Honestly? 1141 00:40:46,695 --> 00:40:49,990 I think he just doesn't want 1142 00:40:46,695 --> 00:40:49,990 to go through losing 1143 00:40:46,695 --> 00:40:49,990 somebody else. 1144 00:40:52,951 --> 00:40:54,536 I like you. 1145 00:40:56,205 --> 00:40:59,582 So even if there's just 1146 00:40:56,205 --> 00:40:59,582 a... "something," 1147 00:41:00,583 --> 00:41:03,128 you have to sort it out. 1148 00:41:03,920 --> 00:41:05,547 You know? 1149 00:41:06,215 --> 00:41:07,757 Okay. 1150 00:41:07,757 --> 00:41:11,220 -[Steve] Aw! 1151 00:41:07,757 --> 00:41:11,220 -[Camilla] Okay, that was bad. 1152 00:41:07,757 --> 00:41:11,220 Try again, try again! 1153 00:41:11,220 --> 00:41:12,637 -[Steve] Oh! 1154 00:41:11,220 --> 00:41:12,637 -Yes! 1155 00:41:12,637 --> 00:41:13,596 [both laughing] 1156 00:41:13,596 --> 00:41:16,474 -I'm going to bed. 1157 00:41:13,596 --> 00:41:16,474 -[Camilla] So early? 1158 00:41:16,474 --> 00:41:17,809 Good night. 1159 00:41:20,187 --> 00:41:21,897 [narrator] Love is crazy. 1160 00:41:21,897 --> 00:41:26,318 How is it possible to feel 1161 00:41:21,897 --> 00:41:26,318 so distant from a guy 1162 00:41:21,897 --> 00:41:26,318 you just slept with? 1163 00:41:26,318 --> 00:41:28,945 And so close to a guy 1164 00:41:26,318 --> 00:41:28,945 you just met? 1165 00:41:29,946 --> 00:41:31,573 Oh, Penny, Penny. 1166 00:41:31,573 --> 00:41:33,409 My two cents? 1167 00:41:33,409 --> 00:41:34,993 Follow your heart. 1168 00:41:48,506 --> 00:41:50,217 Penny. 1169 00:41:50,217 --> 00:41:53,511 Wake up, lady! 1170 00:41:50,217 --> 00:41:53,511 Rise and shine! 1171 00:41:53,511 --> 00:41:55,931 You've got to learn 1172 00:41:53,511 --> 00:41:55,931 some morning etiquette. 1173 00:41:55,931 --> 00:41:58,434 Yeah, yeah, yeah. 1174 00:41:55,931 --> 00:41:58,434 Let's go into town. 1175 00:41:58,434 --> 00:42:00,018 I want to go 1176 00:41:58,434 --> 00:42:00,018 look at wet suits. 1177 00:42:00,018 --> 00:42:03,563 I think I might start getting 1178 00:42:00,018 --> 00:42:03,563 into surfing. 1179 00:42:03,563 --> 00:42:05,815 I think Ash was planning 1180 00:42:03,563 --> 00:42:05,815 on busking at the pier. 1181 00:42:05,815 --> 00:42:07,567 Maybe we can 1182 00:42:05,815 --> 00:42:07,567 go there after? 1183 00:42:08,402 --> 00:42:10,779 Did Johnny never 1184 00:42:08,402 --> 00:42:10,779 come home? 1185 00:42:10,779 --> 00:42:12,114 Nope. 1186 00:42:12,114 --> 00:42:13,990 He never answered 1187 00:42:12,114 --> 00:42:13,990 any of my calls. 1188 00:42:16,159 --> 00:42:18,703 [Cocteau Twins: "Iceblink Luck"] 1189 00:42:34,552 --> 00:42:37,264 ♪ I'm seemin' to be ♪ 1190 00:42:37,264 --> 00:42:41,977 ♪ A little alive ♪ 1191 00:42:43,312 --> 00:42:46,773 ♪ I'm happy again ♪ 1192 00:42:46,773 --> 00:42:49,692 ♪ Caught, caught in time... ♪ 1193 00:42:49,692 --> 00:42:51,528 [man] Can I help you? 1194 00:42:51,528 --> 00:42:53,696 What's with all 1195 00:42:51,528 --> 00:42:53,696 the Goth wetsuits? 1196 00:42:53,696 --> 00:42:56,450 It's like, have the balls 1197 00:42:53,696 --> 00:42:56,450 to wear something 1198 00:42:56,450 --> 00:42:58,994 that reflects your 1199 00:42:56,450 --> 00:42:58,994 personal style, you know? 1200 00:42:58,994 --> 00:43:00,996 Personal style is 1201 00:42:58,994 --> 00:43:00,996 for your board. 1202 00:43:02,539 --> 00:43:04,624 These speak to me. 1203 00:43:05,501 --> 00:43:06,751 Thanks. 1204 00:43:06,751 --> 00:43:09,045 I put my heart into each 1205 00:43:06,751 --> 00:43:09,045 and every one of them. 1206 00:43:09,045 --> 00:43:11,589 -You made these? 1207 00:43:09,045 --> 00:43:11,589 -Sure did. 1208 00:43:15,093 --> 00:43:19,055 [Ash singing indistinctly] 1209 00:43:19,055 --> 00:43:23,519 ♪ My guitar's 1210 00:43:19,055 --> 00:43:23,519 the only friend ♪ 1211 00:43:23,519 --> 00:43:27,063 ♪ I'm gonna need ♪ 1212 00:43:29,941 --> 00:43:32,319 ♪ Through thick and thin ♪ 1213 00:43:32,319 --> 00:43:35,113 ♪ She's always been ♪ 1214 00:43:35,113 --> 00:43:39,617 ♪ Beside me all the way... ♪ 1215 00:43:43,746 --> 00:43:44,914 What are these? 1216 00:43:44,914 --> 00:43:47,417 Oh, those old things? 1217 00:43:47,417 --> 00:43:49,336 I don't know. 1218 00:43:49,336 --> 00:43:51,629 Let's see that gun. 1219 00:43:51,629 --> 00:43:57,177 ♪ I don't got another prayer 1220 00:43:51,629 --> 00:43:57,177 left inside my bones ♪ 1221 00:44:01,681 --> 00:44:08,355 ♪ Me and Carolina 1222 00:44:01,681 --> 00:44:08,355 are takin' it home ♪ 1223 00:44:10,106 --> 00:44:12,734 ♪ I got plans to make ♪ 1224 00:44:12,734 --> 00:44:15,612 ♪ Hearts to break ♪ 1225 00:44:15,612 --> 00:44:19,908 ♪ I don't think I can 1226 00:44:15,612 --> 00:44:19,908 do it alone ♪ 1227 00:44:21,076 --> 00:44:22,952 ♪ So me and this guitar ♪ 1228 00:44:22,952 --> 00:44:27,541 ♪ Are gonna find me 1229 00:44:22,952 --> 00:44:27,541 somebody to love ♪ 1230 00:44:28,833 --> 00:44:31,211 [cheering] 1231 00:44:32,379 --> 00:44:33,505 I think I'm in love. 1232 00:44:33,505 --> 00:44:37,426 I want to make him 1233 00:44:33,505 --> 00:44:37,426 into a body pillow. 1234 00:44:40,720 --> 00:44:42,264 Would you look at that? 1235 00:44:42,264 --> 00:44:43,806 It's art. 1236 00:44:43,806 --> 00:44:46,268 Whoa! 1237 00:44:46,268 --> 00:44:48,395 That suit is awesome. 1238 00:44:49,312 --> 00:44:51,231 [guitar playing] 1239 00:44:51,231 --> 00:44:53,275 Ash [on iPad] 1240 00:44:51,231 --> 00:44:53,275 ♪ Me and this guitar ♪ 1241 00:44:53,275 --> 00:44:58,905 ♪ Are gonna find me 1242 00:44:53,275 --> 00:44:58,905 somebody to love ♪ 1243 00:44:59,697 --> 00:45:00,865 There you are. 1244 00:45:01,741 --> 00:45:02,742 [Camilla sighs] 1245 00:45:02,742 --> 00:45:04,702 Creativity is 1246 00:45:02,742 --> 00:45:04,702 so exhausting. 1247 00:45:04,702 --> 00:45:07,414 I'm gonna have to take 1248 00:45:04,702 --> 00:45:07,414 a power nap before 1249 00:45:04,702 --> 00:45:07,414 my surf lesson later. 1250 00:45:07,414 --> 00:45:09,374 Here. 1251 00:45:09,374 --> 00:45:13,336 You take my car, and I'll get 1252 00:45:09,374 --> 00:45:13,336 a ride home with Ash. 1253 00:45:13,336 --> 00:45:14,671 Ash, huh? 1254 00:45:15,422 --> 00:45:17,173 What? 1255 00:45:29,185 --> 00:45:31,354 You're back. 1256 00:45:31,354 --> 00:45:33,649 Yeah, I had some stuff 1257 00:45:31,354 --> 00:45:33,649 I had to take care of. 1258 00:45:34,524 --> 00:45:36,192 What are you up to? 1259 00:45:36,192 --> 00:45:37,611 I was gonna take a nap, 1260 00:45:37,611 --> 00:45:39,779 but then I, like, 1261 00:45:37,611 --> 00:45:39,779 stopped being tired. 1262 00:45:39,779 --> 00:45:42,574 Salt air is magic 1263 00:45:39,779 --> 00:45:42,574 like that. 1264 00:45:50,248 --> 00:45:52,750 So why'd you take off 1265 00:45:50,248 --> 00:45:52,750 last night? 1266 00:45:54,794 --> 00:45:58,423 I just had a lot of stuff 1267 00:45:54,794 --> 00:45:58,423 on my mind. 1268 00:45:58,423 --> 00:46:00,258 And things got kind of weird 1269 00:45:58,423 --> 00:46:00,258 with Penny. 1270 00:46:00,258 --> 00:46:04,220 You guys have known each other 1271 00:46:00,258 --> 00:46:04,220 for a long time now, right? 1272 00:46:04,220 --> 00:46:07,015 She really helped 1273 00:46:04,220 --> 00:46:07,015 take care of me 1274 00:46:04,220 --> 00:46:07,015 when my dad died last year. 1275 00:46:09,309 --> 00:46:11,227 We're pretty different, 1276 00:46:09,309 --> 00:46:11,227 you know? 1277 00:46:11,227 --> 00:46:13,730 I mean, things change. 1278 00:46:11,227 --> 00:46:13,730 It's nobody's fault. 1279 00:46:15,857 --> 00:46:18,401 It's beautiful. 1280 00:46:18,401 --> 00:46:21,029 I was up all last night 1281 00:46:18,401 --> 00:46:21,029 on Zuma trying to figure out 1282 00:46:21,029 --> 00:46:24,574 whether I should go back 1283 00:46:21,029 --> 00:46:24,574 to surfing or throw myself 1284 00:46:21,029 --> 00:46:24,574 into art school. 1285 00:46:24,574 --> 00:46:27,703 Maybe the problem is 1286 00:46:24,574 --> 00:46:27,703 that you were awake. 1287 00:46:28,537 --> 00:46:29,371 What? 1288 00:46:29,371 --> 00:46:31,748 Have you ever heard 1289 00:46:29,371 --> 00:46:31,748 of lucid dreaming? 1290 00:46:34,584 --> 00:46:36,712 [chiming] 1291 00:46:36,712 --> 00:46:39,464 [Camilla] I'm gonna wake up 1292 00:46:36,712 --> 00:46:39,464 your conscious mind 1293 00:46:36,712 --> 00:46:39,464 during your dream, 1294 00:46:39,464 --> 00:46:42,050 but your body's 1295 00:46:39,464 --> 00:46:42,050 gonna stay asleep. 1296 00:46:42,050 --> 00:46:44,344 You sure this isn't just 1297 00:46:42,050 --> 00:46:44,344 the plot of The Matrix? 1298 00:46:44,344 --> 00:46:45,845 [chuckles] 1299 00:46:45,845 --> 00:46:47,764 [Camilla] 1300 00:46:45,845 --> 00:46:47,764 Shut your eyes and relax. 1301 00:46:47,764 --> 00:46:51,476 You'll receive a signal 1302 00:46:47,764 --> 00:46:51,476 from me when you're asleep. 1303 00:46:51,476 --> 00:46:54,604 A tap on your nose-- 1304 00:46:51,476 --> 00:46:54,604 that'll be the trigger, okay? 1305 00:46:54,604 --> 00:46:56,314 Now... 1306 00:46:56,314 --> 00:46:59,317 let yourself drift. 1307 00:47:03,572 --> 00:47:05,490 I didn't suck, did I? 1308 00:47:05,490 --> 00:47:07,283 You were amazing. 1309 00:47:07,283 --> 00:47:09,202 Do you need me 1310 00:47:07,283 --> 00:47:09,202 to carry anything for you? 1311 00:47:09,202 --> 00:47:10,495 That hat full 1312 00:47:09,202 --> 00:47:10,495 of money, perhaps? 1313 00:47:10,495 --> 00:47:14,332 Well, I don't know 1314 00:47:10,495 --> 00:47:14,332 if I trust you with my 1315 00:47:10,495 --> 00:47:14,332 life savings just yet. 1316 00:47:16,418 --> 00:47:17,794 God, that felt good. 1317 00:47:19,254 --> 00:47:20,880 Been a while. 1318 00:47:20,880 --> 00:47:23,633 Just wish Grams was here 1319 00:47:20,880 --> 00:47:23,633 to see that one. 1320 00:47:23,633 --> 00:47:26,469 Well, then I have 1321 00:47:23,633 --> 00:47:26,469 happy news for you. 1322 00:47:26,469 --> 00:47:28,597 Did you fly Gram out, 1323 00:47:26,469 --> 00:47:28,597 hide her behind the trashcan? 1324 00:47:28,597 --> 00:47:32,183 -No, but I filmed it. 1325 00:47:28,597 --> 00:47:32,183 -'Course you did. 1326 00:47:32,183 --> 00:47:33,351 But good luck getting it to her. 1327 00:47:33,351 --> 00:47:36,563 Unless your camera 1328 00:47:33,351 --> 00:47:36,563 converts files to VHS. 1329 00:47:36,563 --> 00:47:38,189 She doesn't even have e-mail. 1330 00:47:38,189 --> 00:47:41,025 -Not even AOL? 1331 00:47:38,189 --> 00:47:41,025 -Not even AOL. 1332 00:47:41,025 --> 00:47:42,318 [both chuckle] 1333 00:47:42,318 --> 00:47:45,321 Well, all she's got to do 1334 00:47:42,318 --> 00:47:45,321 is look on YouTube. 1335 00:47:45,321 --> 00:47:48,491 You didn't put the video up? 1336 00:47:48,491 --> 00:47:50,452 And my Instagram. 1337 00:47:48,491 --> 00:47:50,452 Not to get braggy, 1338 00:47:50,452 --> 00:47:53,955 but I do have a lot 1339 00:47:50,452 --> 00:47:53,955 of followers because 1340 00:47:50,452 --> 00:47:53,955 of my crazy mom. 1341 00:47:53,955 --> 00:47:57,208 But now I can finally 1342 00:47:53,955 --> 00:47:57,208 use them for good-- for you. 1343 00:47:57,208 --> 00:48:01,045 I posted it an hour ago, 1344 00:47:57,208 --> 00:48:01,045 and I already have 1345 00:47:57,208 --> 00:48:01,045 eleven hundred likes on it! 1346 00:48:01,045 --> 00:48:03,339 -Penny-- 1347 00:48:01,045 --> 00:48:03,339 -I know. I know, 1348 00:48:03,339 --> 00:48:08,344 you're secretive about 1349 00:48:03,339 --> 00:48:08,344 your life, but this could be 1350 00:48:03,339 --> 00:48:08,344 a major boost for your career. 1351 00:48:08,344 --> 00:48:10,888 You don't know anything 1352 00:48:08,344 --> 00:48:10,888 about my career! 1353 00:48:10,888 --> 00:48:16,352 You can't just insert yourself 1354 00:48:10,888 --> 00:48:16,352 into people's business 1355 00:48:10,888 --> 00:48:16,352 like that. 1356 00:48:16,352 --> 00:48:18,647 -Just trying to help. 1357 00:48:16,352 --> 00:48:18,647 -Yeah, well, 1358 00:48:16,352 --> 00:48:18,647 you just opened me up 1359 00:48:18,647 --> 00:48:20,940 to a whole mess 1360 00:48:18,647 --> 00:48:20,940 of trouble. 1361 00:48:24,277 --> 00:48:26,696 -Ash! 1362 00:48:24,277 --> 00:48:26,696 -Take it all down. 1363 00:48:27,656 --> 00:48:29,157 You didn't have the right. 1364 00:48:31,701 --> 00:48:34,036 [Yaz: "Situation"] 1365 00:48:42,754 --> 00:48:44,339 [Johnny] I'm dreaming. 1366 00:48:46,800 --> 00:48:49,051 [panting] 1367 00:48:51,847 --> 00:48:53,973 [woman giggling] 1368 00:49:05,694 --> 00:49:07,987 ♪ 1369 00:49:11,032 --> 00:49:13,576 ♪ Do I dress 1370 00:49:11,032 --> 00:49:13,576 for every situation ♪ 1371 00:49:13,576 --> 00:49:15,203 [Johnny] 1372 00:49:13,576 --> 00:49:15,203 Can I fly with you? 1373 00:49:15,203 --> 00:49:19,123 ♪ Moving through the doorway 1374 00:49:15,203 --> 00:49:19,123 of a nation ♪ 1375 00:49:19,123 --> 00:49:21,376 ♪ Pick me up 1376 00:49:19,123 --> 00:49:21,376 and shake the doubt ♪ 1377 00:49:21,376 --> 00:49:23,920 ♪ Baby I can't do without ♪ 1378 00:49:23,920 --> 00:49:26,047 ♪ Don't mess around ♪ 1379 00:49:26,047 --> 00:49:27,924 ♪ You bring me down ♪ 1380 00:49:27,924 --> 00:49:31,553 ♪ How you get about, 1381 00:49:27,924 --> 00:49:31,553 don't make a sound, 1382 00:49:27,924 --> 00:49:31,553 just move out ♪ 1383 00:49:31,553 --> 00:49:33,304 ♪ 1384 00:49:38,768 --> 00:49:43,272 ♪ I remember only 1385 00:49:38,768 --> 00:49:43,272 for an hour ♪ 1386 00:49:43,272 --> 00:49:47,485 ♪ Move right through me, 1387 00:49:43,272 --> 00:49:47,485 can you feel the power? ♪ 1388 00:49:47,485 --> 00:49:49,195 ♪ I don't know 1389 00:49:47,485 --> 00:49:49,195 what's going on ♪ 1390 00:49:49,195 --> 00:49:52,114 ♪ It scares me 1391 00:49:49,195 --> 00:49:52,114 but it won't be long ♪ 1392 00:49:52,114 --> 00:49:54,283 ♪ Don't mess around ♪ 1393 00:49:54,283 --> 00:49:56,118 ♪ You bring me down ♪ 1394 00:49:56,118 --> 00:49:59,789 ♪ How you get about, 1395 00:49:56,118 --> 00:49:59,789 don't make a sound, 1396 00:49:56,118 --> 00:49:59,789 just move out ♪ 1397 00:49:59,789 --> 00:50:03,000 ♪ 1398 00:50:23,897 --> 00:50:25,857 ♪ Move out ♪ 1399 00:50:25,857 --> 00:50:28,025 ♪ Move out ♪ 1400 00:50:28,025 --> 00:50:29,444 ♪ Move out ♪ 1401 00:50:31,988 --> 00:50:33,990 ♪ Move out ♪ 1402 00:50:33,990 --> 00:50:35,617 ♪ Move out ♪ 1403 00:50:35,617 --> 00:50:37,243 [Camilla] 1404 00:50:35,617 --> 00:50:37,243 What did you see? 1405 00:50:37,243 --> 00:50:38,703 I've got it! 1406 00:50:45,501 --> 00:50:50,214 Is that the final step 1407 00:50:45,501 --> 00:50:50,214 in lucid dreaming? 1408 00:50:50,214 --> 00:50:53,175 No, that was an actual 1409 00:50:50,214 --> 00:50:53,175 real-time kiss. 1410 00:50:54,594 --> 00:50:56,304 Because? 1411 00:50:56,304 --> 00:50:58,180 Because it felt like 1412 00:50:56,304 --> 00:50:58,180 we had this vibe. 1413 00:50:58,180 --> 00:51:02,059 You get "vibes" 1414 00:50:58,180 --> 00:51:02,059 with every living, 1415 00:50:58,180 --> 00:51:02,059 breathing person you meet. 1416 00:51:02,059 --> 00:51:04,020 Right? 1417 00:51:04,020 --> 00:51:08,691 I hope you're not suggesting 1418 00:51:04,020 --> 00:51:08,691 that I should feel bad 1419 00:51:04,020 --> 00:51:08,691 about being myself? 1420 00:51:08,691 --> 00:51:12,153 No, it's just hard 1421 00:51:08,691 --> 00:51:12,153 to take you seriously. 1422 00:51:12,153 --> 00:51:14,405 You're not really 1423 00:51:12,153 --> 00:51:14,405 that kind of person. 1424 00:51:15,114 --> 00:51:17,533 Gee... thanks. 1425 00:51:19,744 --> 00:51:21,245 Camilla, wait. 1426 00:51:22,455 --> 00:51:24,457 Camilla! 1427 00:51:24,457 --> 00:51:26,835 [door opens, closes] 1428 00:51:26,835 --> 00:51:28,544 Jesus, I'm an idiot. 1429 00:51:29,712 --> 00:51:31,213 I was just got sent this 1430 00:51:29,712 --> 00:51:31,213 from a friend 1431 00:51:31,213 --> 00:51:32,882 who says we should look 1432 00:51:31,213 --> 00:51:32,882 into signing this kid. 1433 00:51:32,882 --> 00:51:35,259 [Ash singing on computer] 1434 00:51:38,638 --> 00:51:40,723 [Eliot] Who's this person 1435 00:51:38,638 --> 00:51:40,723 who posted it? 1436 00:51:42,183 --> 00:51:44,393 Send a cease and desist. 1437 00:51:42,183 --> 00:51:44,393 And you find that kid. 1438 00:51:45,102 --> 00:51:46,980 Now. 1439 00:51:58,240 --> 00:51:59,951 [Steve] Whoa, check the suit! 1440 00:51:59,951 --> 00:52:03,120 Hey. Yeah, I made it myself. 1441 00:52:04,914 --> 00:52:07,166 What's going on? 1442 00:52:07,166 --> 00:52:09,335 Do you take me seriously? 1443 00:52:09,335 --> 00:52:13,048 As a surfer? Look, you just 1444 00:52:09,335 --> 00:52:13,048 started. It takes years to-- 1445 00:52:13,048 --> 00:52:15,008 No, as-- as a person. 1446 00:52:15,967 --> 00:52:17,927 Sure I do. 1447 00:52:17,927 --> 00:52:19,637 You're smart. 1448 00:52:19,637 --> 00:52:23,391 And you have this 1449 00:52:19,637 --> 00:52:23,391 mellow open-mindedness, 1450 00:52:19,637 --> 00:52:23,391 and you're way easy to talk to. 1451 00:52:29,480 --> 00:52:31,691 Why? Who doesn't 1452 00:52:29,480 --> 00:52:31,691 take you seriously? 1453 00:52:32,734 --> 00:52:34,610 Johnny, for starters. 1454 00:52:34,610 --> 00:52:36,237 Johnny's a tough one. 1455 00:52:36,237 --> 00:52:37,906 He always has been. 1456 00:52:39,074 --> 00:52:41,617 Yeah, and Penny too. 1457 00:52:41,617 --> 00:52:44,787 I mean, she thinks I'm a flake. 1458 00:52:44,787 --> 00:52:47,082 Like, I can't stick 1459 00:52:44,787 --> 00:52:47,082 with anything. 1460 00:52:47,082 --> 00:52:49,208 You showed up today. 1461 00:52:49,208 --> 00:52:52,837 -I just kissed her boyfriend. 1462 00:52:49,208 --> 00:52:52,837 -Okay. Whoa. 1463 00:52:52,837 --> 00:52:55,673 Which makes me a flake 1464 00:52:52,837 --> 00:52:55,673 and an attempted... 1465 00:52:57,133 --> 00:53:00,053 homewrecker? 1466 00:53:00,053 --> 00:53:03,347 When you're out there waiting, 1467 00:53:00,053 --> 00:53:03,347 you can tie yourself 1468 00:53:00,053 --> 00:53:03,347 up into knots, 1469 00:53:03,347 --> 00:53:05,516 trying to figure out 1470 00:53:03,347 --> 00:53:05,516 what moves you're gonna pull. 1471 00:53:05,516 --> 00:53:08,561 But once you get on the wave, 1472 00:53:05,516 --> 00:53:08,561 everything becomes 1473 00:53:05,516 --> 00:53:08,561 pretty simple. 1474 00:53:08,561 --> 00:53:11,147 You know who you are. 1475 00:53:08,561 --> 00:53:11,147 You know what to do. 1476 00:53:13,149 --> 00:53:14,901 What if they hate me? 1477 00:53:14,901 --> 00:53:16,736 Just face up to how you feel. 1478 00:53:16,736 --> 00:53:21,116 And to your cousin. And if you 1479 00:53:16,736 --> 00:53:21,116 have a thing for Johnny, 1480 00:53:16,736 --> 00:53:21,116 face up to him too. 1481 00:53:21,116 --> 00:53:24,368 Stop dodging yourself. 1482 00:53:21,116 --> 00:53:24,368 It only makes things worse. 1483 00:53:26,121 --> 00:53:28,247 Have you ever considered 1484 00:53:26,121 --> 00:53:28,247 being a therapist? 1485 00:53:28,247 --> 00:53:31,793 [chuckles] Can I get one 1486 00:53:28,247 --> 00:53:31,793 of those wet suits as payment? 1487 00:53:31,793 --> 00:53:33,586 [laughing] 1488 00:53:34,712 --> 00:53:37,715 [whirring] 1489 00:53:56,442 --> 00:54:00,029 You're destroying 1490 00:53:56,442 --> 00:54:00,029 your dad's board? 1491 00:54:00,029 --> 00:54:03,074 No. I'm just 1492 00:54:00,029 --> 00:54:03,074 making it my own. 1493 00:54:04,075 --> 00:54:05,660 I hope you're okay 1494 00:54:04,075 --> 00:54:05,660 with that. 1495 00:54:06,577 --> 00:54:08,997 Is it an art project, or... 1496 00:54:08,997 --> 00:54:11,499 are you planning on 1497 00:54:08,997 --> 00:54:11,499 getting back into surfing? 1498 00:54:12,875 --> 00:54:15,711 It's not, like, a life plan. 1499 00:54:17,046 --> 00:54:20,216 More of a flash 1500 00:54:17,046 --> 00:54:20,216 of inspiration. 1501 00:54:25,180 --> 00:54:27,932 So I sold the condo. 1502 00:54:27,932 --> 00:54:31,477 Mom, that is awesome. 1503 00:54:27,932 --> 00:54:31,477 I knew you would. 1504 00:54:31,477 --> 00:54:34,480 And I have all the faith 1505 00:54:31,477 --> 00:54:34,480 in the world in you too, Johnny. 1506 00:54:34,480 --> 00:54:38,067 -Whatever path you choose. 1507 00:54:34,480 --> 00:54:38,067 -Thanks. 1508 00:54:38,067 --> 00:54:40,277 I know your Dad was 1509 00:54:38,067 --> 00:54:40,277 a bit of a live wire, 1510 00:54:40,277 --> 00:54:43,906 but that's part of the reason 1511 00:54:40,277 --> 00:54:43,906 I fell in love with him. 1512 00:54:45,658 --> 00:54:48,119 Really? 1513 00:54:48,119 --> 00:54:50,329 I can't be mad at him anymore. 1514 00:54:51,164 --> 00:54:52,581 He loved us. 1515 00:54:53,541 --> 00:54:55,710 And he gave me you. 1516 00:54:56,585 --> 00:54:58,546 We're not the same person. 1517 00:54:59,380 --> 00:55:01,298 No, you're not. 1518 00:55:01,298 --> 00:55:04,385 But you did get 1519 00:55:01,298 --> 00:55:04,385 some of his magic. 1520 00:55:09,348 --> 00:55:12,601 Sundown Records? 1521 00:55:09,348 --> 00:55:12,601 What the hell? 1522 00:55:12,601 --> 00:55:15,230 ♪ Oh oh oh oh ♪ 1523 00:55:15,230 --> 00:55:17,439 ♪ I got plans to make ♪ 1524 00:55:17,439 --> 00:55:18,900 ♪ I got hearts to break ♪ 1525 00:55:18,900 --> 00:55:22,904 ♪ I don't think 1526 00:55:18,900 --> 00:55:22,904 I can do it alone ♪ 1527 00:55:22,904 --> 00:55:24,572 ♪ Me and this guitar ♪ 1528 00:55:24,572 --> 00:55:27,658 ♪ Are gonna find me 1529 00:55:24,572 --> 00:55:27,658 someone to love ♪ 1530 00:55:27,658 --> 00:55:30,036 [Penny] 1531 00:55:27,658 --> 00:55:30,036 They made you wear lip gloss? 1532 00:55:30,036 --> 00:55:32,163 Mom? Are you in here? 1533 00:55:32,163 --> 00:55:33,330 Oh, hi, hon. 1534 00:55:33,330 --> 00:55:34,957 You really should do 1535 00:55:33,330 --> 00:55:34,957 this Pilates. 1536 00:55:34,957 --> 00:55:37,418 -It's so amazing for the core-- 1537 00:55:34,957 --> 00:55:37,418 -Mom. 1538 00:55:37,418 --> 00:55:39,670 -I-- I really need your help. 1539 00:55:37,418 --> 00:55:39,670 -For what? 1540 00:55:39,670 --> 00:55:42,673 I posted this video of my friend 1541 00:55:39,670 --> 00:55:42,673 Ash playing at the pier 1542 00:55:42,673 --> 00:55:44,425 and people loved it. 1543 00:55:44,425 --> 00:55:45,676 But then I got this e-mail 1544 00:55:45,676 --> 00:55:46,677 from somebody at Sundown Records 1545 00:55:46,677 --> 00:55:49,222 saying they're gonna sue me 1546 00:55:46,677 --> 00:55:49,222 because I don't own 1547 00:55:46,677 --> 00:55:49,222 the rights to the song. 1548 00:55:49,222 --> 00:55:50,556 And neither does Ash. 1549 00:55:49,222 --> 00:55:50,556 They do, 1550 00:55:50,556 --> 00:55:53,059 and they're trying 1551 00:55:50,556 --> 00:55:53,059 to turn him into some 1552 00:55:50,556 --> 00:55:53,059 teenybopper pop star, 1553 00:55:53,059 --> 00:55:54,102 but that's not who he is. 1554 00:55:54,102 --> 00:55:55,603 -I was just trying to help-- 1555 00:55:54,102 --> 00:55:55,603 -Slow down. 1556 00:55:55,603 --> 00:55:57,813 If you're gonna do a monologue, 1557 00:55:55,603 --> 00:55:57,813 you have to breathe. 1558 00:55:57,813 --> 00:56:00,233 [Faye inhales deeply] 1559 00:56:06,948 --> 00:56:10,076 You know, it reminds me. 1560 00:56:06,948 --> 00:56:10,076 A few years ago, 1561 00:56:10,076 --> 00:56:13,121 there was a storyline 1562 00:56:10,076 --> 00:56:13,121 where my character became 1563 00:56:10,076 --> 00:56:13,121 a secret rock star. 1564 00:56:13,121 --> 00:56:15,748 And then when she wanted 1565 00:56:13,121 --> 00:56:15,748 to reveal her true identity, 1566 00:56:15,748 --> 00:56:17,208 the label didn't want her to. 1567 00:56:17,208 --> 00:56:19,961 So she made a video, 1568 00:56:17,208 --> 00:56:19,961 which is something 1569 00:56:17,208 --> 00:56:19,961 that you could do! 1570 00:56:19,961 --> 00:56:23,047 Mom, are you even 1571 00:56:19,961 --> 00:56:23,047 listening to me? 1572 00:56:23,047 --> 00:56:24,423 I made a video! 1573 00:56:24,423 --> 00:56:26,759 No, I mean, 1574 00:56:24,423 --> 00:56:26,759 you can make a real one. 1575 00:56:26,759 --> 00:56:28,177 With a song that they don't own. 1576 00:56:28,177 --> 00:56:30,387 I mean, you know your way 1577 00:56:28,177 --> 00:56:30,387 around a camera already. 1578 00:56:30,387 --> 00:56:33,015 You're practically 1579 00:56:30,387 --> 00:56:33,015 a director. 1580 00:56:33,015 --> 00:56:34,725 Okay, so say I do, 1581 00:56:33,015 --> 00:56:34,725 then what? 1582 00:56:34,725 --> 00:56:38,520 Well, then you just let 1583 00:56:34,725 --> 00:56:38,520 the fans decide which version 1584 00:56:34,725 --> 00:56:38,520 of your friend they prefer. 1585 00:56:38,520 --> 00:56:40,564 Then the label will have 1586 00:56:38,520 --> 00:56:40,564 to listen. 1587 00:56:42,858 --> 00:56:45,778 Actually, not a bad idea. 1588 00:56:45,778 --> 00:56:48,572 You see? I'm not totally 1589 00:56:45,778 --> 00:56:48,572 useless as a mother. 1590 00:56:48,572 --> 00:56:49,657 Why would you say that? 1591 00:56:49,657 --> 00:56:52,493 Well, you've never come to me 1592 00:56:49,657 --> 00:56:52,493 for help before. 1593 00:56:52,493 --> 00:56:54,453 I thought you were 1594 00:56:52,493 --> 00:56:54,453 embarrassed by me. 1595 00:56:55,913 --> 00:56:59,167 I don't know. 1596 00:56:55,913 --> 00:56:59,167 Sometimes it just seems like... 1597 00:56:59,167 --> 00:57:01,877 you wanted a daughter 1598 00:56:59,167 --> 00:57:01,877 that's more like you. 1599 00:57:01,877 --> 00:57:03,879 Oh, please. 1600 00:57:03,879 --> 00:57:07,883 I always knew that you 1601 00:57:03,879 --> 00:57:07,883 were going to grow up to be 1602 00:57:03,879 --> 00:57:07,883 a thousand times better than me. 1603 00:57:07,883 --> 00:57:09,718 Now go on. 1604 00:57:07,883 --> 00:57:09,718 You have a video to make. 1605 00:57:09,718 --> 00:57:14,307 And if you need 1606 00:57:09,718 --> 00:57:14,307 a totally glamorous, 1607 00:57:09,718 --> 00:57:14,307 gorgeous, forty-- 1608 00:57:14,307 --> 00:57:15,933 thirty-nine-year-old, 1609 00:57:15,933 --> 00:57:17,101 you know where to find me. 1610 00:57:17,101 --> 00:57:19,270 [both laughing] 1611 00:57:21,356 --> 00:57:24,275 ♪ 1612 00:57:38,664 --> 00:57:41,792 -Hey. 1613 00:57:38,664 --> 00:57:41,792 -Hey. 1614 00:57:42,584 --> 00:57:44,003 We need to talk. 1615 00:57:44,003 --> 00:57:45,713 Yeah. We do. 1616 00:57:47,506 --> 00:57:50,676 So clearly, you and Ash 1617 00:57:47,506 --> 00:57:50,676 have hit it off. 1618 00:57:50,676 --> 00:57:51,969 I'm not blind. 1619 00:57:51,969 --> 00:57:54,263 And clearly, I've been distant. 1620 00:57:54,263 --> 00:57:56,432 Well, kind of. 1621 00:57:56,432 --> 00:58:00,519 Kind of? Come on, Penn. 1622 00:58:00,519 --> 00:58:04,648 I get it. You think 1623 00:58:00,519 --> 00:58:04,648 I'm love with you. 1624 00:58:04,648 --> 00:58:08,236 And I do love you. 1625 00:58:04,648 --> 00:58:08,236 But it's not "love" love. 1626 00:58:11,030 --> 00:58:13,241 I'm sorry for being a douche. 1627 00:58:13,241 --> 00:58:15,368 I love you back. 1628 00:58:18,162 --> 00:58:19,955 I'm gonna miss you. 1629 00:58:23,334 --> 00:58:26,212 What's going on? 1630 00:58:26,212 --> 00:58:29,215 You're looking at Pacific Coast 1631 00:58:26,212 --> 00:58:29,215 High's Best Former Couple. 1632 00:58:29,215 --> 00:58:31,633 Most Likely 1633 00:58:29,215 --> 00:58:31,633 to Stay Friendly Exes. 1634 00:58:32,427 --> 00:58:33,677 Really? 1635 00:58:33,677 --> 00:58:35,263 Really. 1636 00:58:35,263 --> 00:58:39,225 I was voted Most Likely 1637 00:58:35,263 --> 00:58:39,225 to Never Leave the Beach, so... 1638 00:58:39,225 --> 00:58:41,894 I'm really glad you guys 1639 00:58:39,225 --> 00:58:41,894 are here because I'm 1640 00:58:39,225 --> 00:58:41,894 gonna need your help. 1641 00:58:41,894 --> 00:58:44,397 Well, actually, 1642 00:58:41,894 --> 00:58:44,397 Ash is gonna need your help. 1643 00:58:44,397 --> 00:58:48,150 [guitar playing simple melody] 1644 00:58:57,826 --> 00:58:59,370 I come in peace. 1645 00:59:00,037 --> 00:59:01,372 No camera. 1646 00:59:02,164 --> 00:59:03,665 What are you doing here? 1647 00:59:04,959 --> 00:59:06,919 I'm really sorry, Ash. 1648 00:59:06,919 --> 00:59:08,963 I wanted to apologize. 1649 00:59:08,963 --> 00:59:12,800 I was a jerk to post that video 1650 00:59:08,963 --> 00:59:12,800 without your permission. 1651 00:59:12,800 --> 00:59:17,430 I realized why you were so 1652 00:59:12,800 --> 00:59:17,430 worried, now that your label 1653 00:59:12,800 --> 00:59:17,430 cease-and-desisted me. 1654 00:59:17,430 --> 00:59:20,391 You gotta get that 1655 00:59:17,430 --> 00:59:20,391 video down right away. 1656 00:59:20,391 --> 00:59:24,103 If it's still there in the 1657 00:59:20,391 --> 00:59:24,103 morning, I'm... screwed. 1658 00:59:24,103 --> 00:59:27,398 Do you have any songs 1659 00:59:24,103 --> 00:59:27,398 that your label doesn't own? 1660 00:59:27,398 --> 00:59:31,360 I started writing one the first 1661 00:59:27,398 --> 00:59:31,360 night I slept out here. 1662 00:59:31,360 --> 00:59:32,861 Still have to figure out 1663 00:59:31,360 --> 00:59:32,861 the lyrics, though. 1664 00:59:32,861 --> 00:59:36,073 Do you think you could 1665 00:59:32,861 --> 00:59:36,073 have it done by morning? 1666 00:59:37,199 --> 00:59:38,867 Maybe. 1667 00:59:38,867 --> 00:59:40,702 Cool. 1668 00:59:40,702 --> 00:59:45,374 And also, I wanted to tell you 1669 00:59:40,702 --> 00:59:45,374 that Johnny and I broke up. 1670 00:59:48,252 --> 00:59:49,962 Good to know. 1671 01:00:02,224 --> 01:00:04,810 ♪ 1672 01:00:22,203 --> 01:00:25,498 ♪ 1673 01:00:46,685 --> 01:00:48,062 Do you feel good in this? 1674 01:00:48,062 --> 01:00:49,564 I feel like myself. 1675 01:00:49,564 --> 01:00:54,402 Steve, could you angle 1676 01:00:49,564 --> 01:00:54,402 that reflector a little bit 1677 01:00:49,564 --> 01:00:54,402 to your left, please? 1678 01:00:54,402 --> 01:00:57,530 Ash, you look like 1679 01:00:54,402 --> 01:00:57,530 a frickin' angel in this light. 1680 01:00:58,364 --> 01:00:59,656 Thanks, Steve. 1681 01:00:59,656 --> 01:01:01,200 -You ready? 1682 01:00:59,656 --> 01:01:01,200 -[Ash] Ready. 1683 01:01:01,200 --> 01:01:03,160 [clears throat] 1684 01:01:03,160 --> 01:01:05,954 -[Penny] And... action! 1685 01:01:03,160 --> 01:01:05,954 -[sighs] 1686 01:01:05,954 --> 01:01:09,041 Hi, my name is Ash Baker. 1687 01:01:09,041 --> 01:01:13,337 There's never been anything 1688 01:01:09,041 --> 01:01:13,337 I wanted to do more in my life 1689 01:01:09,041 --> 01:01:13,337 than make music. 1690 01:01:13,337 --> 01:01:17,466 So, I jumped at the chance 1691 01:01:13,337 --> 01:01:17,466 to record with Sundown Records. 1692 01:01:18,800 --> 01:01:21,887 But the artist 1693 01:01:18,800 --> 01:01:21,887 they wanted me to be... 1694 01:01:21,887 --> 01:01:23,931 I didn't recognize that guy. 1695 01:01:24,973 --> 01:01:26,934 So I ran away from him... 1696 01:01:27,809 --> 01:01:29,895 all the way out to Malibu. 1697 01:01:29,895 --> 01:01:33,023 And that's where I figured out 1698 01:01:29,895 --> 01:01:33,023 who I really am. 1699 01:01:33,023 --> 01:01:36,318 So if there's anybody out there 1700 01:01:33,023 --> 01:01:36,318 who's trying to figure 1701 01:01:33,023 --> 01:01:36,318 themselves out 1702 01:01:36,318 --> 01:01:40,281 or who thinks they need 1703 01:01:36,318 --> 01:01:40,281 to be different than who 1704 01:01:36,318 --> 01:01:40,281 someone wants them to be... 1705 01:01:41,657 --> 01:01:44,452 this one's for you. 1706 01:01:44,452 --> 01:01:47,746 ♪ I got myself 1707 01:01:44,452 --> 01:01:47,746 to the oceanside ♪ 1708 01:01:47,746 --> 01:01:50,999 ♪ Sticks and stones 1709 01:01:47,746 --> 01:01:50,999 in a paradise ♪ 1710 01:01:50,999 --> 01:01:52,543 ♪ Whoa ♪ 1711 01:01:53,794 --> 01:01:57,839 ♪ Whoa-oh-oh ♪ 1712 01:01:57,839 --> 01:02:00,342 ♪ I bit my tongue 1713 01:01:57,839 --> 01:02:00,342 when she looked at me ♪ 1714 01:02:00,342 --> 01:02:03,845 ♪ Now my hair got long 1715 01:02:00,342 --> 01:02:03,845 and my hands are clean ♪ 1716 01:02:03,845 --> 01:02:05,681 ♪ I said whoa-oh-oh ♪ 1717 01:02:06,890 --> 01:02:09,518 ♪ Whoa-oh-oh ♪ 1718 01:02:11,520 --> 01:02:15,650 ♪ Are we gonna feel 1719 01:02:11,520 --> 01:02:15,650 like this forever? ♪ 1720 01:02:17,401 --> 01:02:21,905 ♪ Are we gonna love like this 1721 01:02:17,401 --> 01:02:21,905 in the morning light ♪ 1722 01:02:21,905 --> 01:02:23,782 ♪ Baby, it's all right ♪ 1723 01:02:23,782 --> 01:02:26,661 ♪ 'Cause you're my 1724 01:02:23,782 --> 01:02:26,661 beachside, blue-eyed baby ♪ 1725 01:02:26,661 --> 01:02:29,622 ♪ Won't you dance for me? ♪ 1726 01:02:29,622 --> 01:02:32,625 ♪ 'Cause you're my 1727 01:02:29,622 --> 01:02:32,625 rockabye, late-night ♪ 1728 01:02:32,625 --> 01:02:34,084 ♪ Honey with a mystery ♪ 1729 01:02:34,084 --> 01:02:37,505 ♪ I think I'm gonna 1730 01:02:34,084 --> 01:02:37,505 stay here, baby ♪ 1731 01:02:37,505 --> 01:02:38,880 ♪ Stay with me ♪ 1732 01:02:38,880 --> 01:02:41,008 ♪ 'Cause I'm on the run ♪ 1733 01:02:41,008 --> 01:02:44,136 ♪ Mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm ♪ 1734 01:02:44,136 --> 01:02:49,141 ♪ Girl, you've got no idea 1735 01:02:44,136 --> 01:02:49,141 what you've done ♪ 1736 01:02:49,891 --> 01:02:51,352 ♪ Mmm-mmm ♪ 1737 01:02:52,311 --> 01:02:54,689 ♪ What you've done ♪ 1738 01:02:57,065 --> 01:02:59,276 -If what I've done here 1739 01:02:57,065 --> 01:02:59,276 speaks to you... 1740 01:02:57,065 --> 01:02:59,276 -[cell phone buzzes] 1741 01:02:59,276 --> 01:03:03,405 ...please let Sundown Records 1742 01:02:59,276 --> 01:03:03,405 know that you like 1743 01:02:59,276 --> 01:03:03,405 what you're seeing. 1744 01:03:03,405 --> 01:03:07,159 -E-mail them, call them. 1745 01:03:03,405 --> 01:03:07,159 -[buzzing continues] 1746 01:03:07,159 --> 01:03:08,577 -People are actually calling? 1747 01:03:07,159 --> 01:03:08,577 -[phone ringing] 1748 01:03:08,577 --> 01:03:10,746 -All morning. 1749 01:03:08,577 --> 01:03:10,746 E-mail flooding in. 1750 01:03:08,577 --> 01:03:10,746 -[cell phone buzzing] 1751 01:03:10,746 --> 01:03:12,373 We had to close down comments. 1752 01:03:12,373 --> 01:03:14,458 [phone ringing] 1753 01:03:14,458 --> 01:03:17,503 -Get that. 1754 01:03:14,458 --> 01:03:17,503 -[cell phone continues buzzing] 1755 01:03:19,087 --> 01:03:20,797 Eliot Webb's office. 1756 01:03:23,718 --> 01:03:25,594 It's Dolly Parton. 1757 01:03:25,594 --> 01:03:27,221 She's mad about Ash Baker. 1758 01:03:27,221 --> 01:03:30,683 Says she won't let us do 1759 01:03:27,221 --> 01:03:30,683 that tribute album until 1760 01:03:27,221 --> 01:03:30,683 we make it right with the boy. 1761 01:03:32,184 --> 01:03:33,561 Give me the phone. 1762 01:03:36,772 --> 01:03:38,232 Dolly! 1763 01:03:38,232 --> 01:03:39,358 How you doing, sweetheart? 1764 01:03:39,358 --> 01:03:41,402 Not so hot, Mr. Webb. 1765 01:03:41,402 --> 01:03:44,112 My heart is breakin' to find out 1766 01:03:41,402 --> 01:03:44,112 that you're trying to take 1767 01:03:44,112 --> 01:03:46,448 this sweet and talented boy-- 1768 01:03:46,448 --> 01:03:48,075 so unique, like... 1769 01:03:48,075 --> 01:03:51,119 like an island 1770 01:03:48,075 --> 01:03:51,119 in the stream... 1771 01:03:51,119 --> 01:03:53,288 Make this go away. 1772 01:03:56,917 --> 01:03:59,044 -We did it. 1773 01:03:56,917 --> 01:03:59,044 -We did? 1774 01:03:59,044 --> 01:04:00,755 [all cheering] 1775 01:04:00,755 --> 01:04:01,963 Yeah! 1776 01:04:01,963 --> 01:04:04,174 [laughing] 1777 01:04:04,174 --> 01:04:07,177 -[Steve] Muah! 1778 01:04:04,174 --> 01:04:07,177 -[Camilla] Yeah. 1779 01:04:17,354 --> 01:04:18,731 How does it look? 1780 01:04:19,565 --> 01:04:20,899 You look beautiful. 1781 01:04:22,651 --> 01:04:26,071 I wanted to say... 1782 01:04:22,651 --> 01:04:26,071 I'm sorry, 1783 01:04:26,071 --> 01:04:29,491 for overstepping my bounds 1784 01:04:26,071 --> 01:04:29,491 with Johnny. 1785 01:04:29,491 --> 01:04:31,619 If you're worried about 1786 01:04:29,491 --> 01:04:31,619 my romantic feelings, 1787 01:04:31,619 --> 01:04:33,078 don't be. 1788 01:04:33,078 --> 01:04:34,913 This is how 1789 01:04:33,078 --> 01:04:34,913 it's meant to be. 1790 01:04:34,913 --> 01:04:38,959 I'm really happy 1791 01:04:34,913 --> 01:04:38,959 you came here this summer 1792 01:04:34,913 --> 01:04:38,959 instead of going to Italy. 1793 01:04:38,959 --> 01:04:40,544 Me too. 1794 01:04:41,670 --> 01:04:43,088 I love you, baby girl. 1795 01:04:43,088 --> 01:04:45,257 [laughing] 1796 01:04:45,257 --> 01:04:46,842 -Hey, man. 1797 01:04:45,257 --> 01:04:46,842 -Hey, bro. 1798 01:04:46,842 --> 01:04:49,219 This is Carlos, 1799 01:04:46,842 --> 01:04:49,219 one of the scouts. 1800 01:04:49,219 --> 01:04:51,639 And this is Johnny Sanders Jr. 1801 01:04:51,639 --> 01:04:54,349 Let me tell you, 1802 01:04:51,639 --> 01:04:54,349 this kid is killer. 1803 01:04:54,349 --> 01:04:56,602 I think we have to show, 1804 01:04:54,349 --> 01:04:56,602 not tell. 1805 01:04:56,602 --> 01:04:59,521 Nice to meet you, Johnny. 1806 01:04:56,602 --> 01:04:59,521 Let's see what you've got. 1807 01:05:03,984 --> 01:05:05,486 [Camilla] Nice ride. 1808 01:05:07,362 --> 01:05:10,783 I got the idea to cut down 1809 01:05:07,362 --> 01:05:10,783 this board in my dream. 1810 01:05:10,783 --> 01:05:13,160 I didn't ever get 1811 01:05:10,783 --> 01:05:13,160 to thank you. 1812 01:05:13,160 --> 01:05:14,578 It was nothing. 1813 01:05:17,414 --> 01:05:19,583 -Penny [sing-songy] Meant to be. 1814 01:05:17,414 --> 01:05:19,583 -[Camilla laughs] 1815 01:05:28,967 --> 01:05:32,137 [Carlos] 1816 01:05:28,967 --> 01:05:32,137 So does Johnny want to compete? 1817 01:05:32,137 --> 01:05:34,348 'Cause we'd love to have him 1818 01:05:32,137 --> 01:05:34,348 on the team. 1819 01:05:34,348 --> 01:05:37,559 Last I heard, he's taken a few 1820 01:05:34,348 --> 01:05:37,559 classes at Art Center, but... 1821 01:05:37,559 --> 01:05:39,812 he's not ruling surfing out. 1822 01:05:41,438 --> 01:05:44,859 What about you? 1823 01:05:41,438 --> 01:05:44,859 Isn't your suspension up soon? 1824 01:05:44,859 --> 01:05:48,445 Me? Nah, not the kind 1825 01:05:44,859 --> 01:05:48,445 of attention I want. 1826 01:05:48,445 --> 01:05:51,782 Thanks for asking, 1827 01:05:48,445 --> 01:05:51,782 but I'm pretty content 1828 01:05:48,445 --> 01:05:51,782 with where I'm at. 1829 01:05:51,782 --> 01:05:55,369 I get to help people. I'm like 1830 01:05:51,782 --> 01:05:55,369 a therapist or something. 1831 01:06:04,503 --> 01:06:06,380 [Carlos] What about that 1832 01:06:04,503 --> 01:06:06,380 wet suit he's wearing? 1833 01:06:06,380 --> 01:06:08,423 [Steve] 1834 01:06:06,380 --> 01:06:08,423 You wanna meet the artist? 1835 01:06:08,423 --> 01:06:09,591 Camilla? 1836 01:06:09,591 --> 01:06:10,967 Yeah? 1837 01:06:10,967 --> 01:06:13,679 Would you be down 1838 01:06:10,967 --> 01:06:13,679 to make a bunch of 1839 01:06:10,967 --> 01:06:13,679 your wet suits for the team? 1840 01:06:13,679 --> 01:06:15,681 We could commission 1841 01:06:13,679 --> 01:06:15,681 a whole line. 1842 01:06:15,681 --> 01:06:19,560 Um... Yeah, I think 1843 01:06:15,681 --> 01:06:19,560 we could work something out. 1844 01:06:29,277 --> 01:06:32,781 ♪ You've got time 1845 01:06:29,277 --> 01:06:32,781 and I got lovin' ♪ 1846 01:06:32,781 --> 01:06:35,409 ♪ Bring your camera, 1847 01:06:32,781 --> 01:06:35,409 bring your cousin ♪ 1848 01:06:35,409 --> 01:06:37,745 -♪ Whoa ♪ 1849 01:06:35,409 --> 01:06:37,745 -[crowd cheering, whistling] 1850 01:06:37,745 --> 01:06:40,956 ♪ Whoa-oh-oh ♪ 1851 01:06:42,416 --> 01:06:45,419 ♪ That Cali sun got 1852 01:06:42,416 --> 01:06:45,419 the best of me ♪ 1853 01:06:45,419 --> 01:06:48,589 ♪ This don't feel 1854 01:06:45,419 --> 01:06:48,589 like Tennessee ♪ 1855 01:06:48,589 --> 01:06:50,215 ♪ Whoa ♪ 1856 01:06:51,592 --> 01:06:54,511 ♪ Whoa-oh-oh ♪ 1857 01:06:55,930 --> 01:07:00,308 ♪ Beachside baby, come home ♪ 1858 01:07:02,352 --> 01:07:08,233 ♪ 'Cause you're the only song 1859 01:07:02,352 --> 01:07:08,233 that I know anymore ♪ 1860 01:07:08,233 --> 01:07:11,528 ♪ 'Cause you're my beachside, 1861 01:07:08,233 --> 01:07:11,528 blue-eyed baby ♪ 1862 01:07:11,528 --> 01:07:14,949 ♪ Won't you dance for me? ♪ 1863 01:07:14,949 --> 01:07:17,952 ♪ 'Cause you're my rockabye 1864 01:07:14,949 --> 01:07:17,952 late-night honey ♪ 1865 01:07:17,952 --> 01:07:19,202 ♪ With a mystery ♪ 1866 01:07:19,202 --> 01:07:21,872 ♪ I think I'm gonna 1867 01:07:19,202 --> 01:07:21,872 stay here baby ♪ 1868 01:07:21,872 --> 01:07:25,751 ♪ Stay with me 1869 01:07:21,872 --> 01:07:25,751 'cause I'm on the run ♪ 1870 01:07:25,751 --> 01:07:28,629 ♪ Whoa ♪ 1871 01:07:28,629 --> 01:07:33,258 ♪ Girl, you've got no idea 1872 01:07:28,629 --> 01:07:33,258 what you've done ♪ 1873 01:07:33,258 --> 01:07:36,177 ♪ You're my beachside, 1874 01:07:33,258 --> 01:07:36,177 blue-eyed baby ♪ 1875 01:07:36,177 --> 01:07:38,931 ♪ Won't you dance for me? ♪ 1876 01:07:38,931 --> 01:07:42,225 ♪ 'Cause you're my rockabye 1877 01:07:38,931 --> 01:07:42,225 late-night honey ♪ 1878 01:07:42,225 --> 01:07:43,852 ♪ With a mystery ♪ 1879 01:07:43,852 --> 01:07:46,563 ♪ I think I'm gonna 1880 01:07:43,852 --> 01:07:46,563 stay here baby ♪ 1881 01:07:46,563 --> 01:07:48,023 ♪ Stay with me ♪ 1882 01:07:48,023 --> 01:07:50,692 ♪ 'Cause I'm on the run ♪ 1883 01:07:50,692 --> 01:07:52,235 ♪ Mmm-mmm ♪ 1884 01:07:53,654 --> 01:08:00,160 ♪ Girl you've got no idea 1885 01:07:53,654 --> 01:08:00,160 what you've done ♪ 1886 01:08:00,160 --> 01:08:02,454 ♪ Mmm-mmm ♪ 1887 01:08:02,454 --> 01:08:04,957 ♪ What you've done ♪ 1888 01:08:04,957 --> 01:08:08,502 [applause and cheering] 1889 01:08:09,461 --> 01:08:10,963 Thank you. 1890 01:08:13,340 --> 01:08:17,260 [narrator] Every fairy tale 1891 01:08:13,340 --> 01:08:17,260 must come to an end. 1892 01:08:17,260 --> 01:08:20,055 But first, you have 1893 01:08:17,260 --> 01:08:20,055 to clean up the castle. 1894 01:08:20,055 --> 01:08:22,683 [Fleetwood Mac: "Everywhere"] 1895 01:08:26,186 --> 01:08:28,355 ♪ Calling out your name ♪ 1896 01:08:33,068 --> 01:08:34,820 ♪ Calling out your name ♪ 1897 01:08:37,072 --> 01:08:38,907 ♪ Can you hear me calling ♪ 1898 01:08:38,907 --> 01:08:41,952 [glass shatters] 1899 01:08:41,952 --> 01:08:46,122 ♪ You know that I'm falling 1900 01:08:41,952 --> 01:08:46,122 and I don't know what to say ♪ 1901 01:08:46,122 --> 01:08:48,042 ♪ I'll speak a little louder ♪ 1902 01:08:48,042 --> 01:08:49,960 ♪ I'll even shout ♪ 1903 01:08:49,960 --> 01:08:53,463 ♪ You know that I'm proud 1904 01:08:49,960 --> 01:08:53,463 and I can't get the words out ♪ 1905 01:08:53,463 --> 01:08:58,218 ♪ Oh I ♪ 1906 01:08:58,218 --> 01:09:01,722 ♪ I want to be 1907 01:08:58,218 --> 01:09:01,722 with you everywhere ♪ 1908 01:09:01,722 --> 01:09:06,184 ♪ Oh I... ♪ 1909 01:09:06,184 --> 01:09:10,438 So... I'm hoping that 1910 01:09:06,184 --> 01:09:10,438 you can take me seriously. 1911 01:09:12,315 --> 01:09:13,859 We'll see. 1912 01:09:19,489 --> 01:09:21,157 ♪ Something's happening ♪ 1913 01:09:21,157 --> 01:09:23,118 ♪ Happening to me ♪ 1914 01:09:23,118 --> 01:09:26,080 ♪ My friends say 1915 01:09:23,118 --> 01:09:26,080 I'm acting peculiarly ♪ 1916 01:09:26,080 --> 01:09:28,623 [narrator] 1917 01:09:26,080 --> 01:09:28,623 It's funny how people 1918 01:09:26,080 --> 01:09:28,623 you thought drove you crazy, 1919 01:09:28,623 --> 01:09:31,835 can actually turn out 1920 01:09:28,623 --> 01:09:31,835 to be your best friends. 1921 01:09:31,835 --> 01:09:35,296 Penny Cooper thought 1922 01:09:31,835 --> 01:09:35,296 she was going to run off 1923 01:09:31,835 --> 01:09:35,296 into the sunset 1924 01:09:35,296 --> 01:09:36,548 with one guy, 1925 01:09:36,548 --> 01:09:39,300 but she ended up running off 1926 01:09:36,548 --> 01:09:39,300 with another guy, 1927 01:09:39,300 --> 01:09:42,888 and a girl, and the first guy. 1928 01:09:43,805 --> 01:09:48,852 ♪ Oh I ♪ 1929 01:09:48,852 --> 01:09:50,938 ♪ I wanna be 1930 01:09:48,852 --> 01:09:50,938 with you everywhere... ♪ 1931 01:09:50,938 --> 01:09:53,941 [narrator] 1932 01:09:50,938 --> 01:09:53,941 Real life isn't always like 1933 01:09:50,938 --> 01:09:53,941 the movies. 1934 01:09:57,318 --> 01:10:00,906 Sometimes, it's better. 1935 01:10:04,034 --> 01:10:06,536 What happened to my disco ball? 1936 01:10:09,748 --> 01:10:11,583 ♪ Can you hear me calling ♪ 1937 01:10:11,583 --> 01:10:13,794 ♪ Out your name? ♪ 1938 01:10:13,794 --> 01:10:17,131 ♪ You know that I'm falling 1939 01:10:13,794 --> 01:10:17,131 and I don't know what to say ♪ 1940 01:10:18,214 --> 01:10:19,591 ♪ Oh come along, baby ♪ 1941 01:10:19,591 --> 01:10:22,094 ♪ We better make a start ♪ 1942 01:10:22,094 --> 01:10:25,680 ♪ You better make it soon 1943 01:10:22,094 --> 01:10:25,680 before you break my heart ♪ 1944 01:10:25,680 --> 01:10:30,811 ♪ Oh I ♪ 1945 01:10:30,811 --> 01:10:33,981 ♪ I want to be 1946 01:10:30,811 --> 01:10:33,981 with you everywhere ♪ 1947 01:10:33,981 --> 01:10:39,235 ♪ Oh I ♪ 1948 01:10:39,235 --> 01:10:42,530 ♪ I want to be 1949 01:10:39,235 --> 01:10:42,530 with you everywhere ♪ 1950 01:10:42,530 --> 01:10:47,535 ♪ Oh I ♪ 1951 01:10:47,535 --> 01:10:50,789 ♪ I want to be 1952 01:10:47,535 --> 01:10:50,789 with you everywhere ♪ 1953 01:10:50,789 --> 01:10:55,376 ♪ Oh I ♪ 1954 01:10:55,376 --> 01:10:58,379 ♪ I want to be 1955 01:10:55,376 --> 01:10:58,379 with you everywhere ♪ 1956 01:10:58,379 --> 01:11:01,883 ♪ Want to be 1957 01:10:58,379 --> 01:11:01,883 with you everywhere ♪ 1958 01:11:12,019 --> 01:11:14,938 So, I haven't seen you 1959 01:11:12,019 --> 01:11:14,938 in a while. 1960 01:11:14,938 --> 01:11:18,233 -What's been going on? 1961 01:11:14,938 --> 01:11:18,233 -I came back to do 1962 01:11:14,938 --> 01:11:18,233 a little art film with a friend. 1963 01:11:18,942 --> 01:11:20,819 Cheers to that. 1964 01:11:22,737 --> 01:11:26,074 [Men Without Hats' 1965 01:11:22,737 --> 01:11:26,074 "Pop Goes the World" playing] 1966 01:11:35,416 --> 01:11:36,793 ♪ Po-po-po ♪ 1967 01:11:49,305 --> 01:11:52,475 ♪ Johnny played guitar 1968 01:11:49,305 --> 01:11:52,475 Jenny played bass ♪ 1969 01:11:52,475 --> 01:11:55,520 ♪ Name of the band 1970 01:11:52,475 --> 01:11:55,520 is The Human Race ♪ 1971 01:11:55,520 --> 01:11:57,898 ♪ Everybody tell me 1972 01:11:55,520 --> 01:11:57,898 have you heard? ♪ 1973 01:11:57,898 --> 01:11:59,858 ♪ Pop goes the world ♪ 1974 01:12:01,109 --> 01:12:02,610 ♪ Po-po-po ♪ 1975 01:12:02,610 --> 01:12:05,655 ♪ Jenny played keyboard 1976 01:12:02,610 --> 01:12:05,655 Johnny played drums ♪ 1977 01:12:05,655 --> 01:12:08,533 ♪ Called Little Baby 1978 01:12:05,655 --> 01:12:08,533 and a big Bonhomme ♪ 1979 01:12:08,533 --> 01:12:11,036 ♪ Everybody tell me 1980 01:12:08,533 --> 01:12:11,036 have you heard? ♪ 1981 01:12:11,036 --> 01:12:12,913 ♪ Pop goes the world ♪ 1982 01:12:13,997 --> 01:12:15,790 It goes something like this. 1983 01:12:41,858 --> 01:12:44,903 ♪ Johnny and Jenny had 1984 01:12:41,858 --> 01:12:44,903 a crazy dream ♪ 1985 01:12:44,903 --> 01:12:47,864 ♪ See their pictures 1986 01:12:44,903 --> 01:12:47,864 in a magazine ♪ 1987 01:12:47,864 --> 01:12:50,491 ♪ Every little boy 1988 01:12:47,864 --> 01:12:50,491 needs a girl ♪ 1989 01:12:50,491 --> 01:12:52,452 ♪ Pop goes the world ♪ 1990 01:12:54,579 --> 01:12:58,166 ♪ Jenny and Johnny 1991 01:12:54,579 --> 01:12:58,166 getting smart it seems ♪ 1992 01:12:58,166 --> 01:13:01,169 ♪ Made more money 1993 01:12:58,166 --> 01:13:01,169 on a movie screen ♪ 1994 01:13:01,169 --> 01:13:03,630 ♪ Every little nest 1995 01:13:01,169 --> 01:13:03,630 needs a bird ♪ 1996 01:13:03,630 --> 01:13:05,632 ♪ Pop goes the world ♪ 1997 01:13:34,202 --> 01:13:37,664 ♪ One, two, three 1998 01:13:34,202 --> 01:13:37,664 and four is five ♪ 1999 01:13:37,664 --> 01:13:40,541 ♪ Everybody here is 2000 01:13:37,664 --> 01:13:40,541 a friend of mine ♪ 2001 01:13:40,541 --> 01:13:43,128 ♪ Whatever happened 2002 01:13:40,541 --> 01:13:43,128 to the Duke of Earl? ♪ 2003 01:13:43,128 --> 01:13:45,088 ♪ Pop goes the world ♪ 2004 01:13:47,507 --> 01:13:50,844 ♪ Six, seven, eight 2005 01:13:47,507 --> 01:13:50,844 and nine is ten ♪ 2006 01:13:50,844 --> 01:13:53,888 ♪ Send Al Gunn 2007 01:13:50,844 --> 01:13:53,888 to see the Doctor Ben ♪ 2008 01:13:53,888 --> 01:13:56,266 -♪ Say what planet are we on? ♪ 2009 01:13:53,888 --> 01:13:56,266 -♪ The third! ♪ 2010 01:13:56,266 --> 01:13:57,976 ♪ Pop goes the world ♪ 2011 01:14:00,687 --> 01:14:03,357 ♪ And every time I wonder ♪ 2012 01:14:03,357 --> 01:14:06,526 ♪ Where the world went wrong ♪ 2013 01:14:06,526 --> 01:14:10,864 ♪ End up lying on my face 2014 01:14:06,526 --> 01:14:10,864 going ringy-dingy-ding-dong ♪ 2015 01:14:13,700 --> 01:14:16,703 ♪ And every time I wonder ♪ 2016 01:14:16,703 --> 01:14:19,956 ♪ If the world is right ♪ 2017 01:14:19,956 --> 01:14:23,960 ♪ End up in some disco 2018 01:14:19,956 --> 01:14:23,960 dancing all night ♪ 2019 01:14:27,088 --> 01:14:30,091 ♪ Johnny played guitar 2020 01:14:27,088 --> 01:14:30,091 Jenny played bass ♪ 2021 01:14:30,091 --> 01:14:33,053 ♪ Name of the band 2022 01:14:30,091 --> 01:14:33,053 is The Human Race ♪ 2023 01:14:33,053 --> 01:14:35,680 ♪ Everybody tell me 2024 01:14:33,053 --> 01:14:35,680 have you heard? ♪ 2025 01:14:35,680 --> 01:14:40,268 -♪ Pop goes the world ♪ 2026 01:14:35,680 --> 01:14:40,268 -♪ Pop goes the world ♪ 2027 01:14:40,268 --> 01:14:43,521 ♪ Johnny played guitar 2028 01:14:40,268 --> 01:14:43,521 Jenny played bass ♪ 2029 01:14:43,521 --> 01:14:46,482 ♪ Ain't nobody 2030 01:14:43,521 --> 01:14:46,482 couldn't take their place ♪ 2031 01:14:46,482 --> 01:14:48,818 ♪ Everybody tell me 2032 01:14:46,482 --> 01:14:48,818 have you heard? ♪ 2033 01:14:48,818 --> 01:14:52,113 -♪ Pop goes the world ♪ 2034 01:14:48,818 --> 01:14:52,113 -♪ Pop goes the world ♪ 2035 01:14:52,113 --> 01:14:55,409 -♪ Pop goes the world ♪ 2036 01:14:52,113 --> 01:14:55,409 -♪ Pop goes the world ♪ 2037 01:14:55,409 --> 01:14:57,702 ♪ Pop goes the world ♪